
夏夢(カノン)NFT小説「タイトル募集中」Koro&Fantasista #ライオンズゲート #創作大賞2023 #オールカテゴリ部門 #創作大賞感想 #編集後記 #創作大賞2024

After the 👑Creation Award 2023👑

NFT小説 夏夢(カノン)Summer Dream Koro&Fantasista
NFT小説 夏夢(カノン)Summer Dream Koro&Fantasista

#振り返りNOTE を投稿しようと思います(^^♪
I am going to post a #lookbackNOTE
on the NFT novel
"Summer Dream" Koro & Fantasista

兎耳コロちゃん・Usamimi Koroちゃんの新イラスト垢


🌟[Door of Fortune] Lions Gate 🌟


今年の #ライオンズゲート のピークでしたね!
Yesterday, August 8, 2023, was the peak of this year's #Lionsgate!

It is a time when energy from the universe descends powerfully, and it opens wide for only 18 days each year, from July 26 to August 12.

A ✨great opportunity✨
to write down your wishes and challenges.

I have utilized LitLink to create a collection of links
to showcase the work I have been involved in!


🎨Koro's portfolio

#ファンアート や #コラボ作品 を掲載しております❤
I post #FanArt and #Collaboration works ❤ Also post upcoming collaboration projects and thingsI'm interested in! If you want to know more about Koro, or if you would like to collaborate with Koro in the future, I would be very happy if you could use this as a reference↓

Here is the link to Fantasista's Hakushi,
who has been a great help to me.


👑Creation Award 2023👑

NFT小説 夏夢(カノン)のマガジン
NFT小説 夏夢(カノン)のマガジン


#創作大賞2023 #オールカテゴリ部門 

NFT Novel "Summer Dream" Koro & Fantasista

NFT novel "Title Wanted" Koro & Fantasista, #Creation Award 2023 #All Categories category, which I was involved in suddenly before.

このNFT小説 のリンクも挿入しました🔗
公募でタイトルと感想を募集 させて頂いたものです!

I have also inserted a link to this NFT novel 🔗 which was openly solicited for titles and feedback! Once again, I would like to thank you all for your participation and support.

Koro と Fantasista による

After a strict screening by Koro and Fantasista,
the title was decided to be "Summer Dream"🎊

#AI小説#AIアート#AIイラスト )の
#NFT小説 のマガジン(全第5話)

NFT小説 夏夢(カノン)の全作品は、
#マガジン から、閲覧できます↓

A collaboration of #AI Novel and #AI Art (#AI Illustration)!

Magazine of #NFT Novels (all 5 episodes)

All #NFT Novel Summer Dream can be viewed from #Magazine


夏夢(カノン)NFT小説「タイトル募集中」Koro&Fantasista #創作大賞感想
夏夢(カノン)NFT小説「タイトル募集中」Koro&Fantasista #創作大賞感想

In addition, the following article summarizes the impressions and title awards that made this NFT/AI novel, announces the winners of the Impressions Grand Prize, and summarizes the titles and impressions from everyone who participated in the event.


【Summer Dream】NFT Novel "Title wanted" Koro & Fantasista #Creation Awards Comments

*Comments are always welcome,
even after the deadline!
(We're glad you commented!)

❤We are always waiting to hear from you❤
*If you post or comment your thoughts on NOTE or SNS, we will add them to the above Japanese and the following English NOTE.

【Summer Dream】NFT Novel "Title wanted" Koro & Fantasista #Creation Awards Comments

#英語 #翻訳 バージョンはこちら↓
#English #Translated version is here↓


In this article, we will summarize the joyful voices of the winners of two of these prizes + α 【note Creative Work Award】The winners of the commemorative prize for the fastest-growing No. 1 ranking!

Once again, congratulations to all the winners of the title and feedback prizes, and to the winners of the celebratory fireworks illustrations🎊

Koro × Fantasista

🌈Giveaway each prize announced 🌈

Total RTs🔁130
Total likes❤️140

Thank you so much for all the title suggestions and feedback😊🌈✨
We had so many great ideas that it took us a little while to get to ☺️☀️

🎉Announcing the awards🎉


🏆[Title Award]🏆 Summer Dream

🏆[Comment Award] 🏆

Congratulations 😆㊗️🎉
Please DM me with your winning and wallet address ☺🎉

Congratulations to both of you ❤❤❤!

