
【2024/9/16】英語学習者のためのニューヨークタイムズ英文解析(解説動画付き)Monday Briefing: The fallout of Trump’s false claims トランプ大統領の虚偽の主張の影響

Good morning. We’re covering Trump’s false claims and hostages killed by an Israeli airstrike.

Plus, Ye performed in China this weekend.

Dilapidated buildings in Aurora, Colo., are at the center of a national firestorm fueled by Donald Trump’s anti-immigration claims. Michael Ciaglo for The New York Times

How false stories became central to Trump’s campaign


After Donald Trump’s untrue claim during last week’s debate that Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio, were abducting and eating pets, the town that has been dragged into national conversation remains uneasy.

Two of its hospitals went into lockdown this weekend, and bomb threats closed schools, businesses and City Hall earlier in the week.

Yesterday, JD Vance, Trump’s running mate, said that he stood by the debunked claims, and that he was willing “to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention.”
昨日、トランプ氏の副大統領候補であるJDバンス氏は、嘘を暴かれた主張を支持し、アメリカのメディアが実際に注目するようなストーリーを創作する 」ことを厭わないと述べた。

The increasingly hostile language from Trump, other politicians and some extremist organizations has shaken some of the thousands of Haitians who have settled in Springfield.

Some have considered moving to bigger cities.

But there’s another town central to Trump’s anti-immigration narrative: Aurora, Colo.

The mayor’s false claims that the town was overrun by a violent Venezuelan street gang became a focus of the right-wing media and Trump’s campaign.

Now, the mayor says he is trying to undo the damage as Trump’s words stoke fears in his community.

Your questions:

We’re asking readers what they’d like to know about the election and taking those questions to our reporters.

Today, we gave one to Shane Goldmacher, who covers U.S. politics and the election.

Have the many millions of dollars spent on election campaigns got out of hand?

And should it be limited by law? — Anthony Rhodes, Dover, Britain
そして、それは法律で制限されるべきなのか? — アンソニー・ローズ(イギリス、ドーバー)

Shane: The amount of money in American campaigns keeps spiraling upward year after year — and there is no end in sight.

What’s interesting is that the spending is being driven by both mega contributors and a deluge of small donors.

In the first three days that Vice President Kamala Harris was a candidate for president, for instance, mostly small contributors gave $173 million through the online donation portal ActBlue to Democratic causes and candidates.

There is not really any chance to curb this explosion of political money and spending, barring a constitutional amendment.

The Supreme Court has broadly determined that money amounts to free speech and must be protected, and has steadily eroded limits that Congress had previously put in place.

You can send us your questions here.

More on the U.S. election


Americans head to the polls in less than 60 days.

  • Former President Trump was unharmed after gunshots were fired “in his vicinity” in West Palm Beach, Fla., his campaign said.

  • トランプ前大統領は、フロリダ州ウェストパームビーチで 「彼の近くで 」発砲されたが、彼の選挙運動陣営無傷だったと発表した。

  • Officials said the intent was unknown.

  • 当局は、意図は不明であると述べた。

  • Robert F. Kennedy Jr. told Trump supporters at an event on Saturday that he was being investigated over his handling of a whale carcass two decades ago.

  • ロバート・F・ケネディ・ジュニアは土曜日のイベントで、20年前のクジラの死骸の取り扱いについて調査を受けているとトランプ支持者に語った。

  • For many young women, the Trump era has moved their politics to the left, a new analysis shows.

  • 多くの若い女性にとって、トランプ時代は政治を左傾化させていることが、新たな分析で明らかになった。

Stay up to date:

The funeral of Alon Shamriz, who was mistakenly killed by Israeli soldiers in December. Avishag Shaar-Yashuv for The New York Times

Three hostages were killed by an Israeli strike, the military said


Three hostages were likely killed in November as a result of an Israeli airstrike targeting a senior Hamas commander, the Israeli military announced yesterday.

The military said it had conducted an investigation based on where the hostages’ bodies were found in December, as well as intelligence materials and analysis, but would not be able to definitively determine the cause of their deaths.

Outrage in Israel has recently swelled over Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s conduct during the war, with many calling for a cease-fire deal that would prioritize the release of the remaining hostages, even if that allowed Hamas to survive the war.

Soldiers discovered the bodies of six hostages in Gaza last month, prompting major protests in Tel Aviv and other cities.

In December, news that Israeli soldiers had mistakenly shot and killed three hostages set off a roar of indignation.

Brenda Cotter and her daughter Charlotte at their home in Newton, Mass. Kylie Cooper for The New York Times

Families are torn over the legacy of China’s adoption program


China announced this month that it was halting nearly all foreign adoptions, ending a program that forged several generations of American families.

More than 82,000 Chinese children have been adopted in the U.S. since the program began in 1992.

Several of those adoptive families said they were glad that the program was coming to an end, recognizing that it was a byproduct of a harsh policy restricting many Chinese families to having only one child.

