
a-1744 Color's 零れる光 The Light and Color プリモアート(複製画)

Size F4,F2,F3

詩:Color's 零れる光 The Light and Color








The Light and Color

Today, the day unfolds,
A metamorphosis of moments,
Something altered between yesterday and today.

Last year’s path diverges,
A shift in the fabric of existence,
Unknown to the custodians of time.

And today, different from yesterday,
I feel the pulse of this new day.

I hope this captures the spirit of the original verses.


God bless you.

絵画「Color's 零れる光 The Light and Color」の解説


  • 作品名:Color's 零れる光 The Light and Color

  • 作品番号:a-1744

  • 作者:戒(Kai)

  • 制作年:2023/01/06

  • 技法:デジタル絵画

  • サイズ:A4

1. 全体的な印象

デジタル絵画「Color's 零れる光 The Light and Color」は、鮮やかで明るい色彩と、抽象的な表現が特徴的な作品です。画面全体を覆うように描かれた、様々な色の光は、見る人に希望や喜びを与えるような印象を与えます。また、光と光が交差する様子は、時間の流れや宇宙の神秘を感じさせます。

2. 色彩


3. 構図


4. 技法


5. 表現力


6. 美術的価値


7. 作品に込められた想い
「Color’s 零れる光 The Light and Color」は変化と進化、新しい可能性への開放をテーマにした作品です。


8. 作品の鑑賞方法


9. 作品の価値


詩「Color's 零れる光 The Light and Color」の解説


  • タイトル:Color's 零れる光 The Light and Color

  • 作品番号:a-1744

  • 作者:戒(Kai)

  • 制作年:2023/01/06

  • 形式:自由詩

1. 全体的な印象

詩「Color's 零れる光 The Light and Color」は、時間の流れと変化をテーマにした作品です。詩人は、今日という日と昨日、去年との違いを表現し、時間の経過によって世界が変化していく様子を描写しています。

2. 韻律


3. 修辞


4. 技法


5. 表現力


6. 文学的価値


7. 作品に込められた想い


8. 作品の鑑賞方法


9. 作品の価値



絵画「Color's 零れる光 The Light and Color」と詩「Color's 零れる光 The Light and Color」の関係性と相乗効果

絵画と詩は、言葉とイメージの美的なダンスを繰り広げています。この具体的な作品、「Color's 零れる光 The Light and Color」について、以下の観点から関係性と相乗効果を考察します。

  1. 共通のテーマと象徴性

    • 絵画と詩は、共通のテーマを探求しています。絵画が色彩と光を通じて感情や意味を伝える一方で、詩は言葉を使って抽象的な概念や感覚を表現します。この作品では、光と色が象徴的な意味を持ち、新たな日々への移り変わりを描いていることが示唆されています。

  2. エクフラシスの相乗効果

    • エクフラシス(詩で絵画を描写すること)は、この作品においても重要な要素です。詩が絵画のイメージを言葉で再現し、絵画が詩の抽象的な概念を視覚的に具現化しています。この相乗効果により、読者は作品の深層に迫り、感情や意味をより豊かに理解できます。

  3. 美的価値と感性の共鳴

    • 絵画と詩は、美的価値と感性を共有しています。視覚的な美しさと言葉の響きが交差し、作品全体が読者や観客に強い印象を与えます。この相互作用により、作品はより深い意味を持ち、感性的な共鳴を生み出します。

  4. 読者と観客の体験

    • 絵画と詩は、個々の視点や感性によって異なる解釈を許容します。読者と観客は、自身の経験や感情を通じて作品と対話し、新たな視点を見つけることができます。



絵画「Color's 零れる光 The Light and Color」と詩「Color's 零れる光 The Light and Color」は、いずれも時間の流れをテーマにした作品です。絵画は色彩と光の力で、詩は言葉のリズムと響きによって、時間の流れを表現しています。


抽象画 デジタル絵画 色彩 光 希望 喜び 時間 宇宙 神秘 AbstractArt DigitalArt Colorful LightAndShadow VisualImpact

Commentary on the painting "Color's The Light and Color"

Work information

  • Title of work: Color's Spilling Light The Light and Color

  • Work number: a-1744

  • Author: Kai

  • Production year: 2023/01/06

  • Technique: Digital painting
    *Size: A4

1. Overall impression
This digital painting is a mixture of vibrant, colorful colors and a dynamic display of light and shadow. This work conveys visual energy and movement.

The digital painting "Color's Spilling Light The Light and Color" is a work characterized by vivid, bright colors and abstract expression. The various colored lights that cover the entire screen give the viewer an impression of hope and joy. Also, the way the lights intersect gives a sense of the flow of time and the mysteries of the universe.

2. Color
It is characterized by rich color gradation and contrast. It is a complex combination of bright yellow, blue, red, and green.

The colors used in the work are very vibrant and diverse, including red, yellow, blue, green, and purple. These colors blend together to create a shimmering effect. Also, the shadows of light give the screen a sense of depth.

3. Composition
Abstract, free-form composition. Flows of color and light create a visual rhythm.

A large lump of light is drawn in the center of the screen. Particles of light of various sizes are scattered around it. The clusters of light spread out in a radial pattern, creating a sense of movement across the screen.

4. Technique
Using digital art techniques, he uses layering and blending modes to create intricate textures and layers.

The artist uses digital tools to achieve delicate color and light expressions. The blurring and gradation of light creates a texture similar to natural light, giving the work a sense of reality.

5. Expressive power
It has an explosive expressive power of color and light, and gives a strong visual impact to the viewer.

This work has an expressive power that gives hope and joy to the viewer through the power of color and light. In addition, the abstract expression stimulates the imagination of the viewer and allows for various interpretations.

