
a-1754 融光 Peaceful light 複製画(プリモアート)

Size F4,F2,F3

詩:融光 Peaceful light







”Peaceful light”

Laughing or

Throughout life,


Let's live


God bless you.

デジタル絵画「融光 Peaceful light」の解説

絵画「融光 Peaceful light」の解説

1. 全体的な印象

添付のデジタル絵画「融光 Peaceful light」は、春の長雨が上がり晴れた朝に作者が森の中を散策した時に感じた情景を描いた作品です。霞の中に映える木漏れ日のオレンジ色が、柔らかい朝陽の木漏れ日となって照らし、暖かい風を感じさせる作品です。昨日までの寒い季節が変わって暖かい春の到来を感じ、心も晴れやかになっていく感覚を表現しています。

2. 色彩


3. 構図


4. 技法


5. 表現力


6. 美術的価値


7. 作品に込められた想い


8. 作品の鑑賞方法


9. 作品の価値


詩「融光 Peaceful light」の解説

1. 全体的な印象


2. 韻律


3. 修辞


4. 技法


5. 表現力


6. 文学的価値


7. 作品に込められた想い


8. 作品の鑑賞方法


9. 作品の価値



  • 詩のタイトル「融光 Peaceful light」は、春の陽射しや木漏れ日、そして希望をイメージした言葉です。

  • 詩の冒頭と末尾に「笑って生きましょう」というフレーズが繰り返し登場することで、詩のメッセージが強調されています。




絵画は春の森を描いており、木漏れ日のオレンジ色が暖かさと平和を象徴しています。詩も「Peaceful light」というタイトルで、平和な光をテーマにしています。自然の美しさと人々の心にもたらす平和を共有しています。





デジタル絵画「融光 Peaceful light」と詩「融光 Peaceful light」は、互いに補完し合い、より深いメッセージを伝えています。絵画の幻想的な雰囲気と詩の力強い言葉が合わさることで、見る者に春の喜びと希望を強く感じさせてくれる作品と言えるでしょう。

詩  生 喜び 悲しみ 希望 前向き 勇気 生きる poetry life joy sadness Hope positive courage live

Explanation of the digital painting “Peaceful light”

Commentary on the painting “Peaceful light”

1. Overall impression
This work depicts a forest on a sunny morning after a long spring rain. The orange color of sunlight filtering through the trees amidst the haze creates a heartwarming scene.

The attached digital painting ``Peaceful light'' depicts the scene the artist felt when he took a walk in the forest on a sunny morning after the long spring rains. The orange sunlight filtering through the trees shines through the haze, and the soft morning sun shines through the trees, giving the piece a feeling of warm wind. It expresses the feeling that yesterday's cold season has changed and warm spring has arrived, and that the heart becomes brighter.

2. Color
Warm colors such as orange, yellow, and pink are used abundantly, giving a sense of the coming of spring and warmth.

The overall color scheme is warm, with orange and yellow being the main tones. These colors evoke images of spring sunlight, sunlight filtering through trees, and fresh greenery, creating a bright and hopeful atmosphere.

3. Composition
The hazy light and flowers are placed in the center, creating a composition that naturally draws the eye in.

In the center of the screen, light and haze overlap, creating a circular mass of light. Around it, sunlight filtering through the trees and light streaks are expressed. The clumps of light are depicted in a powerful form that gives a sense of vitality, giving a sense of stability to the entire painting.
The colors are well-balanced between warm and cool colors, giving the viewer a sense of tranquility and warmth.

4. Technique
The soft strokes drawn with a digital brush convey the gentleness and warmth of the scene.

I use digital painting software to express delicate line drawings and gradations. In particular, the expression of sunlight filtering through the trees is very beautiful and gives the viewer the feeling of actually being in the forest.

5. Expressive power
The expression of color and light is excellent, bringing a sense of calm to the viewer.

The author skillfully expresses the air and light unique to spring. In addition, the work has been created so that you can feel it with all five senses, such as the warmth of sunlight filtering through the trees and the comfort of the wind.

6. Artistic value
It beautifully expresses the creative relationship between humans and nature and the changing seasons, and has high artistic value.

