
体にいい食べ物編〜その7〜Foods that are good for your body ~Part7~


This time it's the 7th step of the food that is good for the body. In Chapter 6, we introduced olive oil. Just by adding it to carbohydrates such as bread and pasta, you can suppress the rise in blood sugar levels. If you are interested, please check out those articles as well. And this time I would like to introduce vinegar.


"Vinegar has been shown to be effective in lowering blood sugar levels and also reduces AGEs in food. It is also known to lower blood pressure. It is the perfect ingredient for business people who are just beginning to be concerned about their health. The citric acid and amino acids contained in vinegar are essential substances for recovering from fatigue.”


”There are various types of vinegar such as rice vinegar, brown rice vinegar, black vinegar, and wine vinegar. The important thing is to choose natural brewed vinegar. Avoid scientifically synthesized “synthetic vinegar”. Also, please consider ponzu sauces to be completely different because salt such as soy sauce is added.”


Ladies and gentlemen, how did you like the 7th step of the food that is good for your body? I have introduced some excerpts from "Dietary Techniques Taught by Doctors". The heat of the warning level continues every day. Be careful not to get heatstroke and take measures not to lose to this heat. I hope that this article will be of some help to you.
See you soon. thank you very much.


参考文献 医者が教える食事術 最強の教科書
著者 牧田善二 
出版 ダイヤモンド社





