
a-1748 蒼い水の星雲 Blue water nebula プリモアート(複製画)

Size F4,F2,F3

詩:蒼い水の星雲 Blue water nebula













”Blue water nebula”

The new year 2023 has already begun,

With various thoughts swirling within,

But without halting our steps,
We move forward.

At times,

While making adjustments to our course,

We continue moving forward.

And then,
In that moment,

We take a deep breath,
Gazing up at the sky.

The sky is
Vast and blue,

With nothing to obstruct
Its expanse.


God bless you.

絵画「蒼い水の星雲 Blue water nebula 」の解説

1. 全体的な印象

デジタル絵画「蒼い水の星雲 Blue water nebula 」は、深い青色と紫色を基調とした幻想的な作品です。画面全体を覆う星雲は、まるで水面のように波立ち、その中に無数の星々が輝いています。静寂と動感が共存する、神秘的な雰囲気を醸し出しています。

2. 色彩


3. 構図


4. 技法


5. 表現力


6. 美術的価値


7. 作品に込められた想い


8. 作品の鑑賞方法

本作は、静かな環境でじっくりと鑑賞することをおすすめします。目を閉じて、星雲の波打つ音や星の輝きを想像してみましょう。また、詩「蒼い水の星雲 Blue water nebula 」を合わせて読むことで、作品への理解が深まります。

9. 作品の価値


詩「蒼い水の星雲 Blue water nebula 」の解説

1. 全体的な印象

詩「蒼い水の星雲 Blue water nebula 」は、新年を迎えた後の希望と決意を歌った作品です。様々な思いを抱えながらも、前向きに歩んでいこうとする気持ちが伝わってきます。

2. 韻律


3. 修辞


4. 技法


5. 表現力


6. 文学的価値


7. 作品に込められた想い


8. 作品の鑑賞方法

本作は、静かな環境でじっくりと読むことをおすすめします。目を閉じて、空の広大さや星の輝きを想像してみましょう。また、絵画「蒼い水の星雲 Blue water nebula 」を合わせて鑑賞することで、作品への理解が深まります。

9. 作品の価値



絵画「蒼い水の星雲 Blue water nebula 」と詩「蒼い水の星雲 Blue water nebula 」は、共通のテーマである「宇宙」と「希望」を軸に、密接な関連性と相関性を持っています。

絵画「蒼い水の星雲 Blue water nebula 」と詩「蒼い水の星雲 Blue water nebula 」は、それぞれが視覚芸術と文学の形で、同じテーマを探求しています。それは、無限の可能性を秘めた宇宙や自然、そして人生の旅です。




  • テーマ: 両作品とも、宇宙をテーマとしています。

  • 色彩: 両作品とも、青色と紫色を基調とした色彩をイメージさせる構成となっています。

  • モチーフ: 両作品とも、星雲や宇宙を想起させるモチーフとしています。

  • 感情: 両作品とも、希望や決意といったポジティブな感情を沸き立たせる表現をしています。


  • 表現方法: 絵画は視覚的な表現、詩は言語的な表現を用いています。

  • 視点: 絵画は宇宙全体を俯瞰する視点、詩は一人称の視点で語られています。

  • 時間: 絵画は静的な瞬間を切り取ったもの、詩は時間の経過を感じさせるものとなっています。



  • 視覚と聴覚の融合: 絵画と詩を合わせて鑑賞することで、視覚と聴覚の両面から作品の世界観を深く理解することができます。

  • 想像力の刺激: 絵画と詩が互いに補完し合い、見る人の想像力をさらに刺激します。

  • 内省と共感: 絵画と詩を通して、宇宙の壮大さに触れ、自分自身の内面と向き合うことができます。


絵画「蒼い水の星雲 Blue water nebula 」と詩「蒼い水の星雲 Blue water nebula 」は、視覚と聴覚、静と動、宇宙と個人の内面といった様々な対比を巧みに用いることで、見る人に深い感動を与える作品となっています。



`#art #poetry #nebula #space #stars #blue #purple #mystery #beauty #hope #inspiration #collaboration #synergy `

Commentary on the painting “Blue water nebula”

1. Overall impression
This painting is an abstract representation of a mysterious and beautiful nebula, characterized by a bright blue harmony and colored dots reminiscent of stars and celestial bodies.

The digital painting "Blue water nebula" is a fantastic work based on deep blue and purple. The nebula that covers the entire screen ripples like the surface of water, and countless stars shine within it. It creates a mysterious atmosphere where silence and movement coexist.