Through its expression and high technical skill, it is a work that leaves a tranquil impression on the viewer. It can be said that this work fully expresses the possibilities of digital painting.

7. Thoughts put into the work
It expresses the feeling of becoming brighter with the arrival of spring.

The author created this work with the desire to express the feeling of freshness after the long rains of spring, the joy of the arrival of spring, and the lightening of the heart.

8. How to view the works
Enjoy the colors and light in a quiet space.

We recommend viewing this work slowly and in a quiet environment. By viewing the work while feeling it with all five senses, such as the sunlight filtering through the trees and the sound of the wind, you can gain a deeper understanding of the worldview of the work.

9. Value of the work
This work expresses respect for the seasons and nature.

This work is an original work that takes advantage of the artist's individuality, and can be said to have high artistic value.

Commentary on the poem “Peaceful light”

1. Overall impression
This poem is simple yet deep in meaning. It conveys that life is full of laughter and tears, and that it is important to live by accepting them.

This poem contrasts joy and sadness in life, and contains the message to live with laughter no matter the situation.

2. Prosody
The rhythm of free verse is short and clear. The consistent cadence makes the work more impressive.

It is a poem, and there is no set meter.

3. Rhetoric
The contrast between ``even if you laugh'' and ``even if you cry'' is effective. It comprehensively captures the joys and sorrows of life.

Rhetorical expressions such as metaphor and contrast are used to effectively convey the poem's message.

4. Technique
The simple choice of words conveys the emotion directly.

It is expressed in simple words and leaves a deep impression on the reader.

5. Expressive power
Although it is a short poem, it contains deep philosophical thoughts.

It expresses the truth of life in an easy-to-understand manner and has the power to make readers empathize with it.

6. Literary value
This is a poem that makes you think about the way you live your life.

This work deals with universal themes and is worthy of being read by many people.

7. Thoughts put into the work
It can be seen that the author wishes to accept the joys and sorrows of life and live with a smile on his face.

The author wrote this poem with the desire to live positively without losing hope even when faced with hardships in life.

8. How to view the works
Please enjoy the meaning of the poem slowly in a quiet place.

We recommend reading this poem slowly and aloud. By enjoying the rhythm and pitch of the words, you can gain a deeper understanding of the worldview of the work.

9. Value of the work
This is a work that preaches wisdom and hope in life.

This work contains true words based on the author's life experiences, and can be said to be a work that gives readers the courage to live.


  • The title of the poem, ``Peaceful light,'' is an image of spring sunlight, sunlight filtering through the trees, and hope.

  • The message of the poem is emphasized by the repeated occurrences of the phrase "Let's laugh and live" at the beginning and end of the poem.

Relationship between poetry and painting

Poetry and painting both express joy at the arrival of spring and a hopeful future. Poems are expressed through words, and paintings are expressed through colors and shapes, and both can be said to be works that give positive feelings to the viewer.

This painting and poem have a common theme. Both convey the message of valuing the joys and sorrows of life and the balance between them. Specifically, there are the following relationships and correlations.

Nature and expression of emotions
The painting depicts a spring forest, and the orange color of sunlight filtering through the trees symbolizes warmth and peace. The poem is also titled "Peaceful light" and has the theme of peaceful light. We share the beauty of nature and the peace it brings to people's hearts.

Coexistence of joy and sadness
Although the paintings are bright and colorful, there are also dark areas within the haze. The poem also uses the phrase, "Whether you laugh or cry," which shows that joy and sadness coexist in life. Both convey the importance of accepting both sides of life.

Hope and the meaning of life
The painting depicts bright morning light, symbolizing new beginnings and hope. The poem also conveys the message "Let's live" and emphasizes the importance of living life positively.

This painting and poem can be said to be works that evoke the resonance between nature and the human heart, joy and sadness, and hope and peace.


The digital painting "Peaceful light" and the poem "Peaceful light" complement each other and convey a deeper message. By combining the dreamlike atmosphere of the painting with the powerful words of the poem, it can be said that this work gives the viewer a strong sense of the joy and hope of spring.

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a-1754 融光 Peaceful light 複製画(プリモアート) | gallerygai

Size F4,F2,F3


新壁紙追加しましたo(^▽^)o2023.01.11|T_GAI(戒) @shopgallerygai

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