

『星彩キッチン物語★夏夢カノン&君は僕のアンドロメダの味覚奇譚編』Seisai Kitchen Story *Summer Dream (Kanon) &
You Are My Andromeda's Taste of Strange Tales, ed.

Step into the ethereal kitchen of Starry Delice, where celestial flavors
dance under the starlit sky. Let the dreamy ambiance and magical
dishes whisk you away on a celestial culinary journey.星空の下で天体の味が踊る、幻想的なキッチン「星空(スターリー)デリス」へ足を踏み入れてください。夢見心地の雰囲気と魔法のような料理が、あなたを天体の味覚の旅へと誘います。
Step into the ethereal kitchen of Starry Delice, where celestial flavors dance under the starlit sky. Let the dreamy ambiance and magical dishes whisk you away on a celestial culinary journey.

I am Usamimi Koro(Koro-chan Rabbit Ears)🐰💓🍴,
the leader of the support group for
"Datsusara(Leaving the office worker)"
chef Furao.

【note創作大賞2024レシピ部門】小説『夏夢カノン★君は僕のアンドロメダ』に登場しそうな絵本レシピ『星空デリスの夢幻キッチン』兎耳コロちゃんが贈る脱サラ料理家ふらおさんへのメッセージ[Note Creative Award 2024 Recipe Category] "Hoshizora Delisu no Yumegen Kitchen," a picture book recipe that might appear in the novel "Summer Dream (Kanon) *You Are My Andromeda," a message from rabbit-eared Koro-chan to the Datsusara chef , Furao-san.
[Note Creative Award 2024 Recipe Category]
"Hoshizora Delisu no Yumegen Kitchen,"
a picture book recipe that might appear in the novel
"Summer Dream (Kanon) *You Are My Andromeda,"
a message from rabbit-eared Koro-chan to the Datsusara chef , Furao-san.

Wish Upon a Star:The Magical Recipes of Furao, Datsusara chef🪄🍴

Like a star shining in the night sky, the dishes of the self-made chef, Furao, light up our hearts and minds. A former businessman who made a bold transition to a chef, he pours his dreams and magic into each dish he creates with his hands.

His activities are more than just cooking, they are works of art. With an adorable cheerleader named Usamimi Koro-chan, a rabbit-eared girl, by his side, Furao-san continues his daily quest for new flavors.

Furao's cooking contains the story of his life. His experience as a businessman and his approach to cooking efficiently and wholeheartedly with familiar ingredients has been a great inspiration to many people. His recipes are not just a meal, but a spice to enrich your life.

We wholeheartedly support the future endeavors of datsusara chef, Mr. Furao. His cuisine will continue to add a taste of happiness to our days and provide us with delicious moments that will remain in our memories. Together with Koro the rabbit-eared girl, Mr. Furao's culinary journey will continue. We wish him success with our wishes to the stars.

The best recipe of Furao's is this one 👇
You can tell just by looking at the picture that it looks delicious 📸💓

Furao's profile

Yahoo! News [Recipes and Cooking Hacks]

X(旧Twitter)【毎日レシピ】 https://x.com/furafurafufu
X (formerly Twitter) [Daily Recipes]

Instagram [Bakusoku(Super fast) recipes]

Stand.fm by Furao, a cook who has left his job.

Furao is a shining new star in the culinary world, having left his job at the age of 29 to pursue a career as a chef, a responsibility he also fulfills as a father of one, while continuing to provide us with delicious and convenient food.

As a Foodist Notebook ambassador and certified dietary advisor, Furao is a strong ally for those of us who are busy with easy and delicious Bakusoku(Super fast) recipes. His recipes have been featured in numerous media outlets, including Zip! (Nippon Television Holdings, Inc.), SmartNews, and macaroni, and his talent is widely recognized.

His dedication to posting one or two articles every day, and his daily recipes on Twitter, is a treasure for his followers. By following him, you will not only shorten your daily cooking time, but you will also naturally learn miscellaneous knowledge around the kitchen.

Furao's ultimate goal is to publish a recipe book. A book filled with his passion and talent will definitely add color to many kitchens. We are very excited to see what Mr. Furao has in store for us in the future 🌟🍴💓


Fusion of Cooking and Storytelling:Poetry of Taste Spun through Illustrations

君は僕のアンドロメダのようなキラキラ輝くお星さまのかき氷You are my Andromeda-like shaved ice with sparkling stars.
You are my Andromeda-like shaved ice with sparkling stars.

These illustrations are a feast of color and light, reflecting the fascination of Furao's cooking and the drama woven into the scenes of the novel. Each recipe is imbued with Furao's creativity and attention to detail, grabbing the viewer's heart and inviting them into the culinary world (story).

