




  • 拙作 Original Works

  • ex rebus Dolorum 再悲詩作

    「再悲詩」のマニフェストーーー新しい詩の試み Manifesto of Dolorum---a new experiment of poetry |JTR777 ( 自作再悲詩のコレクション collection of my own Dolorums

  • Notes for myself

  • つぶやき

  • エッセイ・散文・評論 Essay


  • 固定された記事

エレジー・哀歌;苦艾(苦ヨモギ)の泉 Elegy; Wormwood's Fountain

O, The sublime drunkard that is Wormwood; no matter How many laughing Grapes they give to the black wine; I will not Give you up. My green, clouded and clear, fountain-spouting heart. ヨモギの崇高な 酔いどれよ; たとえ彼らがどれだけの 笑い葡萄(ぶどう)を 黒きワインに差し上げようとも

    • some in sickness, fume, and some in the less

      happiness in fortitude and youth, and some in sickness, fume, and some in the less though glory the more, and wonder the more the less and the heart without youthful sorrow, sinks or soars, or from constant fortitude abjured. from heav

      • 遠いなる秋山や

        遠いなる秋山や 今日も染まぬ白煙は その青々さを超えて 流れ水が伽を 遣らない所には 私はどこにいるだろう 途切れ途切れの 帰り燕の啼き声 泥人形がこうやうに 転んでいたりしたり 壊れてさえも 戻れぬ形を知れず 知らせるよしみなし 渦が巻く水面に、その角より あなたの一番安らぎを見つけるでしょうか 羽の折る頃には 波紋はもう空に達した 私の声が休む時に もっと遠くて青き地平 現れるでしょうか もしこの宇宙は 廻り廻りの時空で出来たなら あんたはきっと私の 常に逆の極でいるだろ

        • in an Irish bar 邦訳付き

          he sings for the future's spanking stars and laureate Sun and to the Liberty virgin he raises the cup he invites you to celebrate in an Irish bar by drowning some dated joys and to pour the old gripes down the sink while they're yet

        • 固定された記事

        エレジー・哀歌;苦艾(苦ヨモギ)の泉 Elegy; Wormwood's Fountain


        • 拙作 Original Works
        • ex rebus Dolorum 再悲詩作
        • Notes for myself
        • エッセイ・散文・評論 Essay
        • つぶやき
        • アニソン再訳(reinterpretations)



          to the end of the abyss, and above the canopy of creation. joy unbound in flesh nor spirit nor will. truth without identity, and the crowning, greatest beauty in the Woman standing tall above all conceivable beasts and humans! μεγαλογε


          autumn rears its ugly head

          autumn rears its ugly head treading solemnity in its golden incense and gradually the lymph runs across the shore overtaking the surface of cloudy lakes covered in leaves a red and speeding diaspora over all 秋が醜い頭をもたげて 金色の香の中で荘厳を踏み込む

          autumn rears its ugly head

          to Truffio

          as hind, foreign language, turkish birthstone, baked bean, camel, and as old woman rowing a boat, a unlying dwarf I were; then now I am an orange tree without his ogress waiting by in the shade--- and Trufio, thou art my bee's missing stin

          beastes of exchange 交换兽 on barb-as

          beasts of exchange The dualistic totems of the horns and the hound exists in various cultures as a most ancient symbol of theonominal exchange diverse divines assume the mundane shapes like so to invoke trade in soul currency "Diverse divi

          beastes of exchange 交换兽 on barb-as

          Χαίρε Νύμφη or CHAERE LYMPHA final ver.

          Hail, Grave. "Hail, Bathos." Hail, red line of nymph, echo "Hail, restlessness." Hail, all things that will to descend from ancient wonders, "Hail." falling down, falling down the Golden Disc falls down without a clang the two st

          Χαίρε Νύμφη or CHAERE LYMPHA final ver.

          不運にも泥棒という職業に就いたら If you ever find yourself in a thieving profession by misfortune,

          If you ever find yourself in a thieving profession by misfortune, spare the houses of victims their pots and kettles... these things hold us several feet afloat from the bottom of river Styx. without them, it'll be all messy and soggy,

          不運にも泥棒という職業に就いたら If you ever find yourself in a thieving profession by misfortune,


          one needs must think of not only cherry flo'ers in spring the weeping brook too though my heart singly goes to bloom droopt out of this season 春はただお花ではなく啼き川も 外れ咲きのを慕うもけれど notes: 1.i miss yew trees, maple and willows too... 2.could




          poisoned apple for fools 愚者の毒りんご

          the world tastes its bitter fruit when it thought it could outsmart children did you think they do not know you were completely lying, even when you thought just told them the half dose of truth they need? 世界は苦い果実を味わうだろう 知恵で子供を出し抜けると思っ

          poisoned apple for fools 愚者の毒りんご


          "I have this yellowed folio with my name on it held in my palm, therefore I know for certain that I am most solitary more so than any other being in the universe..." ----choir of the gnostic monkeys /// What kind of tsukumogami is the

          touhou, dwarf youkai

          Would the ability to manipulate the perceived richness and paucity of universal elements, (the drive for invention and exploration) a good marriage to the manipulation of density? we will see!

          touhou, dwarf youkai


 岩の裂け目が時により塞がれた 想像のポータルの向こうに何がいるだろう? 幻はここで影の実体を持っている 私の恐れは蠟燭みたいなものだ 涙で焼かれ尽くされてつづある
