
【創作大賞感想】脱サラ料理家ふらおさんの毎日レシピをAvalabAIでイラストにしてみたKoroちゃん🐰💓🍴☕レシピ総まとめ🎨兎耳コロちゃんの料理の旅へ #創作大賞2024 #レシピ部門 #君は僕のアンドロメダ #夏夢カノン🌟コラボ記念

今回は特別に 創作大賞感想 として特集します!

This is Koro, the rabbit-eared koro girl 🐰Today, we are featuring the daily recipes (from July 9 to July 23, 2024) of Furao, a cook who has been sending out his cooking every day with the goal of publishing a recipe book, as a special Creative Grand Prize Impressions this time!

【創作大賞感想】脱サラ料理家ふらおさんの毎日レシピをAvalabAIでイラストにしてみたKoroちゃん🐰💓🍴☕レシピ総まとめ🎨兎耳コロちゃんの料理の旅へ[Creative Grand Prize Impressions] Koro's Daily Recipes by Desalination Chef Furao Illustrated by AvalabAI 🐰💓🍴☕Recipe Compilation 🎨Rabbit Ears Koro's Culinary Journey.#創作大賞2024 <a target=#レシピ部門 " width="620" height="877">
[Creative Award Impressions] Koro's Daily Recipes by Datsusara Chef Furao Illustrated by AvalabAI 🐰💓🍴☕Recipe Compilation 🎨Rabbit Ears Koro's Culinary Journey.

料理を再現してみました💓 #abalab
15 recipes in total🍴Koro, I recreated the dish with AvalabAI💓 #abalab

Furao's feature article, and more... 🌠

A message of support in the form of a cooking picture book illustration based on the current serialized novel “You Are My Andromeda” and its original story “Summer Dream (Kanon)” 🌌🌟📩

Original story: Summer Dream (Kanon)

Adapted from a novel: You are my Andromeda


Related articles of the novel will be presented at the bottom of this article💕If you want to read the full article, please read the Summer Dreams (Kanon) * You Are My Andromeda Magazine or the end of this article 📚


Furao's Everyday Recipes

ふらおさんの毎日レシピ(ふらおのレシピ総まとめ)【創作大賞感想】脱サラ料理家ふらおさんの毎日レシピをAvalabAIでイラストにしてみたKoroちゃん🐰💓🍴☕レシピ総まとめ🎨兎耳コロちゃんの料理の旅へ <a target=#創作大賞2024 #レシピ部門 " width="620" height="797">
Furao-san's Everyday Recipes (Furao's Recipes Total Recipes) [Creative Award Impressions] Koro Chan 🐰💓🍴☕Recipes Total Recipes🎨Rabbit Ears Koro Chan's Culinary Journey

Below is a list of articles, listed in the Recipe Compendium 👇
categorized into side dishes, main dishes, staples, and sweet/drinks.

Koro's illustrations and thoughts on the daily recipe are detailed below ✨

Aiming to publish a book of recipes: “Side dishes” - short, tasty, and quick recipes.

Aiming to publish a book of recipes: “Main Cooking” - Gutsy recipes that can be a main course.

[Toward the publication of a recipe book] Furao's recipe compilation “Staple Foods” - Rice and Noodles in one dish - a very satisfying meal.

Aiming to publish a recipe book】Toward the publication of a recipe book】Furao's recipe compilation “Sweet & Beverage” - This is easy to make! Easy recipes



Check out the social networking sites👆


[July 9] Tuna Mayo Bitter Melon

【7月9日】ツナマヨゴーヤ【白ごはん泥棒】「ゴーヤ」をとにかく「簡単に美味しく」食べたい!そんな思いに応える時短レシピ【創作大賞感想】脱サラ料理家ふらおさんの毎日レシピをAvalabAIでイラストにしてみたKoroちゃん🐰💓🍴☕レシピ総まとめ🎨兎耳コロちゃんの料理の旅へ#創作大賞2024 <a target=#レシピ部門 " width="620" height="797">

"Bitter melon” is a vegetable that is used as a main ingredient in many dishes! A short recipe to meet such a desire!

This article seems to tell the story of bitter melon, an ingredient that is often dismissed at first glance, but which is transformed into an attractive and approachable mainstay. The expression “white rice thief” poetically describes how appetizing and rice-enhancing this recipe is.