Stories Told by the Stars:The Creative Journey of Furao, Datsusara Chef

夏夢カノンのような虹色のかき氷Rainbow-colored shaved ice like Summer Dream (Kanon)
Rainbow-colored shaved ice like Summer Dream (Kanon)

With only one life to live, Mr. Furao bravely chose to quit his job to pursue his starry-eyed dream. His journey as a chef stimulates our imagination with a blend of vivid illustrations and recipes that look as if they came out of a novel or picture book.

This time we are specially featuring this talented chef, Mr. Furao. The dishes he creates are not just meals, but inspiring stories. His recipes are as beautiful to the eye and mind as the illustrations that adorn the pages of his novels. Each dish reflects the story of his life and inspires us.

Furao's cuisine is like an adventure unfolding under the stars. The world he creates is filled with love and passion, filling us with happiness 🌟🐰🍴💓


Passionate shout-out to Furao, a chef who left his job to become Datsusara chef.

My enthusiastic support for Mr. Furao and his creative brilliance 🌟

脱サラ料理家ふらおさんと同じ白いマグカップを持つ兎耳コロちゃん🐰💓🌌Koro-chan 🐰💓🌌 with rabbit ears holding the same white mug as Datsusara chef Furao.
Koro-chan 🐰💓🌌 with rabbit ears holding the same white mug as Datsusara chef Furao.

"You are my Andromeda" *"Summer Dream (Kanon)" and Koro-chan's culinary adventures unfold in a dreamy kitchen under a starry sky, a true miracle of taste. In the hands of Furao-san, everyday ingredients shine like stardust, and cooking is transformed into a cosmic poem. His talent goes beyond mere cooking to deeply touch our hearts 🌌🐰🍴💖

In this context, we are pleased to announce our nomination of Mr. Furao, a shining star in the now highly coveted NOTE Creative Award 2024 recipe category, as the winner and shed light on his creative activities. Mr. Furao's cooking goes beyond mere recipes, weaving a story that touches our hearts and minds. His passion makes us stop turning the pages of his serialized novel "You Are My Andromeda" and draws us into the world of the original story "Summer Dream (Kanon)".

This time, Usamimi Koro wanted to do something in the form of a culinary collaboration with Furao, so we took on the challenge of creating a recipe inspired by his current serialized novel and the story it is based on, in the form of an illustration🎨📸


The Dream Kitchen of Hoshizora Delisu

『星空デリスの夢幻キッチン』The Dream Kitchen of Hoshizora Delisu
The Dream Kitchen of Hoshizora Delisu

First of all, Koro Usamimi suggests some recipes for Japanese sweets and other foods that perfectly match the atmosphere of "You are my Andromeda" and "Summer Dream (Kanon)" 🎵

Beautiful sweets inspired by the starry sky,
moon and Tanabata 🌟🌌 for a special evening.

星空デリスの夢幻キッチンのお品書きStarry Sky Delice's Dream Kitchen's offerings
Starry Sky Delice's Dream Kitchen's offerings

①星空ゼリー Starry sky jelly

星空ゼリーStarry sky jelly
Starry sky jelly


This jelly expresses the beauty of the starry sky. The transparent jelly is sprinkled with jelly colored with blue food coloring to make it look like a star. A little rum is sprinkled on top for an adult taste.

星空ゼリーStarry sky jelly
星空ゼリーStarry sky jelly

②月見団子 Moon-viewing dumplings

月見団子 Moon-viewing dumplings
Moon-viewing dumplings


These dumplings are designed to resemble a full moon. Dumplings made of white bean flour are rounded and topped with kinako (soybean flour), green tea, and anko (red bean paste). It is a Japanese sweet that allows you to take a breather while gazing at the night sky.

月見団子 Moon-viewing dumplings
月見団子 Moon-viewing dumplings

③七夕そうめん Tanabata Somen

七夕そうめん Tanabata Somen
Tanabata Somen


In honor of Tanabata, we have arranged somen noodles into a sweet treat. Cold somen noodles are topped with molasses and soybean flour, then topped with colorful fruits. It looks gorgeous and makes a perfect summer dessert.

七夕そうめん Tanabata Somen
七夕そうめん Tanabata Somen

④星座チョコレート Constellation Chocolate

星座チョコレート Constellation Chocolate
Constellation Chocolate


Handmade chocolates with the theme of constellations. Melted chocolate is poured into a mold and allowed to cool and harden. The surface is sprinkled with gold and silver powder to express the brilliance of the universe.