🏆[Title Award]🏆 Summer Dream

📷[Comment Award]📷

Below is the link to the NFT novel "Summer Dream" Koro & Fantasista with your comments ☺ #nft #aiart #Creative writing award comments Please check it out ❤


🌟Title Prize

NFT小説 夏夢(カノン)Koro&Fantasista 
NFT小説 夏夢(カノン)Koro&Fantasista 

Summer Dream

By Fantasista_AI_ART_project

Koro×Fantasistaコラボ企画 AI小説の表紙採用イラスト[G006]
Illustration adopted for the cover of Koro×Fantasista collaboration project AI novel [G006]

【AI小説リンク AI Novel Links】https://note.com/korovrm/n/n5f66f2c67f27

I just received the NFT!
Not only is it cute, but it's great that you included the title!!! ✨✨

I will treasure it 💎

NFT also included a link to your novel!

Once again, I'm so glad I was able to come across this work!

Thank you so much!

I didn't know I could get a title award for my wonderful work!

I'm really happy, thank you!

It was a great honor and a valuable experience for me to have the opportunity to give titles to both of your works!

Thank you very much!

Thank you ‼️
I'm thrilled ✨😭✨

Thank you for your hard work!!!

I am so grateful to have encountered your work! I will continue to support you ⚑⚑

I'm so glad you could make it!
I am very impressed! Thank you!

Thanks for all your hard work!
I also spent some time looking at the comments section and thinking how great it was to see all the wonderful titles and impressions! I'm really honored to have been chosen by you two out of all of them! ✨✨

Keep up the good work! I'll be rooting for you! ⚑

I'm being exposed for going crazy🤣

I was excited and then opeansea fell 😭

It really is a title 😭

I'm so happy, so happy!

I'm so happy I can't stop smiling (><

I like it a lot.

It has finished giveaway, but you can still read it if you have never read it before!

The header is my favorite!

I'm so happy to have you as my header ❤
I also followed all the many joyful tweets (lol)


🌟Grand Prize for Impressions

NFT小説 夏夢(カノン)Koro&Fantasista #創作大賞感想
NFT小説 夏夢(カノン)Koro&Fantasista #創作大賞感想 

夏夢(カノン) 5章~命と夢の交差点~
Summer Dream (Canon) Chapter 5 -
Intersection of Life and Dreams

By Fantasista_AI_ART_project

AI illustration for the fifth chapter insert of the Koro x Fantasista collaborative project AI novel

【AI小説リンク AI Novel Links】

I got the "Best Impressions Award!" I am so happy!

I never dreamed that my writing would be selected for an award, and I hope that Koro's and hakushi's efforts will reach many people with various thoughts and feelings.
Thank you for giving me such a wonderful opportunity!

Congratulations to astraea!


夏夢(カノン)NFT小説「タイトル募集中」Koro&Fantasista #創作大賞感想

What a surprise..! Hoshigame, the winner of the Grand Prize for Impressions, introduced the NFT novel "Summer Dream" on his blog❤ Thank you so much!
【Summer Dream】NFT Novel "Title wanted" Koro & Fantasista #Creation Awards Comments

NFTとAIアートが結集する新たな創作の旅 - Creative Compass
NFT and AI Art Converge on a New Creative Journey - Creative Compass

This was a great article ♡ Please take a look ❤❤❤



This is an AI novel/NFT novel by Koro & Fantasista Koro & Fantasista, a wonderful project that combines AI and creativity. This work is truly one of the new art forms, with an inspiring story created using AI, multiple revisions, and connecting it with the AI art of the illustrations to bring out the depth and charm of the story.


