
【創作大賞2024エッセイ部門】【英語】【女子高生エッセイ】⓫『実は鬱で入院していた話👧🏻』High School Girl Essay "The Story of Being Hospitalized for Depression👧🏻" Koro&Arumi #イラスト #AIart #JKエッセイ


I'm Koro Usamimi (Koro-chan),
a collaborator on the English translation & illustration
of the “High School Girls' Essay”
by Arumi/an active JK writer 🐰💕

【創作大賞2024エッセイ部門】【英語】【女子高生エッセイ】⓫『実は鬱で入院していた話👧🏻』High School Girl Essay "The Story of Being Hospitalized for Depression👧🏻" Koro&Arumi <a target=#イラスト #AIart #JKエッセイ " width="620" height="620">
【創作大賞2024エッセイ部門】【英語】【女子高生エッセイ】⓫『実は鬱で入院していた話👧🏻』High School Girl Essay "The Story of Being Hospitalized for Depression👧🏻" Koro&Arumi #イラスト #AIart #JKエッセイ

It's 💖 sparkling announcement time💖


I've started a new series of novels called "You are My Andromeda" ✨

Inspired by the original "Summer Dream (Kanon),"
I'm going to paint a shiny new constellation in the hearts of all my readers 🌌

The audio version is available on Staef 🎵Please listen to it...................

Summer Dream (Kanon) x You are my Andromeda

【女子高生エッセイ】『実は鬱で入院していた話👧🏻』|あるみ/現役JK作家🐳 (note.com)

Koroちゃん #イラスト

コロちゃん #漫画 #ブログ


創作大賞2024 エッセイ部門の応募作リスト👇


Now, please enjoy the English translation of the “High School Girl Essay” (11),
written from a high school girl's point of view♪

Girls' High School Essay x English Learning Collaborative Magazine🔗



High School Girl Essay
"The Story of Being Hospitalized for Depression👧🏻"


This may suddenly seem like a heavy topic, but I will write about my hospitalization experience. You can look at it with ease. I am now able to digest all the painful stories.

There are many people with illnesses on this platform called NOTE. I would like to write about my own experience of hospitalization so that I can cheer up such people as much as possible.

入院のきっかけ:Reason for hospitalization 【創作大賞2024エッセイ部門】【英語】【女子高生エッセイ】⑪『実は鬱で入院していた話👧🏻』High School Girl Essay "The Story of Being Hospitalized for Depression👧🏻" Koro&Arumi <a target=#イラスト #AIart #JKエッセイ " width="620" height="620">
入院のきっかけ:Reason for hospitalization
【創作大賞2024エッセイ部門】【英語】【女子高生エッセイ】⑪『実は鬱で入院していた話👧🏻』High School Girl Essay "The Story of Being Hospitalized for Depression👧🏻" Koro&Arumi
#イラスト #AIart #JKエッセイ

I was fit with a mental illness. My illness started with somatoform disorder, which spread to depression (with a bit of mania), adjustment disorder, and sleep disorder.

I was a member of the student council in my second year of high school, but I was bullied by a teacher and lost the strength in my arms and legs for a while. I was unable to go to school and could hardly open a plastic bottle by myself.

He continued to go to a psychiatrist, but the state in which he stayed at home and kept thinking, "I can't go to school today," became difficult, and he became suicidal. So, they decided to create an environment where he would not be forced to go to school in the form of hospitalization, and he was hospitalized.

入院生活:Hospitalization 【創作大賞2024エッセイ部門】【英語】【女子高生エッセイ】⑪『実は鬱で入院していた話👧🏻』High School Girl Essay "The Story of Being Hospitalized for Depression👧🏻" Koro&Arumi <a target=#イラスト #AIart #JKエッセイ " width="620" height="620">
【創作大賞2024エッセイ部門】【英語】【女子高生エッセイ】⑪『実は鬱で入院していた話👧🏻』High School Girl Essay "The Story of Being Hospitalized for Depression👧🏻" Koro&Arumi
#イラスト #AIart #JKエッセイ

The length of the hospital stay was about 4 months. A period that is neither long nor short.

As a depressed patient, I went into the depression ward. It was so quiet because all the patients were depressed that if you heard someone talking, you knew it was a nurse.

I spent most of the day in a spacious private room watching youtube and TV.

She was unable to get up in the morning or eat food, and the nurses looked at her as if she were a poor child even though she was in high school.

I know it sounds like paranoia, but in fact, when the nurse came to my private room to record my daily condition, I knew painfully that she must have felt that way inside, because she said things like "even though he is a high school student" and "even though he still has a long future ahead of him".

The hardest part about being depressed is that I can't get up the energy. It is nice to think about taking a daily diary, but I end up not feeling like writing, and even if I get my parents to buy me a book to read, my hand stops after reading two pages.

I lost my energy for everything I used to love to do. What I had always disliked to begin with, I disliked even more. Even bringing food to my mouth and chewing became a chore, and every day I thought that if I could just roll over and live all day, I'd be happy to stay like this.

In the midst of all this, there was a nurse who would enter my private room and warn me. Her name was Nishimura-san, and she was usually kind, but warned me not to live properly.

Every day must begin with the opening of the curtains, and without food, we lose the will to live.

I was repeatedly offended by things that were obvious. At first I thought, "What is he talking about? But as time went by, I realized that I was not doing what Nishimura-san said.

Why was I frustrated at first? I really don't know. I don't feel like it was a symptom of depression or that I should blame it on my illness. It was my fault. I'm sorry, Nishimura-san.