星座チョコレート Constellation Chocolate
星座チョコレート Constellation Chocolate

⑤星空カフェのメニュー HOSHIZORA CAFE Menu

星空カフェのメニュー HOSHIZORA CAFE Menu


The "Starry Sky Cafe" offers a planetarium and starry sky projection mapping. It offers drinks and sweets with space and star motifs for an extraordinary experience. The "Milky Way"-inspired yokan is made of two layers of amber jelly, dark blue like the night sky, with silver leaf stars scattered on it, as well as ajijinkan and ogura-jikan.

星空カフェのメニュー HOSHIZORA CAFE Menu

These sweets are not only beautiful to look at, but also to taste, making them perfect for a special evening. Please arrange them according to your taste and have a wonderful time❤️

星空カフェのメニュー HOSHIZORA CAFE Menu
星空カフェのメニュー HOSHIZORA CAFE Menu

Furao's dishes are like an act of the sweet adventure of Kanon and Koro under the starry sky. Each dish created by his hands is a work of art that leaves a deep impression not only on the palate but also on the mind. We can hardly wait to see what Furao's next move will be. His dishes are filled with sweet adventures under the stars, which bring happy moments into our daily lives!

The recipes he comes up with will remain in our memories forever, like the night sky with twinkling stars.


Tales of Taste under the Stars:Summer Festival Food Stalls

星空の下の味覚物語:夏祭りの屋台編Tales of Taste under the Stars: Summer Festival Food Stalls
Tales of Taste under the Stars: Summer Festival Food Stalls

The recipes spun by Mr. Furao are engraved in our hearts as eternal light, just like the twinkling of the stars in the sky. His dishes are not just a meal, but a canvas that tells an inspiring story. Each dish is filled with his passion and creativity, filling us with a sense of well-being.

Images of yakisoba, okonomiyaki, and jaga-butter in the summer sky

焼きそばyakisoba (Japanese dish of grilled noodles)
yakisoba (Japanese dish of grilled noodles)
お好み焼きokonomiyaki (savoury pancake with various ingredients)
okonomiyaki (savoury pancake with various ingredients)
じゃがバターpotato (Solanum tuberosum) butter
potato (Solanum tuberosum) butter

I dream of the day when I will be able to taste recipes like those in the novels "Summer Dream (Kanon)" and "You are My Andromeda" as if they were reality in the hands of Mr. Furao. When that day comes, it will be like a dream come true. His cooking will provide readers with surprises and delights beyond their imagination, and bring a star-like brilliance to our daily lives☆☆

I hope that this text can convey the deep love for the recipes of Datsusara  chef, Furao, and the excitement he feels through his cooking 🐰🍴💖

And I hope the NOTE Creative Award 2024
will lead to the publication of a recipe book 🎋🌌🌟

Awaaay, I'm hoping for a Furaemon and Furao bento (Lunch box) as well...!

ふらおさんの料理の冒険が、ついにページを飾る時が来ました。その手によって生み出される、味覚の奇跡「ふらお弁当」、心を動かす物語「ふらえもん」、そして待望のレシピ集。これらの作品が、世界中の食卓を彩り、心に感動を呼び起こすことでしょう。星々が輝く夜空のように、ふらおさんの創造力が輝きを放つ瞬間に、期待を寄せています✨The time has finally come for the culinary adventures of Mr. Furao to grace the pages of the magazine. The miracle of taste, "Furao Bento," the inspiring story of "Furaemon," and the long-awaited collection of recipes created by his hands. These works will color the tables of diners around the world and evoke emotions in their hearts. We look forward to the moment when Furao's creativity shines as brightly as the starry night sky ✨
The time has finally come for the culinary adventures of Mr. Furao to grace the pages of the magazine. The miracle of taste, "Furao Bento," the inspiring story of "Furaemon," and the long-awaited collection of recipes created by his hands.

These works will color the tables of diners around the world and evoke emotions in their hearts. We look forward to the moment when Furao's creativity shines as brightly as the starry night sky ✨


🔗Total recipe summary of 🔗Furao, Datsusara culinary researcher 🔗

Aiming to publish a book of recipes:
"Side dishes" - short, tasty, and quick recipes.

Aiming to publish a book of recipes:
"Main Cooking" - Gutsy recipes that can be a main course.

[Toward the publication of a recipe book]
Furao's recipe compilation "Staple Foods" - Rice and Noodles in one dish - a very satisfying meal.

【Aiming to publish a recipe book】
Furao's recipe compilation "Sweet & Beverage" - This is easy to make! Easy recipes


宜しければ、サポートお願い致します❤🐰🌈 これからも可愛いコロちゃんをお見せできればと思っております☺