NFTとAIアートが結集する新たな創作の旅 - Creative Compass

Combining AI art in addition to novels makes it possible to convey the world of the work and the images of the characters more vividly. Readers can become more emotionally resonant and more immersed in the world of the story not only through the written word, but also through beautiful art. Such a challenge is a wonderful way to create a new form of art. Through artwork that delivers emotion, readers will be able to experience and be inspired in new ways. We invite you to experience "Koro & Fantasista" and immerse yourself in its charm.
NFT and AI Art Converge on a New Creative Journey - Creative Compass


🌟[Note Creation Awards] Rapidly Rising Rankings

1位記念 #Giveaway #NFT 作品【3名様】
1st Place Commemoration #Giveaway #NFT Works [3 people]

【note創作大賞】急上昇ランキング1位記念 NFT小説 夏夢(カノン)
【note創作大賞】急上昇ランキング1位記念 NFT小説 夏夢(カノン)


🌈Giveaway Winner Announced🌈

Total RTs🔁146
Total likes❤️194

As this was a commemorative giveaway, we were surprised by the quality of the work ✨and the response was more than we could have imagined 😊💖

🎉Winner announced🎉!




Congratulations 😆㊗️🎉
Please DM me with your wallet address and that you won ☺🎉

Wow😭Thank you so much!
I'm extremely happy ✨The title of your novel is also nice with summer dream!
I'm so happy to welcome Fantasista's work 😭 Thank you for this wonderful project: 🙇‍♀️

I'm happy to report that I'm 🎇 pleased to welcome you to the site 🎇.

I have just been contacted by the winner of a wonderful project called AI Novel ✖️ AI Art 😆
One of Hakushi's artwork of one of the acts of the novel is already a treasure ✨.
The quality of both the fireworks and the kimono is too awesome 🤩
Thank you 🥰

Thank you very much 😆
I am thrilled to receive such a wonderful piece of work 😆
Please take care of it: 🙇‍♂️

#New profile picture

They also gave me a new profile picture ✨I couldn't be happier!


editorial postscript

夏夢(カノン)NFT小説「タイトル募集中」Koro&Fantasista  <a target=#ライオンズゲート #創作大賞2023 #オールカテゴリ部門 #創作大賞感想 #編集後記" width="620" height="325">
夏夢(カノン)NFT小説「タイトル募集中」Koro&Fantasista #ライオンズゲート
#創作大賞2023 #オールカテゴリ部門 #創作大賞感想 #編集後記

Summer Dream NFT Novel "Title Wanted" Koro & Fantasista #Lionsgate #Creative Writing Award 2023 #All Category Category #Creative Writing Award Comments #Editorial Postscript

A very large number of people gave us titles and feedback, even after the deadline, and the event was a great success.

With this opportunity, I feel that my own AI skills have improved and the range of creative possibilities and creators has further expanded with AI novels and AI illustrations.

NFT art gifts to the winners are stored below 🎁

Based on this NFT novel, book adaptation (novels, novellas, manga, paper books and e-books) audio (readings, voice actors wanted) and music (background music, songs, theme songs) video (PV videos, animation, drama, live action, movies)...

I thought it would be a dream come true
if I could collaborate with various media ✨



デビューを目指そう!書籍化や連載のチャンスあり。#創作大賞2023 募集開始!

This time, we have stepped down as an application to this NOTE and NFT art, but first, we would like to wait for the announcement of the first round results in mid-September.

Announcement of interim results: mid-September (tentative)
Announcement of final results: late October (tentative)

Aim for your debut! There is a chance to be published in book form or as a serialized work. #Creation Grand Prize 2023 is now accepting applications!

Thank you very much for reading this article.
I would like to continue to try my hand at various works
(collaborative works and contests)!


2023.08.09 #12 DisabilityLog #KoroFantasista
#創作大賞2023 #オールカテゴリ部門 #創作大賞感想
#ライオンズゲート #編集後記

Thank you for your continued support!

2023.08.09 #12 DisabilityLog #Koro & Fantasista #Creative Awards 2023 #All Category Category #Creative Awards Comments #Lionsgate #Editorial Postscript

Happy birthday to Fantasista's Hakushi on August 10 (Heart Day❤) 🎂(^^♪ On this day, I quoted this NOTE article on Twitter to thank you for your kind words to our readers!

