











感想:人生に何一つ無駄なんてないんだなと改めて。人生無駄な糧なし。これは母が時折口にする言葉。とっても良い心持ちだと思う。Everything happens for a reason、なんでも訳あって起こるんだ!と思ってる。自分で好きなように意味づけして、ある意味都合よく生きていきたい!笑













お店に入ったら、まずはお店の人の目を見てあいさつを交わしたい。ほほえみも添えて。自分が受け入れる立場になった時に、スーッと無視されて ないもののように扱われるのはとてもさびしい。景色の一部にはなりたくないな、と身にしみた。






「出会い」がどちらかが 相手の光っているところを見出すこと。だとすると、自分からそれを探しに行きたい。「あ、この人は長く付き合えそうな人だ」「この人なら自分を分かってくれそうだ」「自分にはないものを持っている」「なんて、やさしい!」…など。


果てしない たーくさんの一瞬の中で、自分から光を見つけに行こう。「出会えた」と思えたら、その人を大切にしよう。




































































笠井 康弘(やす)






2023年11月11日の午後7:05 〜2023年11月22日の午後2:10 までに僕が読んだり書いたりした内容の総まとめnoteでした。いかがでしたか?!


Title: Collection of Notes from My Travels - Impressions and Reflections #2


I'm at my friend's parents' house in Luzern, Switzerland, on December 3, 2023, at 8:00 a.m. I'm at my computer in the mood to write because I haven't updated my NOTE (this blog) for a while.

I'm reading a lot, but I don't do a lot of writing and sharing my thoughts, so I have a slight feeling that my head is about to explode. I think it is partly because I travel a lot and receive a lot of information every day.

This time, as before, I would like to use the same style as I use on my Twitter page, which is "extracts from other people's notes + summary of my impressions" + "quotes from Twitter". So, let's go into the contents!

Table of contents

  • Hastag no regrets

  • Failure is natural

  • SNS reveals one's personality.

  • Do you make eye contact and greet in the store?

  • Seeking and valuing encounters.

  • The Significance of Learning History.

  • Prioritize the Present Person

  • Out side of Fixed Ideas

  • Life tends to move on its own, unexpectedly.

  • Unfiltered strength

  • First, satisfy yourself

  • Expressing desires in words

  • Living dry

  • The power of words

  • Human connections

  • I don't care about anyone else.

  • I don't want to be bound by conventional wisdom.

  • Let's say "happy" out loud.

  • Temperature in the eyes

  • Troubles in love

  • A little joy, a phone call

  • The Gains and Losses of NOTE

  • What I don't like about Japan

  • What if you find the present boring?

  • Humans are lonely.

  • In conclusion

Hastag no regrets

I believe that to strike a balance between ideal and reality, there is only one option: 'thoroughly see it through.'

Being able to convince oneself, 'I did my best at that time, so the result couldn't be helped,' is a necessary step to take the next stride.

The end of a vicious cycle came suddenly, and the moment I realized 'Oh, this is my limit' came after thoroughly seeing it through.

Even if, in the middle of it, I suddenly became calm and wondered, 'Why am I doing this?' and turned back, the time and experience devoted wholeheartedly will inevitably come back to benefit me.

Experiences dedicated to love contribute to social skills, and experiences in clubs contribute to team building.

The experiences that were supposed to be 'over' suddenly connect with other experiences or situations, blossoming as a 'unique skill' of oneself.

True skills of a person come from the combination of life experiences.

"Nothing in life is wasted." This is a phrase my mother occasionally utters, and I find it to be a very positive mindset. Everything happens for a reason, and I want to live interpreting things as I like and living in a way that suits me!

Failure is natural

The more successful a person is, the less likely they are to attribute their failure to their talent.

They attribute it to insufficient effort or the difficulty of the task. Such people can maintain the attitude to keep challenging and eventually succeed.

Successful men in dating think, 'This rejection is just a matter of chance,' and continue to approach the next opportunity.