Depression is a brain disease." They say, 'Depression is a brain disease. Of course they are right, and there is no denying it. I have been protected by those words, but at the same time I have been hurt.

I was initially hurt when I was told I had a brain disease. What? I have a brain disease? I was so surprised. I was so surprised. Even though I am still in high school? I thought. That made me helplessly sad.

Back to the story. Two months after my hospitalization, I was able to eat food and take a bath. My physical condition started to improve a little.

Around that time, why can't I go to school now, right? Can I go? I began to feel that I could go to school.

From there, I told my doctor many times that I wanted to go to school. Every time I saw him at the doctor's office, every time I met him in the hallway, I told him over and over again. But the only response I got was, "No, not yet. But he would only reply, "No, not yet.

At that time, I wanted to go home as soon as possible and escape from the hospital.

入院生活:Hospitalization 【創作大賞2024エッセイ部門】【英語】【女子高生エッセイ】⑪『実は鬱で入院していた話👧🏻』High School Girl Essay "The Story of Being Hospitalized for Depression👧🏻" Koro&Arumi <a target=#イラスト #AIart #JKエッセイ " width="620" height="620">
【創作大賞2024エッセイ部門】【英語】【女子高生エッセイ】⑪『実は鬱で入院していた話👧🏻』High School Girl Essay "The Story of Being Hospitalized for Depression👧🏻" Koro&Arumi
#イラスト #AIart #JKエッセイ

Perhaps because he kept saying he wanted to go to school like that, he was moved to a different ward. Originally, I was in the main building, but I was moved to the "closed ward" in the west wing, where only children under the age of 18 are allowed.

A closed ward is a place where life is mostly restricted, specifically no cell phones, no going out, and almost no bringing things in. Simply put, it is a place to take away all methods of suicide from those who have had suicidal thoughts.

That's when I was suddenly moved. I was told of the move that morning. I thought it was a death sentence.

So I moved on, and what I saw spread out was a completely different scene than what I had seen before. I looked to my left and saw a group of kids I didn't know running around yelling and screaming, and to my right a group of girls giggling at me.

I couldn't stand the change of environment, and I wailed as they entered my room and took away most of my belongings. I had cried many times since I became depressed and started being hospitalized, but that day was exceptional; I cried for about 12 hours.

As expected, the psychologists were concerned and came to check the room, but that made it many times harder for me.

Stop it, don't come into my life.

They opened the wrong room, or knocked on my door jokingly, and really, if it were me now, I'd hit them. (Although I shouldn't hit him.)

So, for about two weeks, until I got used to it, I spent a lot of time with the room in total darkness. Also, the early days of hospitalization were repeated.

It seems that my parents overheard this and asked that only my doctor remain the same, and that was the only thing that did not change. On the contrary, everything else changed.

The bath could not be taken by one person and had to be shared. The rice was small, but the menu had been changed to one for children and was sweetly seasoned.

It was a girl who helped me get used to living there. I had to go from my room to the bathroom and to get food every day. As I was walking to the bathroom with a melancholy feeling as usual, a girl with blond hair that was slightly black at the roots talked to me.

入院生活:Hospitalization 【創作大賞2024エッセイ部門】【英語】【女子高生エッセイ】⑪『実は鬱で入院していた話👧🏻』High School Girl Essay "The Story of Being Hospitalized for Depression👧🏻" Koro&Arumi <a target=#イラスト #AIart #JKエッセイ " width="620" height="620">
【創作大賞2024エッセイ部門】【英語】【女子高生エッセイ】⑪『実は鬱で入院していた話👧🏻』High School Girl Essay "The Story of Being Hospitalized for Depression👧🏻" Koro&Arumi
#イラスト #AIart #JKエッセイ

Rio-chan. She always said good morning to me with a friendly smile! She always said good morning to me with a friendly smile. At first, I didn't want to join the group of scary girls, so I took one look at her and immediately went back to my room.

But one day I heard it. Where she was telling that group that I was the prettiest girl in this ward.

I did not mishear. I really said it.

I was too easy. I was too much. From that day on, whenever they greeted me, we talked about the day's occupational therapy, etc. We painted with paints, read, stretched, and had a surprisingly good time.

My favorite of all was Sudoku. There was a time when I used to love Sudoku and solved a lot of Sudoku puzzles, so there was no such thing as an unsolvable problem at the hospital level, it was boring.

But one day, Rio-chan asked me to teach her how to solve it! and that's when I started talking to her every day, so she became my favorite.

Then, thanks to Rio-chan, who had a wide face, I was able to talk to the other girls a little more, and I thought I wasn't that scary. I can't say I wasn't scared at all, though, because there were a lot of groups and some of them were very bachi-bachi.

Since then, we have talked about many things, and the more we talked about love, friendships, school places, etc., the closer we became.

Then, about a month later, I will never forget Rio-chan's sad face when I told her I might leave the hospital.

The day we packed up our belongings, completed the discharge procedures, and left the hospital, Rio-chan was away for a medical checkup and workload, so we ended up saying good-bye without saying anything at the end.

And so ends my long and seemingly short hospital stay.


#創作大賞2024 #エッセイ部門
#女子高生エッセイ 『実は鬱で入院していた話👧🏻』
エピソード11話 #JKエッセイ
#Creative Award 2024 #Essay category
#Highschoolgirl essay “The Story of Being Hospitalized for Depression 👧🏻"
Episode 11 #JK Essay



Co-magazine of “Essays on High School Girls” ↓

Original article is here↓

For those who want to read it again↓