Koro on Instagram: "【PV動画】NFT小説 夏夢(カノン) ついに!タイトル決定🥳🎊🥂🎉🙌🌟 記念に、ショート縦バージョンの動画を 初お披露目します💖🎬🌌🎋🌕 NFT小説「夏夢(カノン)」Koro&Fantasistaは、 Note創作大賞2023 オールカテゴリ部門に応募しました。 第二回AIアートグランプリには、この小説の原作プラスα 別の横バージョン(ダイジェスト動画)を提出しました!! 3分でちょうどピッタリ、カノンの名曲に併せています! ↑お楽しみに😘💕詳細はコロちゃん@korovrmの Note📖Koro@DisabilityLogに投稿します🐰💡 🆕NFT小説『夏夢(カノン) 』公式サイトもチェック✅ https://nft-novel-summer-dream.studio.site/ ☑️Koroのリットリンク🔗も要チェック https://lit.link/korovrm Koro & Fantasistaの傑作を是非ご覧ください🥹🎨📚 そして、この映像美をご視聴ください🎥🎼🎵🎶🎬 @korovrm Koro (DisabilityLog) コロ @fantasista_ai Fantasista (Hakushi)ハクシ -------------- NFT Novel "Summer Dream" Finally! The title has been decided 🥳🎊🥂🎉🙌🌟 To commemorate the event, we are going to show you a short vertical version of the video for the first time💖🎬🌌🎋🌕 NFT Novel "Summer Dream" Koro & Fantasista is, entered in the Note Creative Award 2023 All Categories category. The 2nd AI Art Grand Prix is the original work of this novel plus We submitted another horizontal version (digest video)! It is just right at 3 minutes and is accompanied by a famous song from the canon! ↑ Enjoy 😘💕For more information, please visit Koro-chan @korovrm 's Note📖Koro@DisabilityLog will post it 🐰💡 Also check 🆕NFT novel "Summer Dream" official website✅ https://nft-novel-summer-dream.studio.site/ Also check ☑️Koro's lit link🔗 https://lit.link/korovrm Please check out Koro & Fantasista's masterpiece 🥹🎨📚 And please watch this video beauty 🎥🎼🎵🎶🎬 @korovrm @fantasista_ai #cute #girl #nijijourney #midjourney #movie #動画 #aiイラスト好きさんと繋がりたい #AI術師さんと繋がりたい #美少女 #花火 #aiart #cuteanime #follow #kawaiiart #イラスト #instalike #aiartwork #instagood #illustrator #anime #japan #beautiful #summer #dream #art #book #nft #novel #kawaii #artwork" 993 likes, 15 comments - korovrm on September 23, 2023: "【PV動 www.instagram.com

【PV動画】NFT小説「夏夢(カノン)」タイトル決定記念🎉 この夏、あなたの心を揺さぶる NFT小説が登場🎊 その名も、「夏夢(カノン)」 Summer Dream 🌟 Koro&Fantasistaのコラボ作品で、 Note創作大賞2023 オールカテゴリ部門と 第二回AIアートグランプリに応募しました。 この小説は、音楽と映像と言葉が一体となった新しい形の物語です。 カノンの名曲に合わせて、美しい映像が流れます。 その中で、主人公たちの恋と冒険が展開されます。 この動画は、ショート縦バージョン①です。 今後あと2つ縦バージョンを投稿する予定です! 色々な動画をお楽しみください! (@korovrm のInstagramも要チェック) 3分の横バージョンもありますので、 ぜひチェックしてください。 NFT小説「夏夢(カノン)」の公式サイトやKoroのnote、Koro@DisabilityLogのリットリンクで、詳細をご覧いただけます。 この夏(秋)🎑🌌🐰🌟🎋 あなたも「夏夢(カノン)」に 魅了されてください🎵 @korovrm @fantasista_ai #NFT小説 #夏夢 #カノン #Note #創作大賞2023 #オールカテゴリ部門 #AIアートグランプリ AIアートぐrastrator@DisabilityLog #disabilitylog #korovrm #fyp #tiktok #tiktoker #vlog #vlogs #vlogger #歌ってみた #学生あるある #おすすめにのりたい #おすすめ #広告で有名になりたい人 #広告で有名になりたい #ドッキリ #ドッキリ大賞 #ドッキリgp #ドッキリ大成功 #ドッキリ大賞 #ドッキリグランプリ #ドッキリしてみた #TikTok #japan #日本 #アニメ #アニメーション #アニメを作ってみた #アニメ好き #アニメダンス #ダンス #ダンス動画 #動画 #動画編集 #映像 #映像制作 #映像クリエイター #映像製作 #映画 #映画好きな人と繋がりたい #映画鑑賞 #可愛い #かわいい #可愛い女の子 #カワイイ #可愛いは正義 #kawaii #kawaiigirl #kawaiiaesthetic #cute #cutegirl #girl #girls #girlfriend #anime #cuteanime #cuteanimegirls #cuteanimemoments #cuteanimescene #cuteanimegirlsedit #cuteanimemoment #moment #moments #school #schoollife #summer #summervlog #summerbeauty #beauty #beautiful #wow #movie #movieclips #movies #moviescene #movietok #movieclip #anime #comic #manga #漫画 #漫画動画 #animeedit #animetiktok #animes #animefyp #love #lovestory #lover #lovely #story #novel #novela #novelas #book #booktok #books #warm #ai #mijjourney #midjourneyart #nijijourneyai #nijijourney #art #artist #arte #artistsoftiktok #aiart #aiartcommunity #aiartwork #aiartcommunity #aiartist #aiイラスト #aiイラスト好きさんと繋がりたい #イラスト