Though most treasure their adoptive experiences, many recognize the program’s abuses and the underlying trauma that came from removing children from their birth parents and culture.

President Masoud Pezeshkian of Iran, left, and Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani of Iraq in Baghdad on Wednesday. Pool photo by Murtada Al Sudani



  • Weather: Flooding has left more than 1,000 people dead across west and central Africa.

  • 天気:アフリカ西部および中部洪水が発生し、1,000人以上が死亡した。

  • China: The country’s coast guard has damaged Philippine boats and injured personnel in a push to dominate the South China Sea.

  • 中国:南シナ海支配しようとする中国沿岸警備隊は、フィリピンのボートを損傷させ隊員を負傷させた。

  • Costa Rica: Lush rainforests that have long attracted tourists have now become a drug-trafficking magnet.

  • コスタリカ:長い間観光客を魅了してきた緑豊かな熱帯雨林が、いまや麻薬密売の吸引力となっている。

  • Ukraine: Kyiv wants to use Western long-range weapons against Russia.

  • ウクライナ:キーウ(=ウクライナ政府)はロシアに対して西側の長距離兵器を使いたがっている。

  • Here’s what they would do.

  • その方法はこうだ。

  • Health: The W.H.O. authorized an mpox vaccine, clearing the way for its use in Africa.

  • 健康:世界保健機関は天然痘ワクチンを認可しアフリカでの使用に道を開いた。

  • Business: The Biden administration moved to clamp down on a rule that allows companies to avoid tariffs by shipping directly to U.S. consumers from Chinese factories.

  • ビジネス:バイデン政権は、企業が中国の工場から米国の消費者に直接出荷することで関税を回避することを可能にするルールの締め付けに動いた。

Oscar Piastri celebrates with Lando Norris after winning the Azerbaijan Grand Prix. Hannah Mckay/Reuters



  • F1: Oscar Piastri won the Azerbaijan Grand Prix, and McLaren took the championship lead over Red Bull.

  • F1:アゼルバイジャンGPでオスカー・ピアストリが優勝し、マクラーレンがレッドブルを抑えてランキングトップに立った。

  • Soccer: Lionel Messi scored two goals in his return to Inter Miami.

  • サッカー:リオネル・メッシがインテル・マイアミへの彼の復帰戦2ゴールを決めた。

Ye onstage in Inglewood, Calif., in March. Wally Skalij/Los Angeles Times, via Getty Images



Why did the notoriously prickly Chinese government allow Ye, the notoriously provocative rapper formerly known as Kanye West, perform in Hainan yesterday?

The answer may lie in China’s struggling economy.

After three years of coronavirus lockdowns, the government has been trying to stimulate spending and tourism.



  • Talk of the season: Our annual Fall Preview is your guide on what to see, hear and read this season.

  • 今シーズンの話題:毎年恒例の秋のプレビューは、今シーズンの見どころ、聴きどころ、読みどころをご案内します。

  • Monkeys who think they can dance: Researchers have found that female gibbons, a type of long-armed ape, perform in a distinctive style that could be considered a dance.

  • 自分たちが踊れると思っているサル:研究者たちは、手長猿の一種であるテナガザルのメスが、ダンスと見なせるような独特のスタイルを披露することを発見した。

In Dress to Impress, a game on the Roblox platform, users design outfits and then compete on the catwalk.

The internet vies for ‘Top Model’ status


The online gaming platform Roblox may be ubiquitous among tweens, but a popular fashion game has adults — and a few celebritiespaying attention.

Dress to Impress, released last year, has quickly become one of Roblox’s most popular games.

The premise of the game is simple: At the beginning of each round, players are given a theme and then have five minutes to create outfits that relate to it.

The game has been played more than 2.7 billion times, and around half its users are over 18, according to Roblox.

Big names have gotten involved, including Charli XCX, the British singer, who collaborated with developers to release “brat”-themed outfit patterns.
イギリスの歌手、シャーリ・エックス・シー・エックス(Charli XCX)が開発者とコラボし、ガキをテーマにした衣装パターンを発表するなど、ビッグネームも参加している。

Christopher Simpson for The New York Times. Food Stylist; Simon Andrews.



Cook: Celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival by making these honeyed pistachio mooncakes.

Listen: There’s something for everyone in our pop critic’s roundup of five of her most anticipated albums of the fall.

Read: Hampton Heights” is a comic, gently spooky ’80s tale of boyhood, community and Burger King.

Compete: Take our latest news quiz.

Play: Spelling Bee, the Mini Crossword, Wordle and Sudoku.

Find all our games here.

That’s it for today.

See you tomorrow. — Gaya
また明日会おう。 — ガヤ

We welcome your feedback.
Send us your suggestions at briefing@nytimes.com.
briefing@nytimes.com までご意見をお寄せください。


