
【プロンプト劇場】兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)③AIイラストプロンプト集 #AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート

Adorable gaze, pink rabbit ears! That's me, Koro 💖🎀🐰
I am the author of the Summer Dream (Kanon) 🌌🌟

[Sparkling announcement time]


Hello everyone 🌟 I'm Koro, a bunny with fluffy pink hair, bunny ears, cute heart eyes, and cute gestures, bringing you exciting news!

兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)の #プロンプト劇場 ③AIイラストプロンプト集 #AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇Avalab.ai(@AvalabAI)でアイコン生成✨コロちゃん漫画&女子高生エッセイもお楽しみに💕
兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)の #プロンプト劇場 ③
AIイラストプロンプト集 #AIart #コロちゃんファンアート
#ビジネス部門 #ショートショート
🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇

まずは、私のイラストアカウントのアイコンが新しくなりました🎨 Avalab.ai(@AvalabAI)生まれた、
First of all, my illustration account has a new icon 🎨
I fell in love at first sight with an incredibly cute illustration created by Avalab.ai (@AvalabAI), and I immediately made it my icon.

If you see it, it will surely bring a smile to your face 🐰

It's a dream come true to be able to generate illustrations from 3D avatars 🌈
I plan to post a Koro-chan manga in the near future❣
We live in an age where even manga can be created by AI...♥
What kind of story will unfold?

And one more thing✨
What a dream collaboration between Arumi,
an active high school girl writer, and Koro!



女子高生エッセイ」 #JKエッセイ を
We will be presenting #JKEssay ,
an essay written by a high school girl.

I, Koro, will be in charge of summarizing the essay, translating it into English, and illustrating it. I would be happy to help everyone learn English with content that is perfect for learning English 💕

And then, and then, and then!
Today is the day of Hakushi-sama's prompt theater, Act 3🎊

Pin up your bunny ears, we've been waiting for this day 🐰
Koro's original stories, short stories, essays, and poems about Koro's special place in the world, and we're going to have a very special time.

Are you ready?
Let's enjoy🎭🐇


Usamimi Koro's Special Place

Usamimi Koroの家は、幻想的で夢のような世界に位置しています。彼女の住む場所は、魔法が存在し、神秘的な自然と古代の遺跡が共存する場所です。以下、彼女の家に含まれる特別な部屋や神秘的な存在について紹介します。
Usamimi Koro's home is located in a fantastic and dreamlike world. She lives in a place where magic exists and mystical nature and ancient ruins coexist. Below are some of the special rooms and mystical beings included in her home.

  1. 星の間の図書館 (Library Between the Stars)

    • この部屋は、星座の中にあるような美しい図書館です。
      This room is a beautiful library, like a constellation within a constellation.

    • 古代の書物や魔法の本が並び、知識と冒険の秘密が詰まっています。
      Lined with ancient and magical books, it holds the secrets of knowledge and adventure.

  2. 月の庭 (Garden of the Moon)

    • 月の光が降り注ぐ美しい庭園です。
      This beautiful garden is bathed in moonlight.

    • 花々が咲き乱れ、月の魔法が宿る場所とされています。
      It is a place where flowers bloom and the magic of the moon dwells.

  3. 星屑の部屋 (Stardust Chamber)

    • この部屋は、星屑で作られた床と壁を持つ特別な場所です。
      This room is a special place with floors and walls made of stardust.

    • 星座の形をした家具や宝石が飾られており、魔法のエネルギーが漂っています。
      It is decorated with furniture and jewelry in the shape of constellations and exudes a magical energy.

  4. 夢の塔 (Tower of Dreams)

    • 高い塔で、頂上からは夢の世界が一望できます。
      It is a tall tower, from the top of which you can see the whole dream world.

    • ここで新たな冒険を計画し、未知の領域へ向かうことができます。
      Here you can plan new adventures and head into uncharted territory.

