
【プロンプト劇場】兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)⑥AIイラストプロンプト集 #AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート



Recently, Usamimi Koro-chan has been passionately working on Koro-chan illustrations for Prompt Theater and other projects, as well as English translation audio and music production for "You Are My Andromeda"🐰✨

君は僕のアンドロメダ You are my Andromeda📚①英語音楽


The serialization in 🎊 magazine has started.

Every Wednesday, Arumi will present an adapted novel, and every Saturday, Koro will bring you an article combining English literature and music.

The original work of Summer Dream (Kanon) will shine even brighter with a new breath of life... 🌌🌟

Avalab's Usamimi Koro 🐰💕

#創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #夏夢カノン
兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)の #プロンプト劇場
AIイラストプロンプト集 #AIart #コロちゃんファンアート  

今話題のイラストから動画が作れる #Luma
I tried running it with #Luma #LumaDreamMachine@LumaLabsAI, which can make videos from the hottest illustrations... ♪

Recently, we have also started streaming on Stand.FM (staef) 💕🎵

On this platform, we would like to publish the soundtracks of our current series "You are my Andromeda" and "High School Girl Essay".

Please listen °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
A song that echoes in Andromeda 🎵

詩人の集い ~詩集出版プロジェクト~」も必見です!

Let's open today's Prompt Theater Koro-chan ver!

#うさぎの魔法 #兎耳コロ #Koroちゃん #コロちゃん
#rabbit magic #usagemimi koro #Korochan #Koro-chan


Usamimi Koro-chan's Magic School

Usamimi Koroの物語において、彼女が魔法を学ぶための師匠や学校が存在するかどうかの詳細は明らかにされていません。しかし、彼女が住む幻想的な世界では、魔法が日常的な要素であるため、魔法学校や師匠が存在する可能性は高いです。一般的にファンタジーの物語では、魔法使いがその技術を磨くために学校に通ったり、経験豊かな師匠から学んだりすることがよく描かれます。
In Usamimi Koro's story, no details are given as to whether a mentor or school exists for her to learn magic. However, since magic is an everyday element in the fantasy world she inhabits, it is highly likely that magic schools and masters exist. In general, fantasy stories often depict wizards attending schools or learning from experienced masters in order to hone their skills.

Usamimi Koroが魔法を学ぶ過程や、彼女の技術を磨くための指導者に関する物語があるかもしれませんが、それについての具体的な情報は見つかりませんでした。彼女の物語がさらに展開される中で、魔法学校や師匠に関するエピソードが明らかになるかもしれません。
There may be a story about Usamimi Koro's process of learning magic and about her mentor who helped her hone her craft, but we could find no specific information about it. As her story unfolds further, episodes about the magic school and her mentor may be revealed.

Usamimi Koroが魔法を学ぶ際に直面する困難や試練についての具体的な情報は見つかりませんでしたが、彼女の物語の性質上、以下のような試練が想像されます。
We could not find any specific information about the difficulties or trials that Usamimi Koro faces in learning magic, but due to the nature of her story, we can imagine the following trials.

  1. 魔法のコントロール
    Magic Control

    • 魔法の力をコントロールすることは、修行の基本であり、最初の大きな挑戦です。
      Controlling magical powers is the basis of the practice and the first major challenge.

    • 彼女は自分の内なる力を理解し、それを安全に使いこなす方法を学ぶ必要があります。
      She needs to understand her inner power and learn how to use it safely.

  2. 魔法の知識
    Knowledge of Magic

    • 魔法の世界は広大で、多くの知識が必要です。
      The world of magic is vast and requires much knowledge.

    • 古代の呪文や魔法の歴史、異なる魔法の流派について学ぶことが求められるでしょう。
      You will be expected to learn about ancient spells, the history of magic, and different schools of magic.

  3. 個人的な成長
    Personal Growth

    • 魔法の修行は、自己発見の旅でもあります。
      The practice of magic is also a journey of self-discovery.

    • Usamimi Koroは、自分自身と向き合い、内面の強さを見つけることが重要です。
      Usamimi Koro is about facing oneself and finding inner strength.