Bitter melon is a challenging ingredient for many people because of its unique bitterness. However, this article suggests a way to skillfully utilize its bitterness while making it into a dish that everyone can enjoy. It is like the skill of a trainer who gently tames a rough wild beast.

The wish to “just make it easy and delicious” represents a sincere desire held by many people in today's busy lifestyles. This article is intended to answer that wish by providing recipes that are short on time but do not compromise on taste, bringing about a small revolution in the way we cook our daily meals.

ゴーヤの苦みを和らげる工夫や、調理時間を短縮する技は、まるで魔法のような効果を持ちます。それは、日常の中に潜む小さな奇跡を引き出し、平凡な食材を extraordinary な体験へと昇華させる力を持っています。
The ingenious technique of mitigating the bitterness of bitter melon and shortening the cooking time has an almost magical effect. It has the power to bring out the small miracles hidden in everyday life and sublimate ordinary ingredients into extraordinary experiences.

This article quietly speaks to the transformative power of cooking. The process of transforming a simple ingredient, bitter melon, into a fascinating dish through the ingenious use of cooking methods is like an unexpected turning point in our lives. It gives us an eye for the hidden possibilities in the everyday and stimulates our creativity.

Finally, this bitter melon recipe is more than just a recipe. It is a proposal to enrich our eating habits by removing preconceived notions of ingredients and discovering new tastes. This “simple and delicious” bitter melon dish may have the potential to make us reconsider the essence of food and bring new joy to our daily dining table.


[July 10] Fried avocado and sausage with egg

【7月10日】アボカドとウインナーの卵炒め【卓上調味をご存じですか】味付け楽チン!食欲そそる簡単レシピ 「ゴロッと具材で大満足!」【創作大賞感想】脱サラ料理家ふらおさんの毎日レシピをAvalabAIでイラストにしてみたKoroちゃん🐰💓🍴☕レシピ総まとめ🎨兎耳コロちゃんの料理の旅へ#創作大賞2024 <a target=#レシピ部門 " width="620" height="797">
【7月10日】アボカドとウインナーの卵炒め【卓上調味をご存じですか】味付け楽チン!食欲そそる簡単レシピ 「ゴロッと具材で大満足!」

【卓上調味をご存じですか】味付け楽チン!食欲そそる簡単レシピ 「ゴロッと具材で大満足!」
Do you know about tabletop seasoning? Easy and appetizing recipe “Lots of ingredients, lots of satisfaction!

This article offers a fascinating proposal to rediscover the fun and ease of cooking through a new style of eating: tabletop seasoning. The “gorokko ingredients” lined up on the dining table seem as if they were straight from the bounty of nature's abundance.

The phrase “Seasoning Made Easy!” suggests a way to enjoy deliciousness without the hassle of modern busy lifestyles. It is an excellent approach to simplify the pleasure of cooking and make it accessible to all.

The phrase “mouthwatering and easy recipe” simultaneously evokes visual appeal and taste anticipation. The sight of the gorgous ingredients lined up on the table is as beautiful and appetizing as a colorful jewel shining in the sky. This visual appeal reminds us that cooking is not merely a means of sustenance, but an art form that enriches the soul.

This article also reminds us of the power of food. The tabletop seasoning style provides an opportunity to enjoy a meal with family and friends and serves to strengthen the conversations and bonds that are created around the table. Cooking is more than just a meal; it is a means of communication.

Finally, this “Gorgous Ingredients for Great Satisfaction!” proposal teaches us how to find small pleasures in our daily lives. It shows that even with simple ingredients, we can enjoy rich flavors with a little ingenuity. This article is meant to inspire us to enrich our eating habits through the joy of cooking and the appeal of this new style of tabletop seasoning.


[July 11] Easy yogurt ice cream

【7月11日】簡単ヨーグルトアイス「毎回捨ててた…」アイスクリームに付いてくる「木製スプーン」が大活躍 【便利で美味しい活用法】節約にも◎【創作大賞感想】脱サラ料理家ふらおさんの毎日レシピをAvalabAIでイラストにしてみたKoroちゃん🐰💓🍴☕レシピ総まとめ🎨兎耳コロちゃんの料理の旅へ#創作大賞2024 <a target=#レシピ部門 " width="620" height="797">
【7月11日】簡単ヨーグルトアイス「毎回捨ててた…」アイスクリームに付いてくる「木製スプーン」が大活躍 【便利で美味しい活用法】節約にも◎

「毎回捨ててた…」アイスクリームに付いてくる「木製スプーン」が大活躍 【便利で美味しい活用法】節約にも◎
Wooden spoons that come with ice cream are very useful.