On the other hand, unsuccessful men get depressed, thinking, 'What did I do wrong? I'm no good after all!'

This negative cycle makes it harder for them to approach the next time, leading to further isolation and reduced chances of success.

This applies to work as well.

Every successful person didn't have everything go smoothly from the beginning.

Edison and Steve Jobs both faced numerous failures.

Nevertheless, they persevered, considering it a 'game of probabilities' and moved forward."

Social Media reveals one's personality.

Whether in essays, on SNS, or in poetry, I feel that a person's character comes through. I want the written and expressed self to align with the actual atmosphere of the person.

I sometimes wonder how I appear to others, but ultimately, even if I'm not concerned about it, it doesn't change anything. However, if there are aspects where I am misunderstood negatively, I think it's good to improve them if being misunderstood really bothers you. What about the impression of myself on SNS? I'm curious.

Do you make eye contact and greet in the store?

When people enter a store, there are different trends observed in how they make eye contact in various countries.

In Japan, when entering a store, people respond to the greeting with a nod as a sign of acknowledgment. I

want to make eye contact and exchange greetings with store staff when entering. Including a smile.

It's quite lonely to be treated as if you're not there, even if not outright ignored, when you're in a position to receive others. I don't want to be just a part of the scenery, and I learned this firsthand.

A simple look can convey happiness, loneliness, regrets, and more. There's surprisingly much that can be communicated through just a gaze.

I want to be someone who can bring joy to others in these small moments. It's quite simple, but not many people seem to be thorough about this obvious aspect. Working in a convenience store, I observed the attitudes of various people at the cash register. That's why I want to make sure that the people working in the store feel good.

Seeking and valuing encounters.

Recognizing something as an 'encounter' happens when there's a moment you think, 'This person is special.'

It's when you find something shining in the other person, whether it's empathy, kindness, strength, abilities, or a moment when their heart captivates you.

It's about finding where the other person is shining.

In that case, I want to actively go and find it.

'Ah, this person seems like someone I could be friends with for a long time.' 'This person seems to understand me.' 'They have something I don't.' 'How kind!'...

Where did I feel the connection? Where did I feel they have something I don't?

There's a pull somewhere, and that's how I recognize it as an 'encounter.'

In the countless moments, let's proactively go and find the light. If you think 'I've encountered them,' let's cherish that person.

Encounters with people involve a lot of intuitive elements. Finding an amazing friend with whom you really resonate is not easy, but it's not impossible. When you find something shining in the other person, don't let it slip away. The other person will surely appreciate it because, after all, we're human!"

The Significance of Learning History.

The history of the discovery of the cutting-edge red chemical, phosphorus, in the 17th century, its invention, dissemination, and prohibition. The harsh working conditions in match factories. At that time, it was reported that the labor environment was grueling, with factory work for 10 hours a day, six days a week. Additionally, the phosphorus used in match heads was highly toxic. It could lead to teeth falling out, and in severe cases, the lower jaw melting.The labor environment before the Industrial Revolution... truly terrifying.

In the late 19th century, the wave of the Industrial Revolution in the UK finally reached this country. With large-scale machines, match production became possible. Wood was processed into thin sheets, which were then finely cut into matchstick sizes. And boxes were made. When these processes were mechanized, how much easier it became!

Jonkoping has been rebuilt many times. The city has reportedly been completely destroyed three times in the past. This happened during times of strained relations between Sweden and Denmark. Jonkoping, located at the shortest route between Sweden's two major cities, Stockholm and Gothenburg, was a city that developed early as a trade hub. Jonkoping is the central point on the shortest route between the two major cities. If you block that point, it's like blocking a giant rock in the river. The functions of the two cities would significantly decline. Therefore, it was repeatedly invaded by Denmark and had to be rebuilt. As a result, almost all historical buildings from before the Industrial Revolution disappeared.