この世界には、Usamimi Koroとは異なる種類の魔法使いが存在する可能性が高いです。ファンタジーの世界では、通常、様々な魔法の流派や特殊な能力を持つキャラクターが登場します。彼らはそれぞれ独自の魔法スタイルを持ち、Usamimi Koroの物語に色々な影響を与えるでしょう。
It is very likely that there are different kinds of wizards in this world than in Usamimi Koro. In a fantasy world, there are usually characters from different schools of magic and with special abilities. They will each have their own unique magical style and will influence the story of Usamimi Koro in many ways.

Usamimi Koro自身の魔法スタイルに関する詳細は見つかりませんでしたが、彼女のキャラクター設定や物語のテーマから、彼女が持つ魔法は彼女の個性や物語の要素と密接に関連していると考えられます。彼女の魔法スタイルは、彼女の冒険や成長に合わせて進化し、彼女の物語において重要な役割を果たすことでしょう。
While we could not find any details about Usamimi Koro's own magical style, her characterization and the themes of her story suggest that the magic she possesses is closely related to her personality and elements of her story. Her magical style will evolve as she adventures and grows and will play an important role in her story.

Cherry Blossom Promise

【プロンプト劇場】兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)⑥AIイラストプロンプト集 <a target=#AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート 🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇 Fantasistaのハクシ様(Hakushi様)のプロンプト劇場!桜色の約束" width="620" height="620">
🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇

The breath of spring was gently enveloping the small town of Chiba. As usual, she was sitting on a park bench, wearing brightly striped tights and a straw hat decorated with flowers, amid falling cherry petals. Her name is Koro Rabbit Ears. Her long pink hair was braided into a bunny ears, with a little catsuit on top.

Koro the rabbit-eared was a legendary figure in this town. Colorful flowers always bloomed around her, and people respected her, calling her "the messenger of spring. However, she herself did not know why. However, she would naturally visit the park at the turn of the season and talk with the flowers.

One day, a new wind blew into town. A young painter from the city heard a rumor about Koro Usamimi and decided to paint her. He went to the park every day and began sketching her from afar. Koro Usamimi was unaware of his presence, but her image was already deeply etched in his mind.

As spring deepened and the cherry blossoms began to fall, the painter finally called out to Koro the rabbit-eared. Your beauty is as fleeting as the cherry blossoms in spring, yet eternal. Let me paint you." Koro Usamimi was surprised, but moved by the sincerity in his eyes, she agreed.

For several days, the artist painted Koro the Rabbit-Eared. He tried to capture on canvas her grace, her serenity, and the spring warmth she radiated. The finished painting captivated the townspeople, and the legend of Koro the Rabbit-Eared became even more colorful.

But the day came when the painter left town. He handed the painting to Koro Usamimi and said, "This is a cherry-red promise to you. I will see you again someday in the spring," and left. Koro Usamimi hugged the painting and felt for the first time that spring had come to her heart.

Every year since then, Koro the Rabbit-Eared sat on the same bench, waiting for the painter to return. And on the spring day he promised, he did indeed return. They met again and vowed to each other under the cherry blossoms for an eternal spring. Their love, along with the promise of cherry blossoms, has been passed down through the ages.

And now, in the town of Chiba, the story of Koro Usamimi and the painter was told in the spring, and people felt love and hope. Their story was as tender and beautiful as the petals of a cherry blossom🌸

【プロンプト劇場】兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)⑥AIイラストプロンプト集 <a target=#AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート 🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇 Fantasistaのハクシ様(Hakushi様)のプロンプト劇場!桜色の約束" width="620" height="620">
🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇

Usamimi Koro, anime illustration in the style of cute, rabbit ears, an elegant and beautiful girl with long pink hair in braids wears colorful striped tights under a straw hat decorated with flowers, she has green eyes and is wearing a rainbow colored sweater. the background depicts a magical garden filled with blooming sunflowers and daisies, full body, delicate and fine art style, cute and dreamy mood, soft lighting, vibrant colors, digital painting --ar 3:4 --niji 6

【プロンプト劇場】兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)⑥AIイラストプロンプト集 <a target=#AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート 🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇 Fantasistaのハクシ様(Hakushi様)のプロンプト劇場!桜色の約束" width="620" height="620">
🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇

Usamimi Koro, Cute style animated illustration. Elegant and beautiful girl with long pink hair in a braid and rabbit ears wears colorful striped tights under a straw hat decorated with flowers.



