




  • 拙作 Original Works

  • ex rebus Dolorum 再悲詩作

    「再悲詩」のマニフェストーーー新しい詩の試み Manifesto of Dolorum---a new experiment of poetry |JTR777 ( 自作再悲詩のコレクション collection of my own Dolorums

  • Notes for myself

  • つぶやき

  • エッセイ・散文・評論 Essay


  • 固定された記事

エレジー・哀歌;苦艾(苦ヨモギ)の泉 Elegy; Wormwood's Fountain

O, The sublime drunkard that is Wormwood; no matter How many laughing Grapes they give to the black wine; I will not Give you up. My green, clouded and clear, fountain-spouting heart. ヨモギの崇高な 酔いどれよ; たとえ彼らがどれだけの 笑い葡萄(ぶどう)を 黒きワインに差し上げようとも

    • Lunate Steps 月の足取り (和訳付き)

      Lunate Steps 月の足取り: the bale piles that pile why mustn't I see the bright Moon while under straw's care? the bale piles that pile summer bugs drown light there on a slippery trail still Moon's silhouette He (Loki) across gliding sea

      • ode to bad apple バッドアプルーへ

        the surface of lake reflects sky mine heart none, I sung to myself: "and if aught moves, is all to shatter and break? and I admit for myself a drop of sorrow, is the lake turning to a bright naught?" the surface of lake reflects sky

        • to venus II

          to Venus II In this universe, I stand as the last man, Reason entices me with venomous advice; I defy safety, forsaking good sense, Stripped of all joyful choices. The world and heaven both disdain me; Leave me to my grave faults and

        • 固定された記事

        エレジー・哀歌;苦艾(苦ヨモギ)の泉 Elegy; Wormwood's Fountain


        • 拙作 Original Works
        • ex rebus Dolorum 再悲詩作
        • Notes for myself
        • エッセイ・散文・評論 Essay
        • つぶやき
        • アニソン再訳(reinterpretations)


          academia アカデミア I

          I wonder if Socrates, with his student Plato in tow would suggest the empathetic difference to me, about Mozart and Chopin Music I were to bring to their Academia in Greece such informal matters, Time and Sound; Might they then proce

          academia アカデミア I

          to Venus I

          Venus soon favours the jocular and fun: Yet I am exceedingly dull, Stupid as well, and my friends laugh at me When I speak in an unusual fashion, And I was soon drenched by water. In the village pen, the donkey kicks me literally in th

          サイイドゥナ sayyiduna

          Seeing the endless struggle of the eternal peasant class, And the obsequiousness of their all-conforming samurai sklaves, I was reminded once again of aged Sayyiduna, Who studied quietly in his room above the belvedere Of his mountain s

          サイイドゥナ sayyiduna

          on "Argumentum Ornithologicum"* 「__の鳥類論的論証」**について

          on "Argumentum Ornithologicum"* I woke up from a dream In the dream, a morning sparrow was trying to count the clouds using a unary system. It counted from 1 to 10 the uncertain number of "One"-s. But when I looked up, and the sky w

          on "Argumentum Ornithologicum"* 「__の鳥類論的論証」**について

          因果の働き the karmic effort

          the karmic effort that is alike to wearing cloth in winter draw up a breath have mercy for split cold branches, crackling draw up a breath the imagined howling of wolves in deeper side of woods, but not tigers, while drawing up a br

          因果の働き the karmic effort


          「尚も死にせしク=トゥルフ、 ルルイエの彼のボロアパートにて、 彼は誰そ彼の夢見る 汝を待ちいたれば」 「死せる我が夢の彼方を 待望みぬる 古き郷より異(い)なるところ 彼岸帰航のラヴクラフト」 "And yet still more the dead C'thulhu in his tattered flat down in R'yleigh Dreams as if 'twixt Light and Dark for more tenemental


          人は雨の投げ雲 II

          We cannot speak and act as ourselves in the world already past, We cannot speak and act as ourselves in the world to come, We cannot speak and act as ourselves in places we are not at, of this world; and We cannot speak and act as ourse

          人は雨の投げ雲 II


          音楽の音聞くとき 想像する 自分はモンゴルの高鳥 地にいる音の海に迎え 死す 数の差の多い方が 真の音の形を見えやすい 彼女はやがて 音の止める頃 鳥の乗った風すら消える場所に表すだろう 「我」を発するのは、高さも数も形もなく 「力」前の飾りだ 生きていれば、死す愛の数と高さで誤魔化す


          #詩 #現代詩 #poetry #poetrycommunity #writingcommunity #philosophy #哲学 詩より生き、詩より死す 凡と梵の区別あらず 人は雨の投げ雲 千億の小世界に 仏法、人法、神法、正義、真実 夜明けの寓話 詩と言う事象は、 己より生じ、己より死す 法になるべからず 法に頼り、空を受け入れ 生を繋ぐ、自在輪を回すもの 詩は人を切れず、命を奪わず 精を費やさず、力を貪らず 知恵を渡るが、それには意欲も利子も



          長夜ゐて 魚躬の天使 啼き声に 虚実窮めの 終止符打てり 無季の坂 道に生種 川流れ 詠めしモズと 麓からの目 逆十字 その恥刻む 神知らば 麓の世にて 自輪車の音 頂の 雲とひまわり 守りけむし 天人一睡 空事とふも *「我々は 誰しもがその 空かしこ 生まれし日から 無二の思想家」 *(「カフカなる群青へ」より)

          生年不満百 英語verB

          in life from which has hardly a century fled, in a dream of autumn and spring, it dreams of itself changing a thousand times a pair of beautiful purple jade, veined and clinking hanging on an old cord as amulets for the eye: they invite th

          生年不満百 英語verB


          #haiku #tanka #poetrycommunity #writingcommunity #詩 #俳句 #短歌 Farmer worried for: In Spring, the erectile strength of his dear black ram (農夫憂懼: 黑羊公,昂然欲壯。臨春時 ) 農家の苦黒羝羊に春来むず
