
【What is モリンガ?】Translation by Ryuya (高校1年)

今年も高校生で、Eigo to Moringaの仕事の英訳に取り組むクラスができました!今回は高校1年生のRyuya君が【モリンガとは何か?】について英訳しました。レッスンでは英訳した後、プレゼンをします。ぜひ、ご覧ください!


  • 鉄分:ほうれん草の約31倍

  • ビタミンA:にんじん約4倍

  • ビタミンE:生ピーマンの約59倍

  • ビタミンB1:豚肉の約4倍

  • ビタミンB2:アーモンドの約2倍

  • タンパク質:ヨーグルトの約2倍

  • 食物繊維:レタスの約28倍

  • 葉酸:ほうれん草の約3倍

  • 亜鉛:カキの約2倍

  • Bカロテン:生にんじん約1.6倍

  • 必須アミノ酸:発芽玄米の約4倍

  • カルシウム:牛乳の約4倍

  • ギャバ:発芽玄米の約20倍

  • カリウム:バナナの約3倍

  • マグネシウム:あさりの約5倍

  • ポリフェノール:赤ワインの約7倍



そして、JAS, USDA, EUの3つの有機認証を取得しています。

What is Moringa?の英訳を担当したRyuya君(高校1年生)

 Moringa is tree that grows wild naturally in subtropical area such as Southeast Asia.

In India, Moringa, containing more than ninety kinds of nutrients, has been called “Medicine chest that prevents more than three hundreds of diseases” and “Miracle tree.” And, it is now attracting a lot of attention as a Super Food.

Introducing some of the nutritive quality,

●Iron: about 31times more than spinaches
●Vitamin A: 4times more than carrots
●Vitamin E: 59times more than flesh bell peppers
●Vitamin B1: 4times more than pork
●Vitamin B2: twice more than almonds
●Protein: twice more than yoghurt
●Fiber: 3times more than lettuces
●Folic acid: 3times more than spinaches
●Zink: twice more than oyster

Its high nutritive value is also recognized by international organization such as WFP and it is expected to help improve the health condition of people who suffer from malnutrition.

Moringa is neither medicine nor supplement. It is 100% natural food. Isn’t it the most ideal if we can stay healthy with such food without relying on medicines or supplements.
Our Moringa is made with 100% organic farming. And, it has obtained 3 organic certificates: JAS, USDA and EU. Therefore, the best quality and safety is assured!