2. Color
The main color used is blue, with various tones mixed within it. This creates a sense of vastness and depth, like the deep sea or space.

The colors used in this work are mainly blue and purple. Blue is a deep color that represents the vastness of the universe. On the other hand, purple creates a mysterious atmosphere. The white color of the nebula seems to symbolize hope in the darkness.

3. Composition
The subject is a nebula that spreads across the screen, with no specific visual focus. This provides the viewer with visual freedom and room for exploration.

A nebula is placed in the center of the screen, and stars are scattered around it. The nebula is drawn in a spiral shape, giving it a dynamic impression. Additionally, by leaving a blank space at the top of the screen, we emphasize the vastness of the universe.

4. Technique
Digital art techniques are used to allow for free manipulation of color and shape. This enables expressions that go beyond the physical constraints of reality.

This work is a digital painting, and does not include elements such as brush strokes or the texture of the canvas, but it does make full use of techniques unique to digital, such as the delicate expression of nebulas and the depiction of light.

5. Expressive power
Through the free combination of colors and shapes, it has a powerful expressive power that brings out both visual appeal and deep emotional resonance.

This work expresses the mystery and beauty of the universe. The deep blue and purple colors make you feel the abyss of space. In addition, the undulating movement of the nebula expresses the dynamics of the universe. We have created a fantastic world view where silence and movement coexist.

6. Artistic value
This work has value as visual art, and at the same time provides a deep experience for the viewer by evoking visual exploration and emotional response.

This work can be said to be a work that expands the possibilities of digital painting. Unrestricted by traditional painting techniques, he expresses the grand theme of space. In addition, by effectively using contrasting elements such as stillness and movement, and light and darkness, the work stimulates the imagination of the viewer.

7. Thoughts put into the work
The author seems to intend for the viewer to feel the vastness and mystery of the universe through visual beauty and emotional depth.

Through this work, the author seems to want people to feel the mystery and beauty of the universe. Furthermore, he may be aiming to create works that allow viewers to face their inner selves and find new hope.

8. How to view the works
Through the free combination of colors and shapes, this work has a powerful expressive power that brings out visual appeal and deep emotional resonance.

We recommend viewing this work in a quiet environment. Close your eyes and imagine the rippling sound of a nebula or the sparkle of a star. Additionally, reading the poem ``Blue water nebula'' together will deepen your understanding of the work.

9. Value of the work
This work has value as visual art, and at the same time provides a deep experience for the viewer by evoking visual exploration and emotional response.

This work can be said to have not only artistic value but also spiritual value. By dealing with the grand theme of space, it expands the viewer's horizons and gives them a new perspective. In addition, the world view, where silence and movement coexist, will calm the viewer's heart and have a healing effect.

10. Tag

`#digitalart #nebula #space #stars #blue #purple #mystery #beauty #hope #inspiration `#DigitalArt #Abstract #Nebula #Blue #Cosmic #Mystery Japanese tags: #DigitalArt #Abstract #Nebula #Blue #Space #mystery

Commentary on the poem “Blue water nebula”

1. Overall impression
The poem depicts a metaphor for life's journey and self-exploration through the themes of the beginning of a new year and the thoughts that come with it, the resolution to move forward, and the look to the sky.

The poem ``Blue water nebula'' is a song about hope and determination after the new year. Even though he has various thoughts, his desire to move forward can be felt.

2. Prosody
The poem is in the form of free verse and has no specific meter or rhyme. This allows you to focus on the poem's theme and message.

It is free verse and has no set meter. However, the rhythm of the words and the resonance of the sounds give rise to intonation in the work.

3. Rhetoric
The poem uses direct yet symbolic language. For example, expressions such as ``look up at the sky'' and ``the sky is blue and wide'' symbolize freedom, possibility, and expectations for the future.

By using expressions such as ``take a deep breath,'' ``look up at the sky,'' and ``blue and spacious,'' the reader is asked to imagine the scene. Also, the expression ``There is nothing to block us'' conveys a strong will for hope.

4. Technique
Poems are made up of short lines and stanzas, resulting in the poem's rhythm and tempo. This emphasizes the poem's message and elicits an emotional response from the reader.

He uses techniques such as metaphor and repetition to add depth to his work.

5. Expressive power
The poems express themes of life's journey and self-exploration in powerful language that elicits deep emotional truth and empathy.