Roses and dancing sea lice koro

【プロンプト劇場】兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)⑥AIイラストプロンプト集 <a target=#AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート 🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇 Fantasistaのハクシ様(Hakushi様)のプロンプト劇場!薔薇と舞うウサミミコロ" width="620" height="620">
🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇

In a small theater in Chiba Prefecture, a stage actress captivated the audience. Her name is Usamimi koro. With her long pink hair and rabbit ears, she looks like a character out of an anime. Tonight she was wearing a special flamenco dress and performing passionate dance and martial arts poses on a red and black floral bed.

The dress was finely embroidered, and the roses in the background enhanced it. The lighting mimicked natural light, making the figure of Usamimi Koro more realistic and vivid. Her movements were sharp, like a real warrior. However, her facial expressions were both cute and cool at the same time, and the audience was captivated by the gap between the two.

On this night, Usamimi koro was not just a character, but the hero of a story. Her dance was not just a performance, but told a story of her own battle and growth. And when she smiled quietly in her final pose, the audience applauded with emotion.

The story of Usamimi Koro was deeply engraved in the hearts of those who left the theater that night, and her name spread far beyond the town of Chiba. Her dance was beautiful, powerful, and above all, moving. It was truly an overnight miracle, worthy of being called a masterpiece. 

【プロンプト劇場】兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)⑥AIイラストプロンプト集 <a target=#AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート 🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇 Fantasistaのハクシ様(Hakushi様)のプロンプト劇場!薔薇と舞うウサミミコロ" width="620" height="620">
🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇

Usamimi Koro, full body of anime girl character dancing and martial poses on a red and black floral bed with a flamenco dress with an essentially detailed embroidery patterned fabric with roses in the background, in the style of cute and cool, anime aesthetic, pink long hair, rabbit ears, colorful illustrations, highly detailed, in the style of digital painting, natural lighting, full body portrait, anime character design, sharp focus, highly detailed illustration, masterpiece, high definition, in the style of octane rendering, 2D game art, hyper realistic. --ar 3:4 --niji 6

兎耳コロ、赤と黒の花柄のベッドの上で踊るアニメの女の子のキャラクターの全身と武骨なポーズ、背景にはバラが描かれた本質的に細かい刺繍模様の布地のフラメンコドレス、キュートでクールなスタイル、アニメの美学、ピンクのロングヘア、ウサギの耳、カラフルなイラスト、非常に詳細、デジタル絵画風、自然光、全身ポートレート、アニメキャラクターデザイン、シャープフォーカス、非常に詳細なイラスト、傑作、高精細、オクタンレンダリング風、2Dゲームアート、超リアル。--ar 3:4 --niji 6

【プロンプト劇場】兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)⑥AIイラストプロンプト集 <a target=#AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート 🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇 Fantasistaのハクシ様(Hakushi様)のプロンプト劇場!薔薇と舞うウサミミコロ" width="620" height="620">
🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇


Under the Red Sun

【プロンプト劇場】兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)⑥AIイラストプロンプト集 <a target=#AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート 🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇 Fantasistaのハクシ様(Hakushi様)のプロンプト劇場!赤い太陽の下で" width="620" height="620">
🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇

The red sun was shining on the jungle, and Usamimi Koro was lying on an old wooden bridge. Lush foliage surrounds her, creating an atmosphere of adventure. She was dressed in dark clothing with bright patterns. Her long pink hair is tied back and she has rabbit ears. She has a cigar in her mouth, exhaling smoke as she gazes out at the water.

This place had a special meaning for Usamimi koro. Once a girl who crossed this bridge to go on adventures, she now comes here to reflect on the past and enjoy the quiet moments. Her eyes stare off into the distance, but her mind travels back and forth between the past and the present.

One day, she was visited by a traveler. The traveler had heard rumors about Usamimi Koro and came to hear her tale of adventure. Usamimikoro smiled and began to tell them about the adventures she had experienced. Her stories resonated strongly in the hearts of those who heard them, as if they were living legends.

