
【プロンプト劇場】兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)⑨AIイラストプロンプト集 #AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート


Prompt Theater #9: Dance Special💃

【プロンプト劇場】兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)⑨AIイラストプロンプト集 <a target=#AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート  プロンプト劇場第9回:ダンス特集💃" width="620" height="877">
【プロンプト劇場】兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)⑨AIイラストプロンプト集 #AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート  プロンプト劇場第9回:ダンス特集💃

兎耳コロちゃん(Usamimi Koroちゃん)
Usamimi Koro will also perform various dance performances to liven up the Kagura Koriyama DanceFes ♫🎊🐰


Koro-chan Fan Art 🎋 Tanabata Edition 🎋


Koro-chan Fan Art 🎋 Tanabata Edition 🎋めぐみん_AI art@megumin_expo 【プロンプト劇場】兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)⑨AIイラストプロンプト集 <a target=#AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート " width="620" height="620">
AIイラストプロンプト集 #AIart #コロちゃんファンアート
#ビジネス部門 #ショートショート
Koro-chan Fan Art 🎋 Tanabata Edition 🎋
めぐみん_AI art@megumin_expo

めぐみん_AI art

Thanks for the fanart, Koro 💕🐰🌈
I'm glad you made it happen on Tanabata 🎆🌌🌠

This illustration is truly charming and has a wonderful dreamlike atmosphere! The bunny girl in the lovely dress is so adorable, and the colorful dots and sparkles, like the starry sky around her, create a fantastic world, just like line art.

The colors are vibrant and have the power to draw the viewer in.
Overall, this is a very beautiful and moving work of art.


"Kimi wa boku no Andromeda"
(You are my Andromeda)
is currently being serialized!


 Chapter 1-2

special edition

 Chapter 1

 Introduction & Synopsis

We also focus on submissions of "high school girls' essay,"
which describe the daily lives of high school girls.

I am mainly in charge of English, but I hope to be able to provide audio later on StandFM so that it can be heard by sound as well!
I will be posting them as they become available after the serialization of You Are My Andromeda is completed!

詩人の集い ~詩集出版プロジェクト~
We will also be introducing the Poet's Gathering ~Poetry Book Publication Project~, a project to create a book of poems together with everyone.

Please take a look and enjoy Koro's world more deeply 🌟📚💫


The Miracle of the Cherry Blossom Dancing Night

桜舞う夜の奇跡【プロンプト劇場】兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)⑨AIイラストプロンプト集 <a target=#AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート " width="620" height="620">
#AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート

In an old Japanese village with a thousand-year history, there was a "Cherry Blossom Festival" held every spring. On the night of this festival, there was a girl who danced on the village's old bridge. Her name was Koro Usamimi, a mysterious girl with long pink hair, blue eyes, and rabbit ears.

Koro Usamimi was dressed in a black Japanese kimono and danced lightly to the festival music. Her movements were as beautiful as the petals of cherry blossoms dancing in the wind. In the background was a fantastic scene of cherry trees in full bloom and hexagons of various patterns.

That night, Koro Usamimi had a special wish in her heart. Her dear friend was suffering from an illness. While dancing, Koro kept praying in her heart for her friend's recovery.

Suddenly, a ray of light fell from the sky and a shining hexagonal pattern appeared around Koro Usamimi. The light had the power to accept Koro Usamimi's wish and perform a miracle. Koro Usamimi's dance became even more powerful and beautiful, and her prayer reached the heavens.

The next morning, my friend woke up and was completely cured of her illness. The people of the village believed that Koro Usamimi's dance had conjured up a miracle and began to revere her as the "spirit of cherry blossoms.

Since then, Koro Usamimi's dance has always been performed on the night of the Cherry Blossom Festival, and the villagers celebrate the coming of spring with her beautiful dance, remembering the miraculous night.