これらの場所は、Usamimi Koroの物語の中で重要な役割を果たしており、彼女の成長と冒険を支えています。
These places play an important role in Usamimi Koro's story, supporting her growth and adventures.

特別な存在として、星の案内人 (Stellar Guide) がいます。彼は星座の知識を持ち、Usamimi Koroに冒険のヒントを与えています。彼の姿は透明で、星の光を受けて輝いています。
A special presence is the Stellar Guide, a man with knowledge of the constellations who gives Usamimi Koro hints for her adventures. He has knowledge of the constellations and gives Usamimi Koro hints for her adventures. His form is transparent and shines in the light of the stars.

この世界は、夢と現実が交錯する場所で、日々新しい発見や出会いがあり、Usamimi Koroの魅力的な物語が紡がれていくのです。
This world is a place where dreams and reality intersect, where new discoveries and encounters are made every day, weaving Usamimi Koro's fascinating story.


  • キャラクター:Usamimi Koroは、長いピンクの髪とウサギの耳を持つ可愛らしい女の子です。
    Character:Usamimi Koro is a pretty girl with long pink hair and rabbit ears.

  • 雰囲気: エーテリアルで夢幻的な、鮮やかな色彩が特徴です。
    Atmosphere:ethereal and dreamy, with vibrant colors.

  • 設定:ファンタジーの世界にあり、壮大な城や高い塔、輝く月、輝くオーラ、天体の存在感があります。
    Setting:It is in a fantasy world, with grand castles, tall towers, a shining moon, a shining aura, and a celestial presence.

  • その他の要素:繊細な翼、柔らかい照明、ささやく雲、古代の木々、神秘的な霧などが描かれています。
    Other elements:delicate wings, soft lighting, whispering clouds, ancient trees, and mysterious mists.


She was born into this world and grew up with constellations, moons and magical beings 🐰🌟🌕🪄

Hence, the constellations and the moon play an important role in her story 🌌

  • 星座:星座は彼女の冒険の指南人として機能しています。星座の知識を持ち、彼女に冒険のヒントを与えています。星座は彼女の世界の謎を解明する手がかりとなり、彼女の成長と学びの旅をサポートしています。
    Constellations:the constellations serve as pointers to her adventures. They have knowledge of the constellations and give her hints for her adventures. The constellations provide clues to the mysteries of her world and support her on her journey of growth and learning.

  • :月は彼女の夢の世界を象徴しています。月の光が彼女の冒険や日常のストーリーを照らし、神秘的な存在感を持っています。月は彼女の感情や運命とも結びついており、物語の鍵となる要素です。
    Moon:The moon symbolizes her dream world. The moon's light illuminates her adventures and everyday stories and has a mysterious presence. The moon is also connected to her emotions and destiny and is a key element in her story.


Essay:Stardust Travels and Dream Spinners

Usagimimi Koro's home is located among the fantastic stars. She lives in a magical place where magic breathes and mysterious nature and ancient ruins coexist. Her special room and existence give deep meaning to the story of her adventures and growth.


In the library among the stars, she learns the wisdom of the constellations. Ancient books contain knowledge about the magic of stardust and the blessings of moonlight, and they contain essential clues for her adventures.

The Moon Garden is where she practices her lunar magic. Petals dancing in the moonlight are the source of her magic, and they beautifully color the night sky.

The stardust room is a secret space where she enhances her magical powers. Furniture and jewelry in the shape of constellations serve to amplify her magical energy.

And from the top of the Tower of Dreams, she looks out over new adventures and opens the door to the future. From here, she sets out into the unknown, guided by the constellations.


Poem: Stardust Chimes and Moon Poems


Surrounded by the radiance of stardust, Koro Usagimimi spins her dreams.

Petals dancing in the garden of the moon, her magic comes to life.


The light that bears the wisdom of the constellations and illuminates the path of adventure.

Atop the tower of dreams, eyes gaze into the future.