The author uses words to powerfully express hope and determination after the new year. In addition, by using expressions such as ``take a deep breath'' and ``look up at the sky,'' it gives the reader an opportunity to face their own inner self.

6. Literary value
This poem provides readers with deep insight and empathy due to its symbolic language and emotional depth. This gives poetry its value as literature.

This work has literary value in that it expresses deep emotions using simple words. It expresses hope and resolution after the new year in words that touch the hearts of readers. In addition, by using expressions such as ``take a deep breath'' and ``look up at the sky,'' it gives the reader an opportunity to face their own inner self.

7. Thoughts put into the work
The author depicts a metaphor for life's journey and self-exploration through the themes of the beginning of a new year and the thoughts that come with it, the resolution to move forward, and the look to the sky.

Through this work, the author seems to want readers to have hope and move forward. Through the grand theme of space, she may also be aiming for a work that will broaden the reader's horizons and give them a new perspective.

8. How to view the works
This poem provides readers with deep insight and empathy due to its symbolic language and emotional depth. This gives poetry its value as literature.

We recommend reading this work carefully in a quiet environment. Close your eyes and imagine the vastness of the sky and the brightness of the stars. Additionally, viewing the painting ``Blue Water Nebula'' together will deepen your understanding of the work.

9. Value of the work
This poem provides readers with deep insight and empathy due to its symbolic language and emotional depth. This gives poetry its value as literature.

This work can be said to have not only literary value but also spiritual value. By dealing with the grand theme of space, it expands the reader's horizons and gives them a new perspective. Also, the song's lyrics of hope and determination will give readers courage.

10. Tag

`#poetry #newyear #hope #resolution #inspiration #universe #stars #sky #breath #open #mind #heart #emotion #value #spirit `#Poetry #LifeJourney #SelfDiscovery #NewYear #Sky #Freedom Japanese tags: # Poetry #life journey #self -exploration #new year #sky #freedom

Relationship, correlation, and harmony between painting and poetry

The painting ``Blue water nebula'' and the poem ``Blue water nebula'' have a close relationship and correlation centered around the common themes of ``space'' and ``hope.'' .

The painting ``Blue water nebula'' and the poem ``Blue water nebula'' explore the same theme, each in the form of visual art and literature. It is a journey through the universe, nature, and life, with its infinite possibilities.

Paintings have a powerful expressive power that draws out both visual appeal and deep emotional resonance through the free combination of colors and shapes. Poetry, on the other hand, uses direct yet symbolic language to express themes of life's journey and self-exploration in powerful language that elicits deep emotional truths and empathy.

Although these two works are independent works, when put together they create one big story. It is a story that expresses the breadth and depth of human experience and emotion. This harmony of painting and poetry maximizes the power of sight and words, providing viewers and readers with deep emotion and insight. This can be said to be the essence of art.

Common point

  • Theme: Both works have a space theme.

  • Color: Both works have a color composition based on blue and purple.

  • Motif: Both works use a nebula as a motif.

  • Emotion: Both works express positive emotions such as hope and determination.


  • Expression method: Painting uses visual expression, while poetry uses verbal expression.

  • Point of View: Paintings are told from a perspective that overlooks the entire universe, while poems are told from a first-person perspective.

  • Time: Paintings capture static moments, while poems convey a sense of the passage of time.

Relationship, correlation, and harmony between painting and poetry


These similarities and differences create a synergistic effect, giving the work depth and breadth.

  • Fusion of visual and audio: By viewing paintings and poems together, you can deeply understand the worldview of the work from both visual and auditory perspectives.

  • Stimulating Imagination: Painting and poetry complement each other to further stimulate the viewer's imagination.

  • Introspection and Empathy: Through painting and poetry, you can experience the grandeur of the universe and face your inner self.

General review

The painting ``Blue Water Nebula'' and the poem ``Blue Water Nebula'' skillfully use various contrasts such as sight and hearing, stillness and movement, and the universe and the inner self of the individual, to create an impression on the viewer. This is a work that leaves you deeply moved.

You can understand and enjoy these two works more deeply by viewing them together than by viewing them individually. Please enjoy the paintings and poems together and feel the mystery, beauty, and hope of the universe.


`#art#poetry #nebula #space #stars #blue #purple #mystery #beauty #hope #inspiration #collaboration #synergy `

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a-1748 蒼い水の星雲 Blue water nebula プリモアート(複製画) | gallerygai

Size F4,F2,F3

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