
【プロンプト劇場】兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)④AIイラストプロンプト集 #AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート

'Bounce with pink ears, heart eyes make you swoon!
Koro is here 🐇💕Koro-chan is enjoying a wonderful life of generation today 🐰

Utilizing Avalab's revolutionary AI system that can generate AI illustrations from 3D avatars, I used a beautiful night sky as a background, like a summer dream (Kanon)💓

兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)の #プロンプト劇場 ④AIイラストプロンプト集 #AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート #avalab 夏夢カノン🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇Fantasistaのハクシ様(Hakushi様)のプロンプト劇場!
兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)の #プロンプト劇場 ④
AIイラストプロンプト集 #AIart #コロちゃんファンアート
#ビジネス部門 #ショートショート #avalab 夏夢カノン
🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇

Suddenly, have you heard of the fascinating novel called “Summer Dream (Kanon)”? ✨📚 This work was born from a wonderful collaboration with Mr. Hakushi of Fantasista, who brings us “Prompt Theater” for you every Sunday!

Actually, you see, this story is evolving into a new love adventure.
Arumi, an active JK writer, has arranged and written an original love story 💞
Starting next Wednesday, we will be bringing you one heart-pounding story each week.

Every Wednesday, Arumi's magical words shine through,
and every Saturday, I, Koro's English translations shine through 🐰

In the magazine for the NFT novel “Summer Dream (Kanon),”
I'll bring you the charm of the story in both Japanese and English🎵

Follow the Magazine and join us on this romantic journey 🌌🌟

Arumi and I also have a great collaborative series of articles in “Girls' High School Essays. Be sure to check out her English learning contents as well. You can learn English while having fun! I'll be adding to the magazine in the following order: text, summary, English!

And Koro's Prompt Theater🐇 offers a variety of styles,
including short stories as well as Koro's illustrations🎨

Today, I've dug deep into Koro's story
and created five new prompt theater pieces.
Now it's time to show them to you all: ❤️


Koro-chan: Star Dance

兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)の <a target=#プロンプト劇場 ④AIイラストプロンプト集 #AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート 🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇Fantasistaのハクシ様(Hakushi様)のプロンプト劇場!コロちゃん:星の舞" width="620" height="620">
🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇

Among the stars shining in the night sky, Usamimikoro was a very special one. She had pink ears and eyes that shone like constellations. One night, she danced the constellations in a quiet forest.

Her hair shone in rainbow colors and swayed like stars in the wind. She danced with her hands outstretched, mimicking the shapes of the constellations. Orion, Pegasus, and Cassiopeia. She became one with the stars and danced to the rhythm of the universe.

That night, the animals of the forest were amazed by her beautiful dance, and the stars also admired her. Her dance became a beautiful melody that echoed in the night sky, and the constellations felt as if they could guide her.

Usamimikoro's star dance brought hope and magic to the people. Her presence taught us the beauty of living the story of the constellations. And her dance guided us to follow our dreams and find ourselves.

This story is dedicated to those who love the world of constellations and magic. The starry dance of Usamimikoro will make you feel the miracle and charm of the night sky ✨🌠



Prompt Theater [June 2024]

New this month and will be added here! I'm looking forward to it❤


Prompt Theater [May 2024]


Koro's Prompt Theater Magazine

Click here for archived articles ↓


vow of silence

兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)の <a target=#プロンプト劇場 ④AIイラストプロンプト集 #AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート 🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇 Fantasistaのハクシ様(Hakushi様)のプロンプト劇場! 静寂の誓い" width="620" height="620">
🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇

The story of “Oath of Silence” portrays the importance and beauty of keeping secrets. The main character is Usamimikoro, a lovely young girl with pink rabbit ears. She wears an elegant hat and lace dress and quietly puts her finger to her lips in a mysterious place surrounded by blue and white floral patterns. This gesture represents the secret oath she keeps, and the secret is the source of her power.

The story follows Usamimikoro as she experiences various adventures in order to keep her secret. She has a special ability to communicate without words, and she uses this ability to help many of her friends and sometimes even her enemies. Her greatest challenge, however, is to build trust with those around her while keeping her secret.