When the story ended, the traveler expressed her gratitude and gave Usamimikoro a single gift. It was a beautiful feather with a map of the places she had visited. Wearing the feather, Usamimikoro decided to embark on another adventurous journey.

Under the red sun, Usamimikoro stepped onto a new adventure. Her story, along with this bridge, will be told forever. And her courage and adventurous spirit continued to bring dreams and hope to all who visited.

【プロンプト劇場】兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)⑥AIイラストプロンプト集 <a target=#AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート 🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇 Fantasistaのハクシ様(Hakushi様)のプロンプト劇場!赤い太陽の下で" width="620" height="620">
🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇

Usamimi Koro, A character lounging on an overgrown wooden bridge, illustrated in the style of cool and stylish with black outlines. The background is a lush jungle under a red sun. She wears dark adorned with bright patterns and has pink long hair tied back and rabbit ears. A cigar hangs from her mouth as she smokes it while gazing out at the water below. Green leaves line both sides of the wooden structure, adding to its adventurous feel. --ar 3:4 --niji 6

兎耳コロ、生い茂った木の橋の上でくつろぐキャラクターを、黒のアウトラインでクール&スタイリッシュに描いたイラスト。背景は赤い太陽の下、青々としたジャングル。明るい模様で飾られたダークな服を着て、ピンクの長い髪を後ろで結び、ウサギの耳をつけている。葉巻を口にくわえ、水面を眺めながらタバコを吸っている。木造建築の両側には緑の葉が並び、冒険心をくすぐる。--ar 3:4 --niji 6


Dreaming Hanami no Usamimi Koro

【プロンプト劇場】兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)⑥AIイラストプロンプト集 <a target=#AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート 🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇 Fantasistaのハクシ様(Hakushi様)のプロンプト劇場!夢見る花海のウサミミコロ" width="620" height="620">
🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇

With blue sky and white clouds floating in the distance, there was a girl standing in a sea of flowers. Her name was Usamimikoro. Her long pink hair had rabbit ears, and she held a fairy wand in her hand, calling to the fireflies flying around her. In the background, cloud flowers of various sizes were in full bloom, and the dreamy blue tones created a fantastic atmosphere.

【プロンプト劇場】兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)⑥AIイラストプロンプト集 <a target=#AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート 🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇 Fantasistaのハクシ様(Hakushi様)のプロンプト劇場!夢見る花海のウサミミコロ" width="620" height="620">
🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇

This place was a space of special significance to Usamimikoro. This was the place where she would move between the boundaries of dreams and reality, and where her magical powers would be at their strongest. Every time she waved her wand, a new flower would bloom, a firefly would light up, and her surroundings would always be filled with the radiance of life.

【プロンプト劇場】兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)⑥AIイラストプロンプト集 <a target=#AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート 🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇 Fantasistaのハクシ様(Hakushi様)のプロンプト劇場!夢見る花海のウサミミコロ" width="620" height="620">
🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇

One day, while waving her cane, Usamimikoro suddenly gazed into the distance. What she saw was a scene from the distant future. There, she saw herself as an adult, using her power to give dreams and hope to people all over the world. In that moment, she realized her mission and vowed to become stronger and kinder.

【プロンプト劇場】兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)⑥AIイラストプロンプト集 <a target=#AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート 🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇 Fantasistaのハクシ様(Hakushi様)のプロンプト劇場!夢見る花海のウサミミコロ" width="620" height="620">
🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇

The story of Usamimikoro began in this sea of flowers, where her magical powers spread throughout the world. Her existence became a symbol of hope for many people, and her name will be spoken of forever. And the beautiful world she created became a dream place that everyone wished to visit at least once.

