
June 28, 2024: Love Oneself (自分を愛する)

I am now on the third or fourth round of the English grammar book, Oxford English Grammar Course. Before I began the round, I had worked on another grammar book, Macmillan English Grammar. The book was so good that I learned a lot of grammar from it. But once I began the third or fourth round of Oxford's, I found that it was much better than Macmillan's. Oxford's describes each topic in more detail than Macmillan's. And it also has a lot of good exercises. These not only help me to learn English grammar but also give me some tips for my life. Among them is the quote by Oscar Wilde, an Irish poet, which has hit my heart: “To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.”
These days, I have been keenly aware of how precious it is for my life to love myself. As a businessman, I had never thought about how my mind or heart had worked those days. I was so busy doing what I had to do at the office that I could not afford to think about what my mind or heart was thinking about what I was doing. At that time, I had sometimes been so confused, disappointed or depressed at work that I had lost my energy to work. The more energy to work I lost, the more interest I lost in my work and the more good chances to try new things I missed. In other words, I got caught in a mental negative spiral and needed a very long time to get out of it.
If I had loved myself and had chances to talk to myself, I might have not gotten into the spiral or could have gotten out of the spiral faster. I should have had learnt how to talk to and love myself earlier. Then, I would have a very different working and private life.

 今、英文法を『Oxford English Grammar Course』で勉強しています。これで、3周目か4周目です。この本を始める前は、別の文法書『マクミランの英文法』をやっていました。この本も非常に良くて、多くの文法を学びました。でも、オックスフォードの本の3周目か4周目に入ると、この本がマクミランのものよりもはるかにいいことがわかりました。オックスフォードの方がマクミランよりも各トピックについて詳しく書かれています。また、良質の練習問題がたくさんあります。この本は、英文法を学ぶのに役立つだけでなく、ボクの人生にヒントもくれます。中でも、アイルランドの詩人オスカー・ワイルドの言葉「自分を愛することは、生涯のロマンスの始まりである。」には心を打たれました。