桜舞う夜の奇跡【プロンプト劇場】兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)⑨AIイラストプロンプト集 <a target=#AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート " width="620" height="620">
桜舞う夜の奇跡【プロンプト劇場】兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)⑨AIイラストプロンプト集 #AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート

Detailed illustration of an anime girl with long pink hair with blue eyes and rabbit ears wearing a Japanese patterned black kimono, dancing, jumping high, full body portrait, happy expression, Japanese festival, dynamic action poses, positive space, asymmetry, dynamic angles, Japanese patterned black kimono, Colorful colorful deep blue, black, pink, gold and white, surrounded by hexagons of various patterns and textures, ancient Japanese bridge, happy expression, various patterns and floral patterns on background, black and white checkerboard background surrounded by hexagons of geometric shapes, cherry blossom tree on background. , cartoon character design, vivid colors, colorful illustration, high definition, high resolution, digital painting style, natural light, --ar 5:7 --niji 6

躍動感あふれるダンス、高くジャンプ、全身ポートレート、楽しそうな表情、日本の祭り、躍動感あふれるアクションポーズ、ポジティブスペース、アシンメトリー、ダイナミックなアングル、和柄の黒い着物を着た青い目の兎耳のピンクのロングヘアのアニメの女の子の詳細なイラスト、 深い青、黒、ピンク、金、白のカラフルな色使い、様々な模様や質感の六角形に囲まれている、日本の古代の橋、幸せそうな表情、背景の様々な模様や花柄、幾何学的な形の六角形に囲まれた黒と白の市松模様の背景、背景には桜の木がある。 , 漫画のキャラクターデザイン、鮮やかな色彩、カラフルなイラスト、高精細、高解像度、デジタルペイント風、自然光、 --ar 5:7 --niji 6


Dance Hero in the City of the Future

未来都市のダンスヒーロー【プロンプト劇場】兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)⑨AIイラストプロンプト集 <a target=#AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート " width="620" height="620">
#AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート

In a city glowing with the neon lights of the future, there was a dancer. Her name was Koro Usamimi, a girl with long pink hair, blue eyes, and cute rabbit ears. Koro Usamimi was known in the street dance world for her oversized T-shirts and baggy pants.

One night, Koro Usamimi was performing in a plaza in the center of town. Her moves were sharp, precise, and mesmerizing to all who saw them. The backdrop was a futuristic cityscape, and the neon lights enhanced her dance.

That night, Koro Rabbit Ears was dancing for a very special reason. A dear friend of hers was about to give up on her dream. Koro Usamimi danced as hard as she could to give her friend courage. Her dance was like magic, moving the hearts of the audience and giving them hope.

Suddenly, a ray of light fell in the center of the square and a shining pattern appeared around Koro Usamimi. The light had the power to accept her passion and wishes and create a miracle. Koro Usamimi's dance became even more powerful and beautiful, and her prayers reached the heavens.

The next morning, my friend woke up with a new determination to continue pursuing her dream. The people of the city believed that Koro Usamimi's dance had brought about a miracle, and came to revere her as the "Dance Hero of the Future City.

Since then, Koro Usamimi's dance has become a symbol of the future city and continues to give people hope and courage.

未来都市のダンスヒーロー【プロンプト劇場】兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)⑨AIイラストプロンプト集 <a target=#AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート " width="620" height="620">
未来都市のダンスヒーロー【プロンプト劇場】兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)⑨AIイラストプロンプト集 #AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート

Cute anime rabbit-eared long pink haired girl with cute cartoon rabbit ears rocking her body in sharp and precise movements and performing dynamic popping moves. Dancer with blue eyes, oversized t-shirt and baggy pants, popping dance pose, urban street style, loose-fitting clothing, vibrant colors, dynamic moves, street dance background, neon-lit futuristic cityscape in background. High quality illustration, vivid colors, detailed fabric textures. Colorful illustrations, highly detailed, high resolution, in digital painting style, natural lighting, masterpiece, high definition, octane rendering style, ultra realistic. --ar 5:7 --niji 6