Her outfit, with its mix of light cyan, light green, and light yellow tones, symbolizes her gentleness and purity, while the soft lighting and delicate lines represent her sensitive inner life. Through visual beauty and a heartwarming message, Usami Mikolo's story conveys to readers the power that lies in silence and the importance of communication beyond words.

The story aims to remind readers of the value of quiet time and to foster reflection and imagination. Through Usamimikoro and her adventures, we learn the importance of facing our inner selves and building harmonious relationships with the world around us.

兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)の <a target=#プロンプト劇場 ④AIイラストプロンプト集 #AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート 🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇 Fantasistaのハクシ様(Hakushi様)のプロンプト劇場! 静寂の誓い" width="620" height="620">
🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇

Usamimi Koro,Cute girl with pink rabbit ears, A beautiful anime girl with long hair wearing an elegant hat, flowers, making the silence gesture with one finger to her lips, surrounded by blue and white floral patterns, wearing lace in a light cyan style with light green and light yellow tones, soft lighting, and delicate lines. --ar 3:4 --niji 6

うさ耳コロ,ピンクのうさ耳がキュートな女の子,エレガントな帽子をかぶったロングヘアのアニメ美少女,花,唇に指を一本当てて沈黙のジェスチャーをする,青と白の花模様に囲まれた,薄いシアン風のレースを身につけた,薄い緑と薄い黄色のトーン,柔らかい照明,繊細なライン。--ar 3:4 --niji 6


The Circular Dance of the Sea Slugs

兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)の <a target=#プロンプト劇場 ④AIイラストプロンプト集 #AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート 🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇 Fantasistaのハクシ様(Hakushi様)のプロンプト劇場!ウサミミコロの円舞曲" width="620" height="620">
🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇

There was once a small village that still retains the atmosphere of the good old days. In that village lived ten girls dressed in traditional costumes, who were called “Usamimikoro. The Usamimikoro, each with pink rabbit ears and each dressed in her own colorful costume, would perform an annual round dance in the square in the center of the village.

The central character in the story is a young girl dressed in an intricately patterned costume with dark red and gold accents. She is the leader of the Usamimikoro, who performs a secret dance passed down from their ancestors to protect the peace and prosperity of their village. The dance had the power to strike a chord and evoke emotion in those who saw it.

One year, the village faces severe challenges. Crop failure and disease strike the village and the villagers fall into despair. But the Usamimikoro do not give up. They decide to give hope and courage to the villagers through their traditional dance. On the day of the round dance, they danced more beautifully and powerfully than ever before. Their dance unites the hearts of the villagers and gives them the strength to overcome their difficulties.

The story depicts the miracle brought about by the dances of Usamimikoro and her friends. Through their dance, the village flourishes once again and the people regain their happiness. This story teaches us the power of tradition and bonding, and the importance of not losing hope even in difficult times. Usamimikoro's Round Dance will long be told as a story that inspires and encourages readers.

兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)の <a target=#プロンプト劇場 ④AIイラストプロンプト集 #AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート 🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇 Fantasistaのハクシ様(Hakushi様)のプロンプト劇場!ウサミミコロの円舞曲" width="620" height="620">
🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇

Usamimi Koro, A visually appealing, high-resolution circular design depicts ten cute little pink Japanese girls in rabbit ears wearing a variety of traditional costumes, each within its own circle on the page. The central figure is decorated with an intricate pattern of dark red and gold accents, while the surrounding figures are painted in vibrant colors such as deep blue and soft purple. This detailed illustration is perfect for adding depth to your project, capturing an atmosphere reminiscent of old world elegance and cultural richness. --ar 3:4 --niji 6 -