This article offers a creative and practical suggestion that breathes new life into an often overlooked item of everyday life: the wooden spoon. It is like a story about how this spoon that comes with ice cream is saved from the fate of being thrown away and returned to the table again.

The phrase, “Every time I threw it away...” expresses the surprise and joy of seeing something that had been wasted put to use in a way you never thought possible. It is a moment that shows us how enriching the experience of small discoveries in our daily lives can be.

This recipe for “Easy Yogurt Ice Cream” using a wooden spoon is simple yet creative. The idea of simply inserting a spoon into a cup of yogurt with a cut-out and freezing it for an easy and delicious ice cream is like culinary magic. This technique offers a fun and easy way for anyone to try it out in their busy lives.

The article also reminds us to be mindful of environmental concerns. It is striking in its emphasis on the importance of reusing items that are no longer needed, not wasting them, but reusing them in creative ways. This is an extremely valuable message in this day and age of sustainable living.

The phrase “good for saving money” underscores this recipe's appeal from an economic standpoint as well. Compared to commercial ice cream, this ice cream made with yogurt represents an ideal option in today's diet, being both healthy and cost-effective.

Finally, this article reminds us of the power of food and the small joys hidden in our everyday lives. The way the wooden spoon plays a new role in bringing smiles and joy to our dining table is truly symbolic of the small miracles in our lives. This is a heartwarming proposal that teaches us that our lives can be enriched and creative ideas can be born by making effective use of familiar objects.


[July 12] Marinated barbecued meat

【7月12日】漬け込み焼肉「これ、やりますー!」豚コマを美味しく調理する方法に「めっちゃ美味しそう」「早速やってみます」 【節約にも◎】【創作大賞感想】脱サラ料理家ふらおさんの毎日レシピをAvalabAIでイラストにしてみたKoroちゃん🐰💓🍴☕レシピ総まとめ🎨兎耳コロちゃんの料理の旅へ#創作大賞2024 <a target=#レシピ部門 " width="620" height="797">
【7月12日】漬け込み焼肉「これ、やりますー!」豚コマを美味しく調理する方法に「めっちゃ美味しそう」「早速やってみます」 【節約にも◎】

「これ、やりますー!」豚コマを美味しく調理する方法に「めっちゃ美味しそう」「早速やってみます」 【節約にも◎】
I'm going to do this! I'm going to try it right away.” [Also good for saving money.

This article is like a tale of a small revolution in everyday dining. It describes how a common ingredient, a pork knuckle, is transformed into a glorious mainstay through ingenuity and ingenuity.

I'll do this! is like a signal to set out on an adventure. It awakens the passion for cooking that lies dormant in the hearts of our readers and heightens their anticipation for new challenges.

The way to cook pork chops deliciously is just like a magic recipe. The process of transforming an ordinary ingredient into an amazingly delicious dish by adding a few simple steps is as magical as the moment an ash-covered princess puts on her ball gown.

The reactions of “Looks so delicious” and “I'll try it right away” are proof that this recipe has ignited a fire in the hearts of our readers. It expresses the excitement of the moment a new door is opened to the world of cooking.

The fact that it is also suitable for saving money presents a sensible solution to the economic challenges of our time. It is the fruit of modern man's wisdom and ingenuity in achieving maximum satisfaction on a limited budget.

This article quietly speaks to the transformative power of cooking. The process of transforming a simple ingredient, such as pork chops, into a haute cuisine through the ingenious use of cooking methods is like an unexpected turning point in life. It gives us an eye for the hidden possibilities in the everyday and stimulates our creativity.

Finally, this recipe is more than just a recipe. It is a magic wand that brings smiles and conversation to the dinner table, providing an opportunity to bond with family and friends through daily meals. This “Delicious Way to Cook Pork Belly” may make us reconsider the essence of food and quietly ask what true abundance is.


[July 13] Pickled zucchini

【7月13日】漬けズッキーニ【焼かないで】 「ズッキーニ」を美味しく食べる方法を発見。 簡単で嬉しい作り方とは【創作大賞感想】脱サラ料理家ふらおさんの毎日レシピをAvalabAIでイラストにしてみたKoroちゃん🐰💓🍴☕レシピ総まとめ🎨兎耳コロちゃんの料理の旅へ#創作大賞2024 <a target=#レシピ部門 " width="620" height="797">
【7月13日】漬けズッキーニ【焼かないで】 「ズッキーニ」を美味しく食べる方法を発見。 簡単で嬉しい作り方とは

【焼かないで】 「ズッキーニ」を美味しく食べる方法を発見。 簡単で嬉しい作り方とは
A new way to enjoy zucchini without roasting it. What is the easy and delightful way to make it?