Studying the history of things like the Industrial Revolution, which I don't usually think about, makes me appreciate the present more. Knowing how much effort led to this point makes me not take things for granted. I want to study history!

Prioritize the Present Person

To live joyfully, it's crucial to love the person in front of you now. If you can't love the person in front of you, change your environment.

If there's a possibility to love, try it. Since you're together, it's the easiest and most challenging thing.

Prioritizing the present moment and valuing the people around you contribute to a joyful life. The ability to love and appreciate those in your immediate surroundings is both simple and profound.

Out side of Fixed Ideas

"Coming out of the frame by pure chance" is a kind of beginner's luck. "Not knowing" allows ideas to emerge without being bound by fixed ideas."

The willingness to explore ideas without being constrained by preconceived notions allows for creativity and innovation. Embracing a mindset that is open to new perspectives can lead to unexpected discoveries.

Life tends to move on its own, unexpectedly.

Things I wanted to start, things I didn't want to end, things I wished hadn't started, things I wished would end – time, whether it acknowledges our desires or not, starts and ends.

Imagining things before they begin is nothing more than speculation, and once they start, my senses, emotions based on joy, anger, sorrow, and pleasure, experience each moment with full intensity.

There was a boy I passionately liked in my class, but our chosen high schools were different. Graduating from junior high meant not being able to meet and talk to him every day for no reason. For two years, the anticipation of seeing him every day was a sad reality for me.

Life is surprisingly uncontrollable. Faced with this fact, humans can feel quite anxious. But that's not a bad thing. Despite the lack of control, enjoyable moments are scattered everywhere. Sadness enhances joy. I found myself contemplating life in a vague way.

Unfiltered strength

"What do you want to write about?"
"What are you trying to say?"

These are the things I'm most curious about.

Once a work is published, what readers perceive as "something the author didn't really want to write" becomes "what the author truly wanted to write.

" There's a question in life, like "How many more meals will I have?"

Limited chances for meals, so might as well eat what you love.

In writing too, you can't write an infinite number of pieces in your lifetime.

So, write something that makes you excited.
I want to know that before readers say it.

There's a vague sense of guilt, like a faint feeling of wrongdoing between "competing with a polished self and being denied" and "colliding head-on and being denied."

The amount of pain to be received is determined in the end. Yes, that's right! Whether to make it thin and prolong it or accept it all at once. One of the two. To avoid falling into the curse of the "if world" where you think, "If only I had done that at that time," you have to face it with the understanding that you did your best at that time.


I was saved by Kawashiro's writing when my mental state was tough. At that time, it was like "Oh, there are people who think like this. I'm not alone. And, someone who writes convincingly is saying it, so even more!" This time, I'm reading it in my happy state, having completely recovered, but it resonates with the same weight!

Somehow, it feels like it's revealing the essence or core of life. The words in the article seem like guidelines for actions in life, so there's a lot to gain. Maybe the articles I like are fundamentally judged by that value? I'm selfish, haha.

First, satisfy yourself

For him, doing what he wants is a matter of course. Because "self" should be the most cherished existence. "Prioritize yourself" and "fulfill what you want as it is" were not established in my common sense back then. Scales fell from my eyes, and the values I had throughout my body crumbled. That 5-month journey was a time of new encounters, changes in values, and a start to loving myself.

I'm currently on a journey, realizing various different values and perspectives. So, I resonated a lot with the influence of the journey. It's important to satisfy yourself first and then delight others with the surplus.

Expressing desires in words

If you write it, you can recognize your own wants. Once you acknowledge it, it becomes challenging to continue avoiding it, and what you've written tends to materialize. "What do I really want to do?" Focus your awareness on your own thoughts.

Lately, I've been writing diaries based on what I want and desire. When I write, I realize that I have a lot of plans. There's no need to rush, but I'll live greedily and enjoy life moderately.