兎耳コロ、視覚に訴える高解像度の円形デザインで、さまざまな伝統衣装を身にまとった10人の日本人の兎耳のピンクのかわいい少女が、ページ上のそれぞれの円の中に描かれている。中央の人物は濃い赤と金のアクセントで複雑な模様で飾られ、周りの人物は深い青や柔らかな紫などの鮮やかな色で描かれています。この詳細なイラストは、古い世界の優雅さと文化の豊かさを彷彿とさせる雰囲気をとらえ、あなたのプロジェクトに深みを加えるのに最適です。--アール 3:4 --ニジ 6


Rainbow-colored smile

兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)の <a target=#プロンプト劇場 ④AIイラストプロンプト集 #AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート 🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇 Fantasistaのハクシ様(Hakushi様)のプロンプト劇場!虹色の微笑み" width="620" height="620">
🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇

On the outskirts of a small village lived a girl with hair as colorful as the rainbow, Usamimikoro. She always wore a black dress, adorned with rabbit ears, and gazed out at the world with her shining rainbow eyes. Usamimikoro's smile was a beacon of hope for the villagers.

One day, a dark cloud settled over the village and the sun disappeared for a long time. The villagers' hearts sank darkly as well, but only Usamimikoro remained the same and kept smiling. Her skin glistened and shone with neon-like colors.

兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)の <a target=#プロンプト劇場 ④AIイラストプロンプト集 #AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート 🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇 Fantasistaのハクシ様(Hakushi様)のプロンプト劇場!虹色の微笑み" width="620" height="620">
🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇

To cheer up the villagers, Usamimikoro begins to distribute rainbow scarves made from her own hair. The people who received the scarves were mysteriously warmed and smiles returned to their faces. Usamimikoro's kindness and courage brought color and light to the village once again.

This story conveys the message that even in the most difficult of times, one girl's pure heart and actions can have a profound impact on those around her. Usami Mikolo's “Rainbow Smile” will be passed down to us as a story that reminds us of hope and joy and illuminates our hearts.

兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)の <a target=#プロンプト劇場 ④AIイラストプロンプト集 #AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート 🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇 Fantasistaのハクシ様(Hakushi様)のプロンプト劇場!虹色の微笑み" width="620" height="620">
🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇

Usamimi Koro, Long rainbow hair, bunny ears, shiny rainbow eyes, adorable smiling girl in black dress, detailed animation style, fantasy illustration art, shiny colorful lighting, sparkling skin, shiny neon color palette, cute face --ar 3:4 --niji 6

兎耳コロ、長い虹色の髪、ウサギ耳、輝く虹色の目、黒いドレスを着た愛らしい笑顔の女の子、詳細なアニメスタイル、ファンタジーイラストアート、光沢のあるカラフルな照明、キラキラした肌、輝くネオンカラーパレット、かわいい顔 --ar 3:4 --niji 6

兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)の <a target=#プロンプト劇場 ④AIイラストプロンプト集 #AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート 🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇 Fantasistaのハクシ様(Hakushi様)のプロンプト劇場!虹色の微笑み" width="620" height="620">
🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇


Kintaro Usami, Koto music

兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)の <a target=#プロンプト劇場 ④AIイラストプロンプト集 #AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート 🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇 Fantasistaのハクシ様(Hakushi様)のプロンプト劇場!金太郎ウサミミ、琴の調べ" width="620" height="620">
🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇

Once upon a time, in a small village deep in the mountains, there was a special little girl named Kintaro Usami. She had pink hair, rabbit ears, and a gift for playing the zither with all her heart. The people of the village would gather to listen to her music, and by listening to her beautiful melodies, they would be healed from their daily weariness.

One day, misfortune strikes the village and an epidemic of disease begins to spread. But Kintaro Usamiami did not give up. She picked up a zither and began to play a powerful, yet gentle and hopeful tune. It was said that her music had magical powers, healing the hearts of those who heard it and easing their illnesses.

兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)の <a target=#プロンプト劇場 ④AIイラストプロンプト集 #AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート 🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇 Fantasistaのハクシ様(Hakushi様)のプロンプト劇場!金太郎ウサミミ、琴の調べ" width="620" height="620">
🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇

Kintaro Usami's performance gave courage and strength to the villagers, and eventually the disease was cured and peace returned to the village. Her music, like a beautiful painting of floral patterns and musical notes on a dark colored background, left a deep imprint on the hearts of the people.