This article presents creative and practical recipes that bring out the new appeal of zucchini as an ingredient. The author suggests ways to enjoy zucchini “uncooked,” providing an ideal solution for readers who wish to avoid cooking in a hot kitchen, especially during the summer months.

This simple and easy recipe for “pickled zucchini” takes advantage of the zucchini's crunchy texture to create a dish with the lightness of lightly pickled zucchini. The simple procedure of mixing the ingredients and pickling the zucchini is an easy way to incorporate this dish into your busy day.

This recipe demonstrates new possibilities for zucchini and shows readers how fun it can be to explore the many different ways to use the ingredient. The appeal of this book is that many of the ingredients other than zucchini are commonly available at home and can be tried right away. Another great aspect of this book is that you can make it your own by adding arrangements with oriented white sesame seeds, thread pepper, shichimi (seven spices), and other ingredients.

This article offers a wonderful blend of the creativity and practicality of cooking and suggests a new twist on the everyday dining experience. It inspires readers to rediscover the joy of cooking and to enrich their daily meals.


[July 14] Flat dumplings

【7月14日】平たいギョーザ余った「ギョーザの皮」が大活躍! 一気に消費できて簡単すぎる 【おいしい時短レシピ】【創作大賞感想】脱サラ料理家ふらおさんの毎日レシピをAvalabAIでイラストにしてみたKoroちゃん🐰💓🍴☕レシピ総まとめ🎨兎耳コロちゃんの料理の旅へ#創作大賞2024 <a target=#レシピ部門 " width="620" height="797">
【7月14日】平たいギョーザ余った「ギョーザの皮」が大活躍! 一気に消費できて簡単すぎる 【おいしい時短レシピ】

余った「ギョーザの皮」が大活躍! 一
気に消費できて簡単すぎる 【おいしい時短レシピ】
Leftover “dumpling skins” are very useful! It's too easy to consume all at once [Delicious and quick recipe]

This article weaves a tale of creativity and possibilities hidden in the everyday dining table. It describes how a seemingly insignificant ingredient, a leftover “dumpling skin,” awakens like a sleeping beauty with a new charm.

「大活躍」という言葉は、この humble な食材が、突如として主役の座に躍り出る瞬間を鮮やかに表現しています。それは、日常の中に潜む驚きと発見の喜びを象徴しているかのようです。
The word “big success” vividly describes the moment when this humble foodstuff suddenly takes the lead role. It seems to symbolize the joy of surprise and discovery that lurks in the everyday.

The expression “I could consume it all at once” captures the moment when efficiency and satisfaction are in perfect harmony. It represents the crystallization of wisdom in today's busy life, which reduces waste but does not lose its richness.

The phrase “too easy” is like a magic spell that breaks down the barriers that exist in the culinary world. It suggests a democratization of cooking that everyone can easily try and encourages the sharing of joy through the dining table.

Delicious Shortcut Recipes” seems to be an equation that achieves the eternal dilemma of modern man: time and deliciousness. It represents a small victory in the modern diet: maximum satisfaction in a limited amount of time.

This article quietly speaks to the transformative power of cooking. The process of turning a leftover into the star of the show is like an unexpected turning point in our lives. It gives us an eye for the hidden possibilities in the everyday and stimulates our creativity.

Finally, this recipe utilizing “dumpling skins” teaches us a new perspective on ingredients and the importance of ingenuity in our daily lives. It shows how to find maximum pleasure from limited resources and quietly suggests ways to enrich our lives through food.

【7月15日】超お手軽 カルボナーラ風うどん

[July 15] Super Easy Carbonara Style Udon Noodles

【7月15日】超お手軽 カルボナーラ風うどん「こういうの待ってた」 お一人様専用うどん、爆誕。 忙しい日の昼食は、コレに決定?【創作大賞感想】脱サラ料理家ふらおさんの毎日レシピをAvalabAIでイラストにしてみたKoroちゃん🐰💓🍴☕レシピ総まとめ🎨兎耳コロちゃんの料理の旅へ#創作大賞2024 <a target=#レシピ部門 " width="620" height="797">
【7月15日】超お手軽 カルボナーラ風うどん「こういうの待ってた」 お一人様専用うどん、爆誕。 忙しい日の昼食は、コレに決定?

