



April 21, 2024: Mother Tongue and Foreign Languages (母語と外国語)

The other day, I read one of the articles by Akira-san on the blog site 'note'. It says that almost no one can use a foreign language better than their mother tongue. He says that in the case of the Japanese, almost no one can use a foreign


April 10, 2024: My Wife, Netflix(妻、ネットフリックス)

It has been about a month or more since my wife was addicted to Netflix, a VOD service. One of its original drama series ‘Dynasty’ has caught her heart, and she has not been able to stop it. It has so many episodes that she has spent most o


April 22, 2024: Untranslatable Words (翻訳できないことば)

The other day, I have found an interesting book on the internet. And I was fortunate to be able to borrow it from a public library in my town. It is by Ella Frances Sanders and has the wordy title of An Illustrated Compendium of Untranslata


April 18, 2024: Outrageous Liar (とんでもないウソつき)

I have thought that Shohei Ohtani, an MLB superstar, is one of the world's most tough people. He should have been doing a lot of severe exercises to improve his skills and enhance his physical strength. On the other hand, he is always so ca


短歌 | なんか切ない...

深夜2時 蛍光灯の 豆電気 テーブルにのり 背伸びしてみる 欲しかった あのワンピース 手に入れて ファスナーあげて 夢も破れて It is often said that I am one of the first-rate swimmers only among the third-rate swimmers. (5-7-5 words) 一流と わたしを褒めて くれるのは 三流だけよ なんか切ない (5-7-5-7-7 翻訳)


April 15, 2024:My Letter to Myself in the Future (6) (未来の自分への手紙-6)

‘Good morning. Hoping that you are going well. You will be in May soon. What would you like to be your May? Have you found it?’ ‘Yes, I have found it. Other than my routines, I would like to save the time I sit at a desk-top computer in my


April 16, 2024: Cherry Flowers (桜の花)

April is the time to enjoy cherry trees in full bloom. A lot of the trees are seen in my town, too. Among them are the two trees, which I particularly keep watching. They are always the sign to show me how the cherry trees bloom in my town.


April 19, 2024: Japanese Yen, AI Chatbots (日本円、AIチャットボット)

With the fall of the cherry blossoms, the Japanese stock markets have begun to fall. The Nikkei Index has fallen below the 40,000 mark. At the same time, the Japanese yen has continued to fall, hitting the 154 level against the US dollar. I


April 5, 2024: Studying Maths (44), Exponential and Logarithm-1 (数学の勉強(44)、指数と対数-1)

I have worked on the first round of the exponential and logarithm sections. This section, one of the longest sections in this book, consists of eight sub-sections. The first round was not as hard to understand as I expected.  指数と対数の第一ラウンドに


April 14, 2024:Clashes with My Wife (妻とのけんか)

I clashed with my wife in the early morning about a week ago. When we were watching TV at breakfast, some apps, which help to start our new lives, were introduced on the TV. One of them, 'Hako Pita', was the cause of our clash. First, it wa


April 4, 2024: Perfection(完全、完璧)

The other day, I read an article by Coucou-san on the blog site note. It says that nothing in our world is perfect, and it is more than good enough to reach one-third. It reminded me that my English teacher at university used to say the sam


April 23, 2024: Hotels in Japan (日本のホテル)

In the run-up to the long spring holidays in Japan, I have often heard the news on TV that the room charges for hotels have kept rising. Hotels can now raise their room charges as much as they like. They are now in a seller’s market thanks


March 30, 2024: Art (アート)

On the wall of my room are the cards of paintings by Giuseppe Arcimboldo, an Italian painter. I bought them when I visited his exhibition at the National Museum of Western Art in Tokyo in 2017. I put them on the wall with a double-sticky ta



 日常について繊細で温かい視点からつづっていらっしゃるnoterさん、suzukoro@皐月さんからの「語学に若さは必要だと思っていました。」というコメントにしたお返事に、更に追加でお答えする(第二弾)です。 ①幼少期に適切な外国語教育を受けた場合  幼少期に遊びながら英語に触れる、インターナショナルスクール(幼稚園)に通う、もしくは適切な英語教育を受けると、勉強しているという感覚ではなく、知らないうちに英語ができるようになるということはあります。この場合、両親が日本人であ


April 9, 2024:Electronic Library (電子図書館)

It has been a few years since my town opened an electronic library. I had not used it until a week ago, because at the beginning it had no books I wanted to borrow. But for some reason, I was tempted to give it a try a week ago and went in.


March 29, 2024: Pale Pink (桜色)

‘Sakura iro’, or 'pale pink' in English. It comes from the colour of the flower of the cherry tree. It always reminds me of Sakura mochi, a traditional cake in Japan. I always take it around this time of year because it is now in season to


April 13, 2024: Cherry trees with a sepia colour (セピア色の桜)

Cherry trees in full bloom under a sepia sky. I remember having seen these scenes in my childhood. But I cannot recall exactly what they were. I probably saw them when I stood on a dusty gravel road in a town at dusk. So using AI, I have pr


April 11, 2024: Gust of Wind (一陣の風)

Gusts of wind. Now, spring is the season for them. I have often been caught in them when I go for a walk. A few weeks ago, I was caught in it. It was too strong for me to continue to walk. If I had continued, it would have blown me away. So


March 20, 2024: Corporate Culture (会社の文化)

My wife has been working for various types of companies for a long time. Sometimes, she has worked as a regular worker, but sometimes, as a part-time one. She is now in her sixties, but she still works for a company as a part-time worker. W



(1) 飲酒後、ラーメンが食べたくなる理由。  お酒を飲んだあと、無性にラーメンが食べたくなったことはあるだろうか?  この記事(↑)によれば、お酒を飲んだあと、体がラーメンを欲するのには科学的な理由があるという。  要約すると、お酒を飲むと、肝臓では糖を分解するよりもアルコールを分解することが優先されるため、血糖値が下がる。そうすると、体は不足した分の糖(炭水化物)を補おうとするという。  また、アルコールによる利尿作用により、水分・塩分が排出されるため、水分・塩分