Through the pure heart of one young girl and the healing power of music, this story conveys the importance of never losing hope even in difficult times. The music of Kintaro Usami's koto continues to inspire many people to this day.

兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)の <a target=#プロンプト劇場 ④AIイラストプロンプト集 #AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート 🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇 Fantasistaのハクシ様(Hakushi様)のプロンプト劇場!金太郎ウサミミ、琴の調べ" width="620" height="620">
🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇

Usamimi Koro, Illustration of Kintaro, a pink-haired, rabbit-eared Kintaro playing a lute. Elaborately detailed and drawn in a cool style with masterpieces, flat backgrounds, dark colors such as red, white, gold, black, and gray, floral patterns, and musical notes. --ar 3:4 --niji 6

兎耳コロ、リュートを奏でるピンクヘアの兎耳の金太郎のイラスト。細部まで精巧に描かれ、名画、フラットな背景、赤、白、金、黒、グレーなどのダークカラー、花模様、音符など、クールなスタイルで描かれている。--ar 3:4 --niji 6


dance recital praising Buddha, which accompanies the recital of a gatha

兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)の <a target=#プロンプト劇場 ④AIイラストプロンプト集 #AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート 🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇 Fantasistaのハクシ様(Hakushi様)のプロンプト劇場!金太郎ウサミミ、風の舞" width="620" height="620">
🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇

An ancient and mysterious shrine stood in a quiet place surrounded by mountains. The shrine was inhabited by a special girl, Usamimikoro. She had long pink hair and rabbit ears, and posed in martial arts poses with all her heart. Her eyes shine with rainbow colors and her heart is filled with hope and passion.

Usamimikoro was training daily in the precincts of the shrine. She had an animated martial arts movement, moving herself as lightly as the wind, combining strong will and beauty. Her kimono was black with white decorations and sleeves that fluttered in the wind like beautiful art.

兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)の <a target=#プロンプト劇場 ④AIイラストプロンプト集 #AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート 🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇 Fantasistaのハクシ様(Hakushi様)のプロンプト劇場!金太郎ウサミミ、風の舞" width="620" height="620">
🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇

One day, the peace of the shrine is threatened. Evil forces are approaching and want to take away the shrine's secrets. Usamimikoro stands up and takes the sacred weapon in her hand. The wind made her hair dance and the shrine grounds were enveloped in a strong wind effect.

Usamimikoro begins to dance the sacred dance. Her body is beautiful and her exquisite movements repel the evil ones. Her eyes reflect the fighting spirit in her heart, and the precise landscape behind the shrine encourages her courage.

The story describes the brave fight and sacred power of Usamimikoro. She protects the shrine and the villagers and restores peace with her wind dance. This story teaches us how important faith and courage are. Usamimikoro's existence, along with the sacred landscape, will be told forever.

兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)の <a target=#プロンプト劇場 ④AIイラストプロンプト集 #AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート 🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇 Fantasistaのハクシ様(Hakushi様)のプロンプト劇場!金太郎ウサミミ、風の舞" width="620" height="620">
🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇

Usamimi Koro, Long pink hair girl with anime rabbit ears in martial arts pose, arms outstretched, iridescent eyes, heart eyes, black with white decorations on collar and sleeves, anime style with martial arts movements, high resolution, anime artist style fantasy art, strong wind effects, white collar on shirt, precise shrine background, Super detailed background, --ar 3:4 --niji 6

兎耳コロ、武道のポーズをとり、両手を広げているアニメの兎耳のピンクのロングヘアの女の子、虹色の瞳、ハートの目、襟と袖に白い装飾のある黒、武道の動きをしているアニメスタイル、高解像度、アニメアーティスト風のファンタジーアート、強風の効果、シャツの白い襟、精密な神社の背景、超詳細な背景、--ar 3:4 --niji 6

Have a great generating life today 💕🎨🐰

#創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門
ハクシ様の #プロンプト劇場
#兎耳コロ #Koroちゃん