星と月の加護のもと、Usamimi Koroの物語は、永遠に輝き続ける。
With the blessings of the stars and the moon, Usamimi Koro's story will shine on forever.


Usamimi Koroちゃんの物語は、夢と現実が交錯する魔法の世界で、彼女の冒険と成長を描いています。彼女の魔法と星座の導きによって、読者は幻想的な旅へと誘われるのです。この物語が、皆さんにも夢と希望を与えることを願っています🌟
Usamimi Koro's story is about her adventures and growth in a magical world where dreams and reality intersect. Through her magic and the guidance of the constellations, the reader is taken on a fantastic journey. We hope this story will give you dreams and hope as well 🌟


The world of Koro Usagimimi is a fantastic place where dreams and reality are interwoven.

Learn ancient knowledge in the library of the Star Chamber and experience the magic of the night in the Garden of the Moon.

She interacts with constellations in the stardust room and looks into the future from the tower of dreams.

Her adventure continues with the guidance of the star guides on a journey of endless possibilities.

この世界で、Usamimi Koroは自らの運命を切り開き、星屑の魔法で未知の領域へと挑む。
In this world, Usamimi Koro forges her own destiny and ventures into unknown realms with the magic of stardust.

Under the blessing of the moonlight, her songs echo in the heart like a dreamscape.

Following the guidance of the constellations, she spins out a new story.


星屑の輝きに包まれて、 静かな夜に歌う、 兎耳コロの夢の旋律。
In the glow of stardust, in the quiet of the night, the melody of Koro Rabbit's dreams.

月の庭で舞う花びら、 優しい光に照らされて、 彼女の魔法が息づく。
Petals dancing in the moonlit garden, her magic comes to life in the gentle light.

星座の知恵を宿し、 冒険の道を照らす、 星の案内人の光。
The light of a star guide, who bears the wisdom of the constellations, illuminates the path of adventure.

夢の塔の頂で、 未来を見つめる瞳、 希望の光を抱いて。
Atop the tower of dreams, eyes gazing into the future, holding the light of hope.

Usamimi Koroの物語は、 星と月の加護のもと、 永遠に輝き続ける。
Usamimi Koro's story will shine forever with the blessings of the stars and the moon.

This essay and poem expresses the heart of dreams, hope, and adventure through the magical world of Koro the rabbit-eared 💕🐇✨



Prompt Theater [May 2024]

Koro's Prompt Theater Magazine

Click here for archived articles ↓


Rainy Day Usamimi Koro

🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇
Fantasistaのハクシ様(Hakushi様)のプロンプト劇場!雨の日のウサミミコロ 兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)の <a target=#プロンプト劇場 ③AIイラストプロンプト集 #AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート  " width="620" height="620">
🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇

An ancient city where it is raining. Puddles of water reflecting on the cobblestones vaguely reflect the lights of the city. In the midst of it all, a woman was walking with an umbrella. Her name is Usamimikoro. With her long pink hair and rabbit ears, she has a mysterious charm.

She is one who knows the old legend of this city. According to the legend, there is an old saying in this town that if you make a wish on a rainy day, it will come true. Usamimikoro believed in this legend. That is why she loved rainy days.

Today, again, she was walking in the ancient city to make a wish. Her wish is always the same. She wishes for everyone to be happy. Her kindness is felt by the people of the city.

After Usamimikoro passed by, the rain mysteriously stopped and a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky. Her wish must have come true one more time. The people of the town called her “the angel of rainy days” and were always grateful to her.

And Usamimikoro would walk again, wishing for the next rainy day. Her footsteps carry a small miracle to the city. It would be passed down forever as a beautiful legend of the ancient city.

🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇
Fantasistaのハクシ様(Hakushi様)のプロンプト劇場!雨の日のウサミミコロ 兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)の <a target=#プロンプト劇場 ③AIイラストプロンプト集 #AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート  " width="620" height="620">
🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇

Usamimi Koro, The pattern of purple and white shapes, circles, and squares in the style of Japanese ukiyoe woodblock prints shows a graceful pink long-haired rabbit-eared woman with an umbrella walking on one side. In the background are various patterns of flowers, musical notes, lace textures, geometric shapes, and other symbols. The image features strong contrasts of light and dark, flat illustration, flat composition, delicate lines, traditional art elements, and high resolution. --ar 3:4 --niji 6

兎耳コロ、日本の浮世絵版画風の紫と白の図形、円、四角のパターンで、傘を持った優雅なピンクロングヘアの兎耳の女性が片側を歩いている。背景には花、音符、レースの質感、幾何学図形、その他の記号など様々なパターンが描かれている。明暗のコントラストが強く、フラットなイラストレーション、平面的な構図、繊細なライン、伝統的なアートの要素、高い解像度が特徴です。--ar 3:4 --niji 6

🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇
Fantasistaのハクシ様(Hakushi様)のプロンプト劇場!雨の日のウサミミコロ 兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)の <a target=#プロンプト劇場 ③AIイラストプロンプト集 #AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート  " width="620" height="620">
🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇


Rock heart and sea cucumber Koro

🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇
Fantasistaのハクシ様(Hakushi様)のプロンプト劇場!ロックな心とウサミミコロ 兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)の <a target=#プロンプト劇場 ③AIイラストプロンプト集 #AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート  " width="620" height="620">
🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇

Usamimi Koro was enjoying the music as usual. Cats gathered around her, making rock signs together. Her pink hair and bunny ears showed that she was more than just a little girl. She has a special power to inspire and encourage people through her music.

One day,Usamimi Koro decided to hold a big concert in the center of town. Her goal is to unite the people of the city through music. On the day of the concert, many people gathered to listen to Usamimi Koro sing.

Her songs moved the hearts of those who heard them with their haunting melodies and powerful lyrics. The cats danced around her, and the audience became one. By the end of the concert, people were smiling at each other and new friendships were born.

Usamimi Koro's music was not just music. It was magic that connected people's hearts and gave them hope. Her rocking heart and the magic of Usamimi Koro brought a new wind to the city.

🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇
Fantasistaのハクシ様(Hakushi様)のプロンプト劇場!ロックな心とウサミミコロ 兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)の <a target=#プロンプト劇場 ③AIイラストプロンプト集 #AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート  " width="620" height="620">
🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇

A lively cartoon-style illustration of a girl with long pink hair and rabbit ears surrounded by rock-sign hands and cats, making a rock-sign symbol with her hands and smiling at the camera. In the background are cat characters in various poses, all drawn in a detailed cartoon style. --R 3:4 --Niji 6 --Style Row

ロックサインの手、猫に囲まれたピンク色の長い髪の兎耳の女の子が、両手でロックサインのマークを作り、カメラに向かって微笑んでいる躍動感のあるアニメ風イラスト。背景には様々なポーズをとった猫のキャラクターが描かれており、どれも緻密なマンガ画風で描かれている。--アール3:4 --ニジ6 --スタイルロー


Undersea Adventurers Usamimi Koro

🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇
Fantasistaのハクシ様(Hakushi様)のプロンプト劇場!海底の冒険者ウサミミコロ 兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)の <a target=#プロンプト劇場 ③AIイラストプロンプト集 #AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート " width="620" height="620">
🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇

Usamimi Koro was a girl with long pink hair and rabbit ears. She was no ordinary girl, seeking adventure and a world of wonder.

One day, she stepped into an underwater forest. It was a place filled with colorful plants and trees and beautiful light. As Usamimi Koro walked along the paths, she encountered strange creatures. In the sea, bright fish and strange seaweeds swayed.

Behind her swam a giant whale shark. The sight was magnificent, and Usamimi Koro wept with emotion. She extended her hand to the whale shark to show her appreciation. The whale shark smiled gently and became a protector of Usamimikoro.