【プロンプト劇場】兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)⑥AIイラストプロンプト集 <a target=#AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート 🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇 Fantasistaのハクシ様(Hakushi様)のプロンプト劇場!夢見る花海のウサミミコロ" width="620" height="620">
🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇

Usamimi Koro, Blue sky, white clouds floating in the distance, a little girl standing on a flower sea, rabbit ears pink hair girl holding a fairy wand in her hand to summon flying fireflies around her. The background is full of large and small cloud flowers, creating an atmosphere of fantasy and dreamy blue tones. In the style of a high definition anime, with high resolution. A panoramic view from above, capturing the vastness of nature. Soft lighting creates a warm feeling. --ar 3:4 --niji 6

兎耳コロ、青い空、遠くに浮かぶ白い雲、花海の上に立つ少女、手に妖精の杖を持ち、周囲に飛び交うホタルを呼び出すうさ耳ピンクの髪の少女。背景には大小の雲の花が咲き乱れ、幻想的で夢のような青い色調の雰囲気を醸し出している。高解像度のアニメ風。上空からのパノラマビューで、広大な自然を表現。柔らかなライティングが温かみを感じさせます。--ar 3:4 --niji 6

【プロンプト劇場】兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)⑥AIイラストプロンプト集 <a target=#AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート 🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇 Fantasistaのハクシ様(Hakushi様)のプロンプト劇場!夢見る花海のウサミミコロ" width="620" height="620">
🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇

陰陽の舞 - ウサミミコロの達人

Yin-Yang Dance - Master of Usamimi Koro

【プロンプト劇場】兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)⑥AIイラストプロンプト集 <a target=#AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート 🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇 Fantasistaのハクシ様(Hakushi様)のプロンプト劇場!陰陽の舞 - ウサミミコロの達人" width="620" height="620">
🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇
陰陽の舞 - ウサミミコロの達人

There was a time in ancient times when the power of yin and yang shaped the world. Standing at the center of it all was a woman called Usamimikoro, who had a unique appearance with long pink hair and rabbit ears. She was a master of the martial arts, and her movements were a whirlwind of red and black yin and yang, dancing powerfully and beautifully.

Usamimikoro continued to fight to keep the world in balance. Her skills were as much a part of the story as her stylish and energetic illustrations, painted with dynamic brushstrokes. She was known throughout the world for her colorful, detailed digital painting masterpieces in high resolution.

One day, Usamimikoro faced its greatest challenge. Dark forces were beginning to overtake the world, and the balance of yin and yang was on the verge of collapse. Believing in her own power, she decided to strike a decisive blow at the center of the vortex of yin and yang. At that moment, the space around her shone brightly, sweeping away the dark forces.

Usamimikoro's courage and strength gave hope to people all over the world, and her story became a legend. Her dance will forever be passed down as a symbol of the harmony of yin and yang and peace in the world. And her name will be honored as one of the greatest martial arts masters in history.

【プロンプト劇場】兎耳コロ(Koroちゃん)⑥AIイラストプロンプト集 <a target=#AIart #コロちゃんファンアート #創作大賞2024 #ビジネス部門 #ショートショート 🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇 Fantasistaのハクシ様(Hakushi様)のプロンプト劇場!陰陽の舞 - ウサミミコロの達人" width="620" height="620">
🐰Koroちゃん🌸兎耳コロ💖Usamimi Koroちゃん🐇
陰陽の舞 - ウサミミコロの達人

兎耳コロ、赤と黒の陰陽が渦を巻き、ウサギの耳のようなピンクのロングの女性が中央でマーシャルアーツアクションをしています。絵本の挿絵のようなダイナミックな筆使いのスタイリッシュでエネルギーに満ちたイラスト風のベクターアートです。カラフルなイラスト、高精細、高解像度、デジタル絵画風、自然光、全身像、アニメキャラクターデザイン、シャープフォーカス、高精細イラスト、傑作、高精細、オクタンレンダリング風、2Dゲームアート、超リアル。--3:4 --にじ6

Usamimi Koro, A red and black yin yang swirls with a rabbit ear pink long woman playing martial atrs action in the center, vector art in the style of stylish, energy-filled illustrations with dynamic brushstrokes in the style of a storybook illustration. colorful illustrations, highly detailed, high resolution, in the style of digital painting, natural lighting, full body portrait, anime character design, sharp focus, highly detailed illustration, masterpiece, high definition, in the style of octane rendering, 2D game art, hyper realistic. --ar 3:4 --niji 6



Prompt Theater [June 2024]


Prompt Theater [May 2024]


Koro's Prompt Theater Magazine

Have a great generating life today 💕🎨🐰

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ハクシ様の #プロンプト劇場
#兎耳コロ #Koroちゃん

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