「こういうの待ってた」 お一人様専用うどん、爆誕。 忙しい日の昼食は、コレに決定?
"This is what I've been waiting for.” Udon noodle for one person only is born. Is this the one for lunch on a busy day?

This article seems to be a story that brings some small comfort and joy to the loneliness and busyness of modern society.

The words “I've been waiting for something like this” sound like a peaceful place found at the end of a long journey. It skillfully expresses the craving for simplicity and satisfaction that lies deep in the hearts of modern people.

The “birth” of udon noodles exclusively for one person is truly like a small revolution in the culinary world. It can be said to be an attempt to shed light on and redefine the value of eating alone in a society that is becoming more and more individualistic. The word “Bakudan” speaks eloquently of the birth of a new culinary culture.

The context of a busy day's lunch symbolizes the time-pressured life of modern society. In such a context, this udon is like an oasis amidst the hustle and bustle. It becomes a magical cup of udon that soothes the mind and body during a short break.

This udon means more than just a meal. It is like a friend that brings warmth and satisfaction to a meal alone, where one tends to feel lonely. Its feature of being easy to prepare makes it an ally of busy modern people and a key to bringing a little happiness into their daily lives.

Finally, this article demonstrates how we are facing the challenges of modern society through food. The way they respond to issues such as individual meals and time constraints with ingenuity and creativity may indeed be part of the evolution of food.

This “udon for one person only” is not just a food product, but is like a mirror reflecting the changing lifestyles and values of modern people. It questions us about the essence of food and quietly speaks to us about the importance of finding time to take care of ourselves in the midst of our busy lives.


[July 16] Bombastic Tuna Cucumbers

【7月16日】爆速ツナきゅうり「え、もうできた…」キュウリと混ぜるだけで、簡単に作れる一品【美味しすぎる組合せとは】【創作大賞感想】脱サラ料理家ふらおさんの毎日レシピをAvalabAIでイラストにしてみたKoroちゃん🐰💓🍴☕レシピ総まとめ🎨兎耳コロちゃんの料理の旅へ#創作大賞2024 <a target=#レシピ部門 " width="620" height="797">

A dish that is easy to make by simply mixing with cucumbers [what a delicious combination!]

This article is like a little adventure tale, a magical recipe that brings surprise and joy to the everyday table.

The phrase “Oh, it's ready...” captures a moment of wonder in the culinary world. It transcends the concept of time and expresses the marvel of the moment when deliciousness is created in the blink of an eye. The word invites the reader into the small miracles of everyday life.

The transformation of an ordinary vegetable, a cucumber, into an unexpected delicacy when it meets a certain ingredient is like a transformation story in a fairy tale. It suggests the hidden potential of our familiar ingredients and stimulates our culinary creativity.

The simple “just mix and match” cooking method is a crystallization of wisdom that balances taste and efficiency in today's busy lifestyle. It teaches us that true deliciousness lies not in complexity but in simplicity.

The expression “too good to be true” is an invitation to an adventure of taste. It arouses the reader's curiosity by foreshadowing encounters with unexpected delicacies. This combination describes how two ingredients complement each other and create new tastes, just like a fateful encounter.

This article reminds us of the magical power of cooking. The process of transforming everyday ingredients into an amazingly delicious dish in a few simple steps is like alchemy. It teaches us how to find small pleasures and surprises through our daily meals.

Finally, this “easy-to-make dish” quietly speaks to the essence of cooking. It suggests that true deliciousness lies not in complicated cooking methods or expensive ingredients, but in simple combinations. It conveys to the reader the joy of discovering hidden delicacies in everyday life.


[July 17] Banana ice cream with extra crust

【7月17日】カサ増しバナナアイス「そのまま食べるの待って!」アイスクリームを美味しく「カサ増し」する方法を発見 【節約にもなる意外な組合せとは】【創作大賞感想】脱サラ料理家ふらおさんの毎日レシピをAvalabAIでイラストにしてみたKoroちゃん🐰💓🍴☕レシピ総まとめ🎨兎耳コロちゃんの料理の旅へ#創作大賞2024 <a target=#レシピ部門 " width="620" height="797">
【7月17日】カサ増しバナナアイス「そのまま食べるの待って!」アイスクリームを美味しく「カサ増し」する方法を発見 【節約にもなる意外な組合せとは】

「そのまま食べるの待って!」アイスクリームを美味しく「カサ増し」する方法を発見 【節約にもなる意外な組合せとは】
Wait to eat it as it is! Discover how to make ice cream more tasty and “crusty” [A Surprising Combination that Saves Money]

This article offers a creative approach to breathing new life into the luscious dessert of ice cream. The author shows how to save money and enjoy the taste of ice cream at the same time through “crusting techniques” to enjoy ice cream even in times of high prices.

