紅茶 イギリス アメリカ 20240125

#Tea #UK #UkCabinetOffice #USA #UsEmbassyInTheUk

U.S. Embassy London
An important statement on the latest tea controversy.
9:41 PM Jan 24, 2024

Cabinet Office
In response, to the statement put out by the US Embassy in the UK:
We appreciate our Special Relationship, however, we must disagree wholeheartedly...
Tea can only be made using a kettle.
11:02 PM Jan 24, 2024

12:13 PM · Jan 25, 2024

紅茶のいれ方を米科学者がアドバイス、英国人の憤慨に米大使館が対応 - CNN.co.jp

12:03 PM Jan 25, 2024

“紅茶に塩とレモン”米研究に在英アメリカ大使館「あり得ない」と反論…紅茶の飲み方で論争に|日テレNEWS NNN

ボストン茶会事件 | NDLサーチ | 国立国会図書館

ボストンちゃかいじけん【ボストン茶会事件】 | ほ | 辞典 | 学研キッズネット

Relive the Boston Tea Party 250th Anniversary - YouTube
Dec 23, 2023

The 250th Anniversary of the Boston Tea Party | In Custodia Legis
Tomorrow, December 16, marks 250 years since the political protest that eventually led to the creation of the United States of America. On December 16, 1773, American patriots disguised as Mohawk Indians threw 342 chests of tea into Boston Harbor, in what would later be called the “Boston Tea Party.” The Americans were challenging the Tea Act of 1773, which “gave the nearly bankrupt British East India Company a monopoly on tea exports to America and forced the colonists to acknowledge British taxation.” Great Britain imposed punitive measures on the colony of Massachusetts, and Boston specifically, as it was known as the center of colonial hostility. These punishments included the four acts known as the Intolerable Acts in America, or the Coercive Acts in Britain.

Boston Tea Party Reenactment & 250th Anniversary Commemoration
The United States will commemorate the 250th Anniversary of the Boston Tea Party on December 16, 2023. Dubbed by John Adams as the “most magnificent movement of all”, the Boston Tea Party is one of the nation’s most iconic events and one that propelled America down the road to revolution.
In honor of this upcoming anniversary, The Boston Tea Party Ships & Museum is partnering with multiple organizations, communities, and businesses to create a series of collaborative, inclusive and commemorative programming throughout the entirety of 2023—culminating in a grand-scale reenactment on the 250th Anniversary of the Boston Tea Party on December 16, 2023.

#20240125 #アメリカ #研究 #紅茶 #塩 #レモン #アメリカ大使館 #イギリス政府 #声明 #飲み方 #論争 #イギリス #化学者 #ミシェル・フランクル #レシピ #提案 #黙認 #国民的飲み物 #アイデア #公式 #方針 #イギリス国民 #保証 #声明 #大使館 #電子レンジ #方法 #イギリス内閣府 #反論 #研究者 #主張 #危機 #ロンドン #ボストン茶会事件 #外交 #論争 #勃発 #科学者 #大学教授 #飲料 #分子科学 #専門家 #苦味 #ジャーナリスト #モリー・クウェル #戦争 #コメディアン #マット・グリーン #アイデア #味 #大西洋 #緊張状態 #極限 #介入 #アメリカ大使館 #大使館 #国民的飲料 #政策 #イギリス #水道 #湯 #科学
#fictitiousness #2024

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