She also saw a small boat floating nearby. The boat was occupied by other adventurers. They waved to Usamimikoro and invited him to join them on their adventure. Usamimi Koro joyfully boarded the ship and explored the undersea world with her new friends.

Her adventures continued in a beautiful dreamlike world. As an undersea adventurer, Usamimi Koro went into uncharted territory in search of new discoveries and friendships.

🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇
Fantasistaのハクシ様(Hakushi様)のプロンプト劇場!海底の冒険者ウサミミコロ 兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)の <a target=#プロンプト劇場 ③AIイラストプロンプト集 #AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート " width="620" height="620">
🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇

A pink long-haired girl with rabbit ears walks down a path in an undersea forest of colorful plants and trees. A giant whale shark swims behind her, and another boat floats nearby. This scene is rendered in a vibrant animation style that exudes a sense of adventure and exploration. It is a beautiful, dreamlike world that captures the imagination. Animation style illustration --ar 3:4 --niji 6

カラフルな草木が生い茂る海底の森の中の道を歩く兎耳のピンクロングヘアの少女。背後からは巨大なジンベエザメが泳ぎ、近くには別の船が浮かんでいる。このシーンは冒険と探検の感覚を漂わせ、躍動感あふれるアニメスタイルで描かれている。イマジネーションを掻き立てる、美しく夢のある世界です。アニメ風イラスト --ar 3:4 --niji 6


The music of the hummingbird Koro playing under the apple tree

🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇
Fantasistaのハクシ様(Hakushi様)のプロンプト劇場!林檎の木の下で奏でるウサミミコロの調べ 兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)の <a target=#プロンプト劇場 ③AIイラストプロンプト集 #AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート " width="620" height="620">
🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇

On a quiet spring afternoon, Usamimi Koro was playing the piano under an apple tree. Around her, colorful flowers bloomed and Japanese geometric patterns spread out in the background. Usamimi Koro was dressed in black, wearing headphones, and playing the keys with all her heart.

Her music harmonized with the surrounding nature and reached far away on the wind. The melodies had the power to heal the hearts of those who heard them and give them hope. The music played by Usamimi Koro expressed a unique worldview, a fusion of classical Japanese beauty and modern design.

Under the apple trees, she lost track of time and continued to play the piano. And the music spun out a beautiful story, born from a place where dreams and reality intersect.

🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇
Fantasistaのハクシ様(Hakushi様)のプロンプト劇場!林檎の木の下で奏でるウサミミコロの調べ 兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)の <a target=#プロンプト劇場 ③AIイラストプロンプト集 #AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート " width="620" height="620">
🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇

A girl with long pink hair and rabbit ears wearing headphones is playing the piano under an apple tree surrounded by various flowers and plants in the style of Ukiyoe. In the background are colorful patterns of Japanese geometric shapes and floral motifs. She wears black clothing with intricate designs, giving her a stylish look. Her hands gently touch each key on the keyboard, playing music. This unique illustration combines elements of traditional Japanese art with contemporary design. --ar 3:4 --niji 6

ヘッドホンをしたピンクのロングヘアの兎耳の少女が、浮世絵風のさまざまな花や植物に囲まれたリンゴの木の下でピアノを弾いている。背景には日本の幾何学的な形と花のモチーフのカラフルなパターンが描かれている。彼女は複雑なデザインが施された黒い服を着ており、スタイリッシュな印象を与えている。彼女の手は鍵盤の一つ一つの鍵盤に優しく触れ、音楽を奏でている。伝統的な日本美術の要素と現代的なデザインが融合した、ユニークなイラストレーションです。--ar 3:4 --niji 6


The sound of the cello echoing in the moonlit night

🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇
Fantasistaのハクシ様(Hakushi様)のプロンプト劇場!月夜に響くセロの調べ 兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)の <a target=#プロンプト劇場 ③AIイラストプロンプト集 #AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート " width="620" height="620">
🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇

Under the moonlight, the sounds of the cello echoed through the silent night. Usamimi Koro played her cello passionately, with only her silhouette illuminated by the moonlight. Her long blonde hair and elegant dress stood out against the jet-black night.