Living dry

Being with someone = preparing to be "social media contents" for that person? I've been thinking about this all along. Someone introducing me in their own way on social medias distorts the interpretation of my actual intention of actions and words, and the "unintended interpretation of me" takes a walk by itself.

People who misunderstand with such a simple image might be "those kinds of people," right? If misunderstood, you can be happy, as it automatically completes the task of selecting people you don't want to associate with (intentionally using a foolishly dry expression).

The power of words

"I'm glad I'm alive, me." Reading, pressing like, caring, and commenting.

Everything is undoubtedly accumulating in my empty bottle.

The heart-shaped bottle is always full of love.

"My writing is reaching someone. There is value in my writing."

The fact that I met you, that you are living under the same sky.

And that you are carrying various shapes of loneliness, similar and different from mine.

Articles that resonate with the heart convey things that people hold inside but find it embarrassing or lack the courage to express. People who can express gratitude are also attractive. I want to be better too!

Human connections

How would you like to be described as a person in one sentence?

A thought-provoking question.

"A person like the sun," this was the happiest phrase I've ever heard.

"Healthy, laughs a lot, curious, and has their own words" – even when I turn 60 or 80, I want to be a person like that.

I wrote this article two years ago, but my ideal image of a person has not changed.

Not the glaring sun sending intense heat, but a sun that sends warm sunshine like a sunny spot.

And a sun that gives off energy that makes people want to move together.

How would I like to be described in one sentence? Difficult. But if I answer it boldly, I'd like to be described as, "A person who, when together or involved, contributes to the happiness, richness, and fun of my life and others." Oh, it's not that simple, but maybe this is the best compliment. It's nice to be funny during a conversation, too.

My friend
It's difficult to be described in one sentence, isn't it? Looking at Instagram, the people you're with have nice smiles, so I think you're contributing! I believe that's true! (Laughs)

At least, I'm having fun with people who make me happy and feel good. If I were told in one word, it's difficult. But if I say it simply and stupidly, I'd be happy if they said, "I'm having fun with you at the same level because I'm having fun and happy." haha

I don't care about anyone else.

I really don't care who is dating who, who is having an affair with who, I really don't care, I'm not interested, is it worth watching that news? I think. Why do people like gossip stories.... It has nothing to do with my life, so I don't care and every time I think, live your life the way you want as long as you don't hurt people.

I feel the same way about celebrity news.

I don't want to be bound by conventional wisdom.

In short, do what you want to do.

People often say things like, "Let go of your attachments," but if you've found something you want to hold on to, you should hold on to it until you're satisfied.

Let's say "happy" out loud.

Top 3 Words that make you happy just by saying them out loud
No.1 "Happiness". "I'm so happy right now!" "How happy I am!" "I've been happy all day." There are many ways to say it.

When you say the word "happy," you become happy. Why? Even if you have happiness, if you don't say it, your brain doesn't notice it. By saying "happy," your brain pays even more attention. When you can recognize it, you become happier.

On the other hand, if you say, "It's hard" or "I'm in pain. The brain pays attention to the harshness and starts looking for reasons or causes. It is the brain's mechanism to gather information when we pay attention.

If you say out loud that you are happy and make yourself more aware of your small happiness, it will lead to a sense of happiness. Oh, I say "delicious, happy" a lot while eating food without being told, so I guess I'm OK. I'll keep doing that.

Temperature in the eyes

[Charging Heat]
Temperature in the eye
Notice the difference in temperature
Reacts to warm and
and cold eyes
The difference in the temperature of my eyes
I may have made you uncomfortable.
Warm your eyes that are room temperature
Even though I see it in my eyes every day
I'm glad to see you
So much so that my eyes tell me it's good to see you
Warm your eyes
I warm them up so they're warm
so that I can store heat during the night
I'm going to sleep

Temperature in the eyes, huh? People themselves have temperature. Some are hot, some are warm, some are cold, some are cool.... I'm not too hot, but I want to be a warm person.