6. Artistic value
It is highly regarded as an example of abstract art and an excellent example of the application of color theory and digital art techniques.

This work can be said to have high artistic value in terms of color, composition, technique, and power of expression. In particular, the expression of light is very original and gives a sense of the artist's high skill and sense.

7. Thoughts put into the work
“Color’s Spilling Light The Light and Color” is a work with the theme of change, evolution, and opening to new possibilities.

The author says that through this work, he wanted to give hope and joy to the viewers. It also seems that he wanted to express universal themes such as the flow of time and the mysteries of the universe.

8. How to view the works
When viewing this work, please take your time and carefully observe the changes in color and the movement of light.

This work is recommended to be viewed quietly. By carefully observing the movement of light and changes in color, you will be able to sense the various messages contained in the works.

9. Value of the work
For art lovers and collectors, this work has uniqueness and aesthetic value.

This work not only has the power to give hope and joy to the viewer, but also has high artistic value. It can be said to be a valuable work that shines through the author's creative power of expression and technique.

Commentary on the poem "Color's The Light and Color"

Work information

  • Title: Color's Spilling Light The Light and Color

  • Work number: a-1744

  • Author: Kai

  • Production year: 2023/01/06

  • Format: free verse

1. Overall impression
This poem captures the feeling of time, change, and new days. Contains abstract and philosophical elements.

The poem ``Color's Spilling Light The Light and Color'' is a work that focuses on the flow of time and change. The poet expresses the difference between today and yesterday and last year, and depicts how the world changes with the passage of time.

2. Prosody
The cadence is free and there is a sense of rhythmic flow.

This poem is written in free verse form. It does not rhyme and is expressed through the rhythm of the words.

3. Rhetoric
Although there are no metaphors or metaphors used, the choice of words is sensitive and conveys the emotion.

Poets use rhetorical techniques such as metaphor and personification to express the passage of time. For example, the expression ``the passage of today'' is a metaphor that compares the flow of time to the flow of a river.

4. Technique
Ingenuity can be seen in the placement of words and acoustic elements.

The poet uses short words to express concise and powerful expressions. He also focuses on the sound and rhythm of words, creating beautiful poetic expressions.

5. Expressive power
The poem depicts moments of stillness, movement, and change.

This poem stimulates the viewer's imagination by expressing the flow of time in an abstract manner. Additionally, the rhythm of the words creates an effect that makes you feel the passage of time.

6. Literary value
The choice of words and the depth of meaning have literary value.

This poem can be said to have high literary value due to its unique expression and beautiful language. This work expresses the universal theme of the passage of time from the poet's unique perspective.

7. Thoughts put into the work
It shows that the poet is sensitive to daily changes and the flow of time, and that he values experiencing each new day.

The poet says that through this work he wanted to express the irreversibility of the flow of time and the importance of living within it. She also seemed to want to convey the importance of living without losing sight of yourself in a world that is constantly changing.

8. How to view the works
We recommend reading this poem in quiet time and concentration. Please take your time to enjoy the sounds and meanings of the words, and feel the symbolic meaning of the ``light'' and ``color'' that the author depicts.

We recommend reading this work slowly and aloud. By reading while enjoying the rhythm and sound of the words, you will be able to sense the various messages contained in the work.

9. Value of the work
This poem offers people a new perspective and teaches them the importance of being grateful for everyday moments. Therefore, it will have high literary value for sensitive readers.

This work expresses the universal theme of the passage of time from the poet's unique perspective. It can be said that it has high literary value due to its beautiful language and unique expressions.

This poem celebrates the beauty of how we feel each day changes and how we welcome each new day. How do the symbols of light and color shine in our lives? Please keep this in mind as you read this poem.

Relationship and synergy between the painting "Color's The Light and Color" and the poem "Color's The Light and Color"

Painting and poetry are an aesthetic dance of words and images. Regarding this specific work, ``Color's Spilling Light The Light and Color,'' we will consider the relationship and synergy from the following perspectives.

  1. Common Themes and Symbolism

    • Painting and poetry explore common themes. While painting conveys emotion and meaning through color and light, poetry uses words to express abstract concepts and feelings. This work suggests that light and color have symbolic meaning, depicting the transition to a new day.

  2. Ekphrasis synergy

    • Ekphrasis (describing a painting in poetry) is also an important element in this work. The poem reproduces the image of the painting in words, and the painting visually embodies the abstract concept of the poem. This synergy allows readers to delve deeper into the work and gain a richer understanding of its emotions and meaning.

  3. Aesthetic value and emotional resonance

    • Painting and poetry share aesthetic values and sensibilities. The visual beauty and the sound of the words intersect, and the entire work leaves a strong impression on readers and viewers. This interaction gives the work a deeper meaning and creates emotional resonance.

  4. Reader and Audience Experience

    • Paintings and poems allow for different interpretations depending on individual perspectives and sensibilities. Readers and viewers can interact with the work through their own experiences and emotions and find new perspectives.

This work explores the complex relationship between words and images and stimulates our sensibilities.


The painting ``Color's Spilling Light The Light and Color'' and the poem ``Color's Spilling Light The Light and Color'' are both works based on the theme of the flow of time. Paintings express the flow of time through the power of color and light, and poems express the flow of time through the rhythm and sound of words.

These works can be said to not only give hope and joy to the viewer, but also make them think about the importance of time and the meaning of life.

Abstract Painting Digital Painting Color Light Hope Joy Time Space Mystery AbstractArt DigitalArt Colorful LightAndShadow VisualImpact

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a-1744 Color's 零れる光 The Light and Color 複製画(プリモアート) | gallerygai

Size F4,F2,F3

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