シャープで正確な動きで体をロックし、ダイナミックなポッピングムーブを披露するキュートなアニメの兎耳のピンクのロングヘアの女の子。青い目、オーバーサイズのTシャツにバギーパンツを履いたダンサー、ポッピングダンスのポーズ、都会的なストリートスタイル、ゆったりとした服装、鮮やかな色彩、ダイナミックな動き、ストリートダンスの背景、背景はネオンが輝く近未来的な街並み。高品質のイラスト、鮮やかな色、詳細な布のテクスチャ。カラフルなイラスト、非常に詳細な、高解像度、デジタル絵画のスタイルで、自然な照明、傑作、高精細、オクタンレンダリングのスタイルで、超リアル。--ar 5:7 --niji 6


Miracle in the Desert

砂漠の奇跡【プロンプト劇場】兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)⑨AIイラストプロンプト集 <a target=#AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート " width="620" height="620">
#AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート

Long ago, in a small village in a vast desert, there was a girl with a special talent. Her name was Koro Usamimi, a girl with long pink hair, blue eyes, and adorable rabbit ears. Koro Usamimi was a dancing prodigy, and her beautiful dancing charmed everyone in the village.

One day, an old book was delivered to the village. Inside the book was a poster with beautiful Arabic calligraphy. The poster depicted the silhouette of a rabbit-eared koro lifting her red ribboned feet and dancing on a gorgeous podium. With Arabic letters beautifully arranged in the background, the scene looked like a dream.

When Koro Rabbit Ears saw the poster, she felt something awaken in her heart. She decided to give a special performance that night in the village square. In the natural light, Koro Usamimi lifted her red-ribboned legs and danced beautifully, just as she appeared on the poster.

At that moment, a miracle happened. The desert wind blew gently and the entire village was enveloped in light as Koro Usamimi danced. Arabic letters floated in the air and shone like magic. The villagers were moved to tears by the sight.

The next morning, the village was filled with renewed hope and vitality. Koro Usamimi's dance brought miracles to the village, and the people came to revere her as the "Miracle of the Desert. Since then, Koro Usamimi's dance has become a village legend and continues to inspire hope and courage for the future.

砂漠の奇跡【プロンプト劇場】兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)⑨AIイラストプロンプト集 <a target=#AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート " width="620" height="620">
砂漠の奇跡【プロンプト劇場】兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)⑨AIイラストプロンプト集 #AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート

poster of an Arabic calligraphy book page featuring a silhouette illustration of a rabbit ear female dancer in the style of anime, holding his legs up with red ribbons wrapped around them and standing on top of an ornate podium. There is also some text written in Arabic script. in the style of digital painting, natural lighting, anime character design, sharp focus, highly detailed illustration, masterpiece, high definition, in the style of octane rendering, --ar 5:7 --niji 6

アニメ風のうさぎの耳の女性ダンサーが、赤いリボンを巻いて足を上げ、豪華な演台の上に立っているシルエットイラストが描かれたアラビア書道の本のページのポスター。アラビア文字で書かれたテキストもある。デジタルペインティング風、自然光、アニメキャラクターデザイン、シャープフォーカス、高精細イラスト、傑作、高精細、オクタンレンダリング風、--ar 5:7 --niji 6

砂漠の奇跡【プロンプト劇場】兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)⑨AIイラストプロンプト集 <a target=#AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート " width="620" height="620">
砂漠の奇跡【プロンプト劇場】兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)⑨AIイラストプロンプト集 #AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート


Dance Battle in the Alley

路地裏のダンスバトル【プロンプト劇場】兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)⑨AIイラストプロンプト集 <a target=#AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート " width="620" height="620">
#AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート

In a corner of a future city, a back alley is decorated with graffiti. There was a girl there. Her name was Koro Usamimi, a girl with long pink hair, blue eyes, and rabbit ears. Koro Usamimi was wearing a white shirt and a black skirt and was performing a dynamic clamp dance.