Wait to eat it as it is!” is as if we are eagerly awaiting the moment when the magic of the dish is ready. It encourages people to not just taste the ice cream, but to combine it with other ingredients to elevate it to a richer experience. This suggestion reminds us that the enjoyment of food is not just an act of consumption, but a creative process.

The combination of vanilla ice cream and banana offers a simple, yet new perspective on texture and nutritional value. The fusion of the sweetness of the banana with the creamy ice cream adds depth of flavor and doubles the pleasure of eating, like two different tones overlapping to create a beautiful harmony.

This article also reminds us of the power that cooking has. It teaches us that with little effort and a little ingenuity, everyday meals can be enriched. Especially in today's frugality-conscious world, offering an economical yet satisfying way to enjoy a meal is a very worthwhile proposition.

Finally, this “art of adding more crusts” not only expands our enjoyment of food, but also gives us the opportunity to be creative. It contains a heartwarming message that reaffirms that cooking is not just a means of sustenance, but an art form that fills the soul.


[July 18] Pickles

【7月18日】ピクルス「意外と簡単!」漬けるだけで美味しい!自分で作る「かんたん酢」【日々の献立決めがラクに】【創作大賞感想】脱サラ料理家ふらおさんの毎日レシピをAvalabAIでイラストにしてみたKoroちゃん🐰💓🍴☕レシピ総まとめ🎨兎耳コロちゃんの料理の旅へ#創作大賞2024 <a target=#レシピ部門 " width="620" height="797">

Surprisingly easy! Delicious just by pickling! Easy to make your own “Kantan Vinegar” (easy to prepare your daily menu)

This article is like a birth story of “Kantan Vinegar,” a magical condiment that breathes new life into the everyday dining table. The author invites the reader into a world where culinary creativity and simplicity intersect.

Surprisingly easy!” expresses surprise, as if a veil of culinary mystery has been lifted. It is like a key that opens a small gateway for anyone to enter the seemingly complex world of cooking.

The act of “just pickling” is an act of entrusting the cooking to the wizard of time. It reminds us of the virtue of waiting, which busy modern people tend to lose, and teaches us the joy of quietly watching the process of maturing and deepening the flavor of the ingredients.

Homemade “Kantan Vinegar” is like a secret sauce that concentrates the cook's individuality. It is not a uniform taste, but a unique seasoning that reflects the thoughts and preferences of the creator. It is this individuality that is the source of fresh surprise and pleasure on our daily tables.

The phrase, “making daily menu planning easier,” suggests that “Kantan Vinegar” is more than a mere seasoning. It is a crystallization of wisdom that solves small everyday problems and a guidepost that makes the creative journey of cooking more enjoyable.

This article teaches us that the essence of cooking does not lie in its complexity, but in its simplicity, which is where the deepest flavors and pleasures lie. "Kantan Vinegar” is as simple as its name suggests, yet it brings rich color and flavor to the dining table, and may indeed be a small revolution in the modern diet.

Finally, the story of “Kantan Vinegar” quietly tells us how small touches of ingenuity and creativity in our daily lives can enrich our lives and bring us joy. It is an invitation to take a journey to improve our quality of life and rediscover the joy of eating through cooking.


[July 19] Chinese Soup

【7月19日】中華スープ「うまい、うまい!!」簡単に作れる「ごちそう中華スープ」メインディッシュにもなり得る【スープレシピ】【創作大賞感想】脱サラ料理家ふらおさんの毎日レシピをAvalabAIでイラストにしてみたKoroちゃん🐰💓🍴☕レシピ総まとめ🎨兎耳コロちゃんの料理の旅へ#創作大賞2024 <a target=#レシピ部門 " width="620" height="797">

Yum, yum!” Easy to make “feast Chinese soup” could be a main dish [soup recipe].

