
experimental aphorism 実験的格言 "tomorrow will be better and better"


友よ、あなたはそこに、哀れな階級の自己否定感や目的や希望のなさを感じ取るだろうか?おそらくあなたは、彼らが幸せなふりをしていると思っているのだろう。スイスかヨーロッパのどこかの心理学者が、この格言は、人生のどのような身分にいようと、健康で希望に満ちた生活態度を見つけるのに最も有益であると述べていたと思う。自分は昔でずっとその格言の正しいさについて疑いを抱いた。現代においてすら異邦人である私が、中世の農民のやり方に戻るのか?最近、この格言の背後にある意味を考えている。そして、奴隷道徳やその典型的な自己卑下と、いつか "実現する "架空のものに価値を置くために、目の前に存在する良いもの、素晴らしいものを否定しなければならないーー自分のエゴを肯定するための、痛々しいほど歪な、ニョロニョロと曲がった肯定を見抜くこととは別に、その下に何か、光るものがある---そう、それは、それは有毒なーーーそうだ、それはまるで毒牙のように光り輝いている---毒ヘビだ、彼らたち全部が---そしてその毒をとても誇りに思っている。

"tomorrow will be better and better", this is the mentality of humble folk who work with their heads down and eyes cast low on the ground, peasant way of counting their blessings and hope for bread on the table, this is.

Friend, do you detect in it a sense of self-denial and void of purpose and hope of that pitiable class? perhaps you think they are pretending to be happy. I think there was a psychologist from Swiss or some other part of Europe that states this adage will be most beneficial in finding the attitude in life that provides general health and hope for one's conditions no matter what station one occupies in life. I was doubtful of it in the past; me, a gentile even among modern men, returning to the way of medieval peasants? I have been thinking about the meaning behind the adage lately. and I think I have finally understood why apart from detecting slave morality and its typical self-deprecation, and painfully gnarled and slitheringly tortuous affirmation for one's ego by having to deny immediately good and wonderful things in order to put values on things imaginary that "(will) come to pass" one day, there is something beneath, something shiny---yea, it is shiny like the poisonous fangs of adder-bearers----the snakes, all of them----and so proud of their poison.


there is this vile adage, words born of the teeth and maws of those ground-crawling peasants who pretend and dissemble themselves as harmless lambs of the herd----but there is something inside them, inside their form and inside their earth-scented breath---vile and pugnacious----yet so harmlessly inconspicuous, sweet and meek in appearance and smell that one almost think they don some mysterious ancient veil wafting from the ground, and wear some kind of mysterious rustic perfume from the rural soil.

(Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we [shall] die!
reference 参照: Wiktionary, the free dictionary)


(that mysterious charism drove Dr Samuel Johnson to relocate to the countryside too after he had been fed up with London, though at the end he did not find it too pleasant).

such hidden rebellious spirit and fierce pride concealed with such prosodic skill in their everyday language.
this art of deception I would even call it a kind of Poetry by itself, and it is beautiful!
"We eat and drink like the lowly worms we are, but the day is good and peaceful."
"Tomorrow will be better, and the day after tomorrow even better!"
"And when the Time comes, should a day come to pass where Tomorrow should not come, worry not.
Naturally, that day alone,
will be the BEST day ever!"

(Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we [shall] die!
reference 参照: Wiktionary, the free dictionary)

beware of those who tell you "tomorrow will be better and better." their words though might have meant to be medicine, but undoubtably at its root this kind of thinking is most toxic.



yet intoxicating too.

how wondrous is human's inventive power, that he finds a moral tale for himself when he is in Nature's own narrative the biggest loser----an animal destined to die---in the whole world!

Yet if following this manner all these animals called human wish are that all that is should all turn to dust, I shall spit on every one of their faith. If the purpose of the Feast is to ever scatter away the glistening moment and cause all the Mighty and Beautiful not rise again, then this feasting they are squandering away at the moment I shall personally smite down with a hammer of doom. Let those cowards run when they see the black shadowy Lion which is me coming at them when they are eating, drinking and defaecating like idiotic peasants. May the hunger and fear drive them to have a second thought about the celebrated mysteries of the Feast. Till they grow smarter and leaner instead of fatter and dumber from eating and drinking without a purpose or an euphonious song. Meanwhile after my victories and feasting on human bones and spirits where human feasts were once held, I will retreat to my home territory and eat what carnivores' flesh and man-killing wormwood juice I can in the woods. My Feast is not meant for those who has hope or despair for Tomorrow. As Tomorrow to me has already been spent.
I am the black-coiffured eastern Lion that swallows up the Sun-stealing snakes after all.
