
🌈"#RealWorldTeacher" Why don't you become a teacher ?【9 : 00 a.m.】🌸Teacher of articles ✅①Yui from Kisha-Koku Junior Elementary school✨ ✅②"Teacher #DAO "✨ ✅③TeacherCoin from JAPAN! @opensea NFT【#note Colleagues Wanted⭐】

(Kisha-Koku Sensei)
 Good evening! Hello! Good morning!
 It's 9:00 here in Japan
 -- the time for the international edition of "#RealWorldTeacher" Project!
 We introduce people whom we expect to teach us at school
 based on their own "real-world" experiences.
 Today's facilitator is Yui from our school!

(Yui from Kisha-Koku Academy Elementary school)
 Just asking them to give us a lecture is not enough.
 I want them to be our regular teachers!✨

(Kisha-Koku Sensei)
 I've also been following them.
 I'll select some of their articles which I want my students to read.🌈
My selection is based on my points of view that I've nurtured through my career as a teacher and a journalist.✨
 Please feel free to use our hashtag, #RealWorldTeacher #RWT .✨

Which subjects will they teach us🌈
 -- English, math, science, music, sports, information, technology?
  What kinds of roles will they play at our school?
 Let's imagine such things while reading their articles.
 I bet you'll get excited!

1.🌈高橋ひろあき | 学びのアウトプット士 Sensei

2.🌈nabbychan@眼鏡参謀課長 Sensei
  ✅【教育・考察】努力=時間 x 行動量 x 行動内容←努力とは何か? 【努力か才能か論争1】

3.🌈タケJ@ポンコツ脱却情報発信人 Sensei

4.🌈若林 薫/絵画講師 Sensei

5.🌈ペーパーカウンセラーよしゆき Sensei
  ✅信頼の「貯金」。「生き方」のコンパス Vol.116

 🌈"#RWT" Project
  ✅"RWT" -- "Real-world" teachers
  ✅Why don't you become a teacher?
  ✅Use our #shakasen hashtag!

(Kisha-Koku Sensei)
 Why don't you share your own "real-world" experiences with next generations?

(Hina Shinagawa@Junior Highschool)
 Colleagues wanted for "Kisha-Koku Academy!"

#RealWorldTeacher #RWTProject
 ✅We already have more than 1,460 members!
 ✅Please follow our magazine introducing articles of our followers.
 ✅Please feel free to use our hashtag, #RWT .


🌸Ours has become one of the largest magazines on "note"

7.🌈Profile of "Kisha-Koku" Academy

8.🌈Join our educational reforms through #TeacherDAO #TDAO on "note!"
 🌈#RealWorldTeacher #RWT Project Colleagues Wanted!
 🌈Social funding
  ✅①Your support wanted! Please check out kindle book.
  ✅③Your comments encourage us a lot!⭐️

🌈Our kindle book has been ranked first place on the day of its release.
 ✅And many people are supporting our
#RWT (Real-world teachers) Project on "note."
 ✅We sincerely appreciate all your support!🌈

🌈If you read our kindle book…
Your review and comments are greatly appreciated!
☆☆☆☆☆ will make us happy!

9.🌈#TeacherCoin from JAPAN!
  ✅@opensea #NFT

🌈First, go to the Web3 world with an account in the "NFT World Market" opensea! 
 ✅From countries and organizations (companies, schools) to the next stage! 
 ✅Currently, we are early adopters, but we are already moving.

🌸Previous article
 🌈自己啓発ソムリエ 言葉で動く Sensei  ✅残業は、幸せを売り渡す行為そのものである。
 🌈ハタセン@curiosity teacher|教育×anything 353日連続/450記事 Sensei  ✅感情を刺激するマーケティング|顧客との深い結びつきを築く秘訣
 🌈大谷義則 Sensei  ✅ディズニーランドのトイレに鏡がない理由とは?ディズニーの秘密を大公開!
 🌈taketake Sensei  ✅ゆとりを持つためには。
 🌈Tachibana Lenny Sensei  ✅Tasty snack(watercolor)🍰🍩🍩🍰

🌸Next article



🌸"The road to 5-million PV" Project Magazine
 ✅We achieved 300-thousand monthly PV only 11 months after the launch in April, 2021🌈We deeply appreciate your support!🌈

🌸"kindle publishing" Project Magazine

🌈Join our educational reforms through #TeacherDAO #TDAO on "note!"
 🌈#RealWorldTeacher #RWT Project Colleagues Wanted!
 🌈Social funding  
  ✅①Your support wanted! Please check out kindle book.
  ✅③Your comments encourage us a lot!⭐️

🌸"Katekoku Sensei" #EduDAO Project Magazine
 ✅You also can be a "Katekoku Sensei" who teaches your chidren language arts at home!
 ✅Why don't you become a teacher yourself?
 ✅We're sharing our "Kisha-Koku" learning methods which I created through my career as a highschool teacher and a journalist.

🌸"Kisha-kokusai Sensei" #EduDAO Project
 ✅By "Kisha-kokusai Sensei," an anchor-turned English teacher
Learn English and Chinese with Kisha-Kokusai!

🌸"Road to the world" Project -- Japan Landscape
 ✅Take a break with Japanese sceneries. Get to know Japan!

🌸"Kisha-koku" Academy Official LINE account

🌸"Dokkai-ryoku" Communication Ability Association

🌸Let's collaborate together! Please contact us through this Google form.

#TeacherDAO #先生DAO #先生の民主化 #誰もが先生になれる社会に #誰もが先生 #DAO #教育DAO #EduDAO #NFT #メタバース #Web3 #仮想通貨 #opensea #自律型分散組織 #分散型自律組織 #老師 #先生 #教師 #子育て #教育 #教育改革 #学校教育 #きしゃこく #かてこく #かてこく先生 #しゃかせん #社会人先生 #読解力筋トレ #きしゃこくメソッド #ボケツッコミメソッド #ボケツッコミュニケーション #読み方 #解き方 #聞く力 #書き方 #話し方 #プレゼン #スピーチ #ナナイ #つもかてストーリー #国語 #小説 #評論 #洞察 #コミュニケーション #リーダーシップ #読解 #読解力 #現代文 #哲学 #英語 #英会話 #リスニング #入試 #受験 #勉強 #勉強法 #仕事 #ナリキリ訓練 #社会人 #副業 #自己紹介 #毎日note #note #毎日更新 #毎日投稿 #人生 #生き方 #kindle #キンドル #子どもに教えられたこと #kishakoku #shakasen #dao #ナリキリ #ダオ #教育実践出版 #記者國學院 #您是老師 #TeacherCoin #老師幣 #先生コイン #きしゃこく学院 #きしゃこくコミュニケーション #きしゃこくマインド #記者国語 #kishakokuacademy #RWT #RealWorldTeacher #Teacher #国語DAO #過去問DAO #ニュースDAO




🌈 「#しゃかせん」教育改革🌈 🌈ソーシャルファンディング🌈  ✅①kindle↓↓↓で、支援求ム!  ✅②https://amzn.to/3n7Tnh9  ✅③ コメントも嬉しいです⭐️