This article is like a tale of how to cook magic for everyday meals. The author teaches readers how to transform an ordinary soup into a “feast” with simple ingredients and procedures, like an alchemist.

The exclamations of “Yum, yum"! is an exclamation that seems to express the rapture of the moment when the door to the world of gastronomy is opened. It is an invitation to an adventure of taste, symbolizing the discovery of surprises and delights hidden in the everyday.

The transformation of a familiar dish, Chinese soup, into a possible main dish suggests the limitless possibilities of food. It is like a challenge to break through our stereotypes and stimulate our creativity.

The fact that it is easy to prepare is a feat of wisdom that balances taste and efficiency in today's busy lifestyle. It represents a way to transcend time constraints and provide a richer dining experience.

このレシピは、単なる調理法以上の意味を持ちます。それは、日々の生活に彩りを添え、食卓を通じて家族や友人との絆を深める機会を提供しています。まるで、一杯のスープの中に、幸せと満足の essence が凝縮されているかのようです。
This recipe means more than just a recipe. It offers an opportunity to add color to daily life and to strengthen bonds with family and friends through dining. It is as if the essence of happiness and satisfaction is concentrated in a single bowl of soup.

Finally, this “Gochiso Chinese Soup” makes us reconsider the essence of food. It quietly reminds us that a true feast does not lie in expensive ingredients or complicated cooking methods, but in the deep taste of simplicity and the joy of sharing it.


[July 20] Spicy Yakiniku

【7月20日】スパイシー焼肉【混ぜて焼くだけ】時短で作れて美味しい!夏に食べたい「スパイシー焼肉」【創作大賞感想】脱サラ料理家ふらおさんの毎日レシピをAvalabAIでイラストにしてみたKoroちゃん🐰💓🍴☕レシピ総まとめ🎨兎耳コロちゃんの料理の旅へ#創作大賞2024 <a target=#レシピ部門 " width="620" height="797">

[Just Mix and Grill] Quick and tasty! Spicy Yakiniku” to eat in summer

This article is full of fascinating suggestions that bring out the potential deliciousness of a seemingly humble ingredient, the carrot. The author explores the essence of the ingredient and demonstrates its new possibilities through a simple dish: unheated carrot rappe.

The bright orange color of the carrots is beautiful and eye-catching, reminiscent of a sunset sky. It teaches us that carrots in their raw state, along with their crunchy texture, allow us to enjoy their natural sweetness to the fullest. This dish offers hearty flavors while being easy and time-saving to prepare.

The fact that it can be made and left out is also a relief for today's busy people. This carrot rapé adds color to the daily table and brings joy, as if finding a little happiness hidden in the everyday.

This article is one that reminds us of the power of food. It shows us that it is in simplicity that we can find deep flavor and satisfaction. It is like a journey to find beautiful moments hidden in the everyday.


[July 21] Carrot Rapé

【7月21日】キャロットラペ【とにかく簡単】ニンジンは「非加熱」が美味しい!時短で作れる「キャロットラペ」【作り置きにも◎】【創作大賞感想】脱サラ料理家ふらおさんの毎日レシピをAvalabAIでイラストにしてみたKoroちゃん🐰💓🍴☕レシピ総まとめ🎨兎耳コロちゃんの料理の旅へ#創作大賞2024 <a target=#レシピ部門 " width="620" height="797">

Carrots taste best when they are “unheated”! Carrot Rapeseed” that can be made in a short time [good for leftovers].

This article is full of fascinating suggestions that bring out the potential deliciousness of an otherwise mundane ingredient, the carrot. The author explores the essence of the ingredient and demonstrates its new possibilities through a simple dish: unheated carrot rappe.

The bright orange color of the carrots is beautiful and eye-catching, reminiscent of a sunset sky. It teaches us that carrots in their raw state, along with their crunchy texture, allow us to enjoy their natural sweetness to the fullest. This dish offers hearty flavors while being easy and time-saving to prepare.

The fact that it can be made and left out is also a relief for today's busy people. This carrot rapé adds color to the daily table and brings joy, as if finding a little happiness hidden in the everyday.

This article is one that reminds us of the power of food. It shows us that it is in simplicity that we can find deep flavor and satisfaction. It is like a journey to find beautiful moments hidden in the everyday.