Troubles in love

Recently, I often receive relationship advice from my girl followers on my Instagram question box. Me (A woman), who hasn't had a boyfriend for three years, has nothing great to say, but the most recent one was about cheating. She said, "I found out my boyfriend cheated on me. I love him, so I want to wait for him to change. What would you do?

I thought that she must be in a lot of pain because she loves him so much, but my theory is that people don't change so much, no matter how much he regrets it, in terms of the essential aspects of human nature, such as ethics.

So if you don't like him cheating on you, I think you should leave him and go out with a man who doesn't cheat on you, a man who can't cheat on you, a man who is the type of man who would think cheating is a hassle, a man who is so busy he doesn't have time to cheat on you.

If my partner were to cheat on me without switching to an open relationship, I would probably end up cold and emotional. I mean, I think he's a person who can't control himself. If there are problems in the relationship that led to the behavior, then maybe I was lonely, but it makes me sad because I think he's someone who won't bring it up as a topic for discussion. I think I would probably break up with him. If we were married and had kids, it would be a bit of a different story.

I'm not saying you should have zero floating feelings because you're human, and it's okay to have floating feelings, but if you're human, you have reason. I think we should use our reason to save ourselves.

It is enough to have a relationship that satisfies you, makes you happy, and makes both of you happy. If you have a moment when you are no longer sexually aroused by the other person, you can switch to an open relationship. I want all the girls who ask me for advice on relationships to be happy. I hope you live happily. I really do. I sincerely hope so.

I'm having trouble with love - the idea that "going out = commitment" is stuck in my head, and apparently "going out" with someone gives me a sense of being restricted. I start to think, "If I just go about my day as usual and do as I please, will I lack respect? I start to think. Well, it's all in my head! I have to grow up.

A little joy, a phone call

Last night, a Taiwanese friend of mine messaged me to say that he had had a day of mishaps while traveling alone in Japan and wanted to call me. It was morning over there and midnight in Paris. We spent about an hour and a half taking pictures while talking on the phone in the rain. I was traveling alone, so of course there were moments when I felt lonely, and I thought it would be nice to be able to rely on each other in this way.


The Gains and Losses of NOTE

I post a lot of my journal entries directly on my note (this platform), but I don't really feel like posting them on Twitter. I wondered why, because the quality of the written communication is different. You have to be interested enough in each other to read a long sentence all the way through to the end.

What I don't like about Japan


Hate to be coerced. Hate changes and too much caring as well.

To the air that I'm pusshed onto,  to the colors that are forced to change I'm tempted to rebel.

I've made up my mind.
I'll go along with the change.
I'll do what I set my mind to.
I want to change

I want to use my mind
I want to use it the way I want to use it  
As I want it to be
I'll do what I want to do

From the point where I choose
The world begins to turn


I love Japan, but if I had to name a part I don't like, it would definitely be this "feeling of being pushed around". I think there is a lot of social pressure. I don't like "this is the way it has to be" or "this is not allowed". Maybe it's just my feeling.

What if you find the present boring?

In order to avoid living a similar life, you need to seek out irregularities yourself. The best way to experience the unusual is to go to places you don't know. It doesn't have to be a trip, but having breakfast at a local café or taking a walk along a new route is stimulating enough.

Humans are lonely.

Human beings are so important to be in touch with others. Texting, calling, meeting in person, spending time together, it doesn't matter what it is, but if these moments are missing in a day, I feel unsatisfied. All of us.

In conclusion

December 3, 2023, 8:00 AM. About an hour has passed since I started writing, and it's now 9:10 AM. I'm getting a little tired. It was an extremely enjoyable time, listening to music, but if I overdo it, I'll get tired. So, I'll stop here for today.

This was a summary of the content I read and wrote between November 11, 2023, at 7:05 PM, and November 22, 2023, at 2:10 PM. How was it?!

Thank you very much for reading to the end! I look forward to meeting you again in the next note👋