Her music resonated deep within, stirring the emotions of all who heard it. All the people present are so enthralled by her performance that they lose track of time. Usamimi Koro's cello was not just a musical instrument, but a tool to convey the voice of her soul.

On this night, the sound of her cello reached people far away and lit up their hearts with a warm light. Usamimi Koro's music gave people hope and courage, and will forever remain as a beautiful memory.

🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇
Fantasistaのハクシ様(Hakushi様)のプロンプト劇場!月夜に響くセロの調べ 兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)の <a target=#プロンプト劇場 ③AIイラストプロンプト集 #AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート " width="620" height="620">
🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇

Cute pink girl with rabbit ears, silhouette of a cello player in the style of black ink splashed on white paper, Playing cello intensely while standing, full body shot, she has long blonde hair and is wearing an elegant dress, Feet more than shoulder width apart., minimalistic design with splashes of paint, strong lines, grungey vibes, simple, high contrast, monochrome, vintage --ar 3:4 --niji 6



Tea Party with Hydrangea and Chessboard

🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇
Fantasistaのハクシ様(Hakushi様)のプロンプト劇場!紫陽花とチェス盤のティーパーティー 兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)の <a target=#プロンプト劇場 ③AIイラストプロンプト集 #AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート " width="620" height="620">
🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇

A ray of light shines through the deep indigo world. It is a gothic, anime-like space. Usamimi Koro is a rabbit-eared girl with long pink hair and purple eyes. She wore an ornate black lace hat and sat on the floor surrounded by tall teapots, saucers, and cakes in lavender, gray, and deep indigo colors.

Scattered in the background was a black-and-white checkerboard pattern reminiscent of a chessboard, and surrounding her were purple wisteria flowers. The place is a dreamy, quirky cartoon illustration of a figure, with a great deal of detail set against a simple background.

Usamimi Koro is the hostess of this magical tea party. Characters with various stories gather around her. They were enchanted by the magical music created by Usamimi Koro and the stories she spun.

On this day, Usamimi Koro played a special song. It is a melody that comes from deep within her. The music echoed in the hearts of all those gathered at the tea party, inviting them to an otherworldly adventure.

The story unfolds on a chessboard amidst a profusion of hydrangeas. Usamimi Koro's Tea Party will leave an unforgettable impression on the participants and will remain in their memories forever.

🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇
Fantasistaのハクシ様(Hakushi様)のプロンプト劇場!紫陽花とチェス盤のティーパーティー 兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)の <a target=#プロンプト劇場 ③AIイラストプロンプト集 #AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート " width="620" height="620">
🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇

A gothic anime rabbit-eared girl with long pink hair and purple eyes, wearing an elaborate top hat decorated with black lace, sits on the floor surrounded by towering teapots, saucers, cakes, and high tea settings in lavender, gray, and deep indigo. Scattered in the background is a black and white checkerboard pattern reminiscent of a chessboard-like table. Surrounded by wisteria flowers, a whimsical cartoon illustration in dark violet and light emerald depicts highly detailed figures against a minimalist background. ----ar 3:4 --niji 6


🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇
Fantasistaのハクシ様(Hakushi様)のプロンプト劇場!紫陽花とチェス盤のティーパーティー 兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)の <a target=#プロンプト劇場 ③AIイラストプロンプト集 #AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート " width="620" height="620">
🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇

It was a voluminous amount with extras, did you enjoy it?

Have a great generating life today 💕🎨🐰

#創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門
ハクシ様の #プロンプト劇場
#兎耳コロ #Koroちゃん