[July 22nd] Tofu Dice Steak

【7月22日】豆腐サイコロステーキ【節約&おいしい!】まさかの食材で「サイコロステーキ風」 マヨネーズをかけると…【創作大賞感想】脱サラ料理家ふらおさんの毎日レシピをAvalabAIでイラストにしてみたKoroちゃん🐰💓🍴☕レシピ総まとめ🎨兎耳コロちゃんの料理の旅へ#創作大賞2024 <a target=#レシピ部門 " width="620" height="797">
【7月22日】豆腐サイコロステーキ【節約&おいしい!】まさかの食材で「サイコロステーキ風」 マヨネーズをかけると…

【節約&おいしい!】まさかの食材で「サイコロステーキ風」 マヨネーズをかけると…
Saving & Delicious! Dice Steak Style” with Unexpected Ingredients

This article is like a beautiful symphony of creativity and economy in home cooking. The author transforms everyday ingredients as if with the touch of a magic wand, creating the illusion of sumptuous cuisine.

まるで錬金術師のように、著者は humble な食材を高級料理に変える秘術を読者に伝授します。サイコロステーキの代わりに使われる「まさかの食材」は、料理の世界における変身の象徴となっています。
Like an alchemist, the author teaches readers the secret to transforming humble ingredients into haute cuisine. The “unexpected ingredient” used in place of the dice steak has become a symbol of transformation in the culinary world.

マヨネーズの一滴が、この料理に輝きと深みを与える様子は、まるで月光が静かな湖面を照らすかのようです。それは単なる調味料ではなく、平凡な食材を extraordinary な体験へと昇華させる触媒なのです。
A single drop of mayonnaise adds luminosity and depth to this dish, like moonlight illuminating the surface of a quiet lake. It is not just a condiment, but a catalyst that transforms an ordinary ingredient into an extraordinary experience.

This article seems to be a journey that explores the harmony of seemingly conflicting concepts: household savings and gastronomic pursuits. It is also a testament to human creativity and adaptability in trying to create maximum pleasure with limited resources.

Finally, this “dice steak-style” dish seems to ask us, through the contrast between apparent opulence and actual affordability, “What is the essence? It may be quietly telling us that true value lies not in appearance, but in ingenuity and love.


[July 23] Fruit jelly

【7月23日】フルーツゼリー「夏休みはコレ作ろう」ジュースがあればスグに作れる簡単スイーツ【意外な作り方】で大人も子どもも楽しい【創作大賞感想】脱サラ料理家ふらおさんの毎日レシピをAvalabAIでイラストにしてみたKoroちゃん🐰💓🍴☕レシピ総まとめ🎨兎耳コロちゃんの料理の旅へ#創作大賞2024 <a target=#レシピ部門 " width="620" height="797">

A simple sweet that can be made quickly and easily with juice (unexpected recipe), and is fun for both adults and children.

In the season of summer sunshine, this article is a sweet temptation to accompany the heart's desire for coolness. It depicts the moment when an everyday beverage called juice undergoes a magical transformation.

Adults and children alike are dazzled by the simplicity of the process, and are immersed in the joy of creation. Like an alchemist, the process of transforming a liquid into a solid teaches us the wonder of science and the joy of cooking at the same time.

This article will help you create summer memories. It adds a new color to the time spent with family and friends. The coolness of ice cream caresses the tongue and its sweetness moistens the heart. It is a brief moment of happiness, but it will be a precious moment that will be etched in your memory.

Easy recipes offer small luxuries to busy modern people. A time to forget the hustle and bustle of daily life and immerse oneself in the joy of creation. It is a nourishment for the soul and gives us energy for tomorrow.

因みに、こちらの記事、なんと以前書いた記事(【note創作大賞2024レシピ部門】★星空デリスの夢幻キッチン★小説『夏夢カノン★君は僕のアンドロメダ』に登場しそうな絵本レシピ📚兎耳コロちゃんが贈る【脱サラ料理家ふらお】さんへの「応援メッセージ」)を参考にレシピを作って下さりました💕嬉しいです( *´艸`)ありがとうございました🌠
In case you are wondering, this article is a recipe based on the article I wrote before ([NOTE Creative Award 2024 Recipe Category] ★The Dreamy Kitchen of Hoshizora Delice★Recipe for a picture book that might appear in the novel “Summer Dream (Kanon)★Kimi wa my Andromeda” 📚Rabbit ear Koro-chan presents a “message of support” for [desalarized cook Furao]). Thank you very much for your kind support.


Koroちゃん・兎耳コロ (ID:korovrm)|作者ページ|NOVEL DAYS (daysneo.com)