That night, Koro Usamimi was dancing for a very special reason. A dear friend of hers was about to give up on her dream. Koro Usamimi danced as hard as she could to give her friend courage. Her movements were sharp, precise, and captivating to all who saw her. In the background was a futuristic urban landscape, and the neon lights enhanced her dance.

Suddenly, a ray of light fell across the center of the square, creating a shining pattern around the rabbit-eared koro. The light had the power to accept her passion and wishes and create a miracle. Koro Usamimi's dance became even more powerful and beautiful, and her prayers reached the heavens.

The next morning, my friend woke up with a new determination to continue pursuing her dream. The people of the city believed that Koro Usamimi's dance had brought about a miracle, and came to revere her as the "Dance Hero of the Future City.

Since then, Koro Usamimi's dance has become a symbol of the future city and continues to give people hope and courage.

路地裏のダンスバトル【プロンプト劇場】兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)⑨AIイラストプロンプト集 <a target=#AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート " width="620" height="620">
路地裏のダンスバトル【プロンプト劇場】兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)⑨AIイラストプロンプト集 #AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート

A girl with long rabbit ear pink hair in a white shirt and black skirt is performing dynamic krumping. The background is an urban alley full of graffiti. Krump dancer in oversized t-shirt and baggy pants, urban street style, loose-fitting clothing, bright colors, aggressive dance poses, gritty street background, dramatic lighting, intense facial expressions, high-resolution colorful lighting and detailed character design Animation style by. Full-length portraits, long hair flying about, anime aesthetics. --R 5:7



Sun Dance

太陽の舞【プロンプト劇場】兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)⑨AIイラストプロンプト集 <a target=#AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート " width="620" height="620">
#AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート

Her name is Koro Usamimi, a girl with long pink hair and blue eyes. She was dressed in a cool, pretty style of black-purple and gold, laughing and raising her hands to prevent anything from happening to her. Her movements were dynamic and acrobatic, her body twisting and turning with amazing agility.

In the background was a golden sun symbol and dark purple flowers painted in a kung fu pattern. White outlines surrounded her on all sides, with high contrast and thick lines. Flat colors and a sharp, high-resolution focus further enhanced this scene, which was painted in a 2D vector art style.

Koro Usamimi danced to bring hope and courage to the people of the city. Her smile and strong movements moved all who saw her. Her dance was like the sun shining brightly, a beacon of light in the darkness.

That night, those who saw Koro Usamimi perform were moved by her courage and passion. Her dance was not just a performance, but an expression of her own soul and a symbol of hope for the people of the city. Since then, Usamimi koro's dance has been passed down through the generations as the "Dance of the Sun" and continues to inspire people forever.

太陽の舞【プロンプト劇場】兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)⑨AIイラストプロンプト集 <a target=#AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート " width="620" height="620">
太陽の舞【プロンプト劇場】兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)⑨AIイラストプロンプト集 #AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート

She has long pink hair and blue eyes. She has a cool, cute style and wears black-purple gold. She laughs out loud while holding up her hands to block something, performs dynamic acrobatic dance moves, and her body flips and twists with incredible agility.

The background has a golden sun symbol, dark purple flowers in a kung fu pattern. White outline border on all sides, high contrast, bold lines, flat color, high resolution, sharp focus, 2D, flat, vector art--ar 5:7--niji 6


背景は、金色の太陽のシンボル、カンフーパターンに濃い紫色の花を持っています。 すべての側面に白い輪郭の境界線、高コントラスト、太線、フラットカラー、高解像度、シャープフォーカス、2D、フラット、ベクターアート--ar 5:7 --niji 6



Prompt Theater [July & June & May 2024]


Koro's Prompt Theater Magazine

Have a great generating life today 💕🎨🐰

#創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門
ハクシ様の #プロンプト劇場
#兎耳コロ #Koroちゃん

Click here for archived articles ↓