♬ オリジナル楽曲 - 🌈Koro♿NFT✖︎Cluster💖 - 🌈Koro♿NFT✖︎Cluster💖



-夏夢カノン応援歌2- Lyric & Music by hidebow (youtube.com)

-夏夢カノン応援歌- Lyric & Music by hidebow (youtube.com)
Please stay alive

Koro on Instagram: "【PV動画】NFT小説 夏夢(カノン) ついに!タイトル決定🥳🎊🥂🎉🙌🌟 記念に、ショート縦バージョンの動画を 初お披露目します💖🎬🌌🎋🌕 NFT小説「夏夢(カノン)」Koro&Fantasistaは、 Note創作大賞2023 オールカテゴリ部門に応募しました。 第二回AIアートグランプリには、この小説の原作プラスα 別の横バージョン(ダイジェスト動画)を提出しました!! 3分でちょうどピッタリ、カノンの名曲に併せています! ↑お楽しみに😘💕詳細はコロちゃん@korovrmの Note📖Koro@DisabilityLogに投稿します🐰💡 🆕NFT小説『夏夢(カノン) 』公式サイトもチェック✅ https://nft-novel-summer-dream.studio.site/ ☑️Koroのリットリンク🔗も要チェック https://lit.link/korovrm Koro & Fantasistaの傑作を是非ご覧ください🥹🎨📚 そして、この映像美をご視聴ください🎥🎼🎵🎶🎬 @korovrm Koro (DisabilityLog) コロ @fantasista_ai Fantasista (Hakushi)ハクシ -------------- NFT Novel "Summer Dream" Finally! The title has been decided 🥳🎊🥂🎉🙌🌟 To commemorate the event, we are going to show you a short vertical version of the video for the first time💖🎬🌌🎋🌕 NFT Novel "Summer Dream" Koro & Fantasista is, entered in the Note Creative Award 2023 All Categories category. The 2nd AI Art Grand Prix is the original work of this novel plus We submitted another horizontal version (digest video)! It is just right at 3 minutes and is accompanied by a famous song from the canon! ↑ Enjoy 😘💕For more information, please visit Koro-chan @korovrm 's Note📖Koro@DisabilityLog will post it 🐰💡 Also check 🆕NFT novel "Summer Dream" official website✅ https://nft-novel-summer-dream.studio.site/ Also check ☑️Koro's lit link🔗 https://lit.link/korovrm Please check out Koro & Fantasista's masterpiece 🥹🎨📚 And please watch this video beauty 🎥🎼🎵🎶🎬 @korovrm @fantasista_ai #cute #girl #nijijourney #midjourney #movie #動画 #aiイラスト好きさんと繋がりたい #AI術師さんと繋がりたい #美少女 #花火 #aiart #cuteanime #follow #kawaiiart #イラスト #instalike #aiartwork #instagood #illustrator #anime #japan #beautiful #summer #dream #art #book #nft #novel #kawaii #artwork" 998 likes, 16 comments - korovrm on September 23, 2023: "【PV動 www.instagram.com


AI漫画、AI小説、NFT小説 夏夢カノン

兎耳コロちゃん・Usamimi Koroちゃんの新イラスト垢

宜しければ、サポートお願い致します❤🐰🌈 これからも可愛いコロちゃんをお見せできればと思っております☺