Media Lab, Toyo Univ.

Dr. Yokoe Media Lab is brought to you by in…

Media Lab, Toyo Univ.

Dr. Yokoe Media Lab is brought to you by international students from GINOS at Toyo University. Total views: 4,340 as of Sep/1/2020




オンライン診療で抗炎症剤のデカドロンが処方されるようになってきた。一気に悪化した時の手立てがなかった自宅療養者の救いになる。 入院できずに息をひきとるニュースが…

VR恋愛はお砂糖の関係 ーお砂糖は世界から見ても珍しい恋愛観ー

今月の写真8/1~31,2020 大学生の夏休み

Photos of the Month: August 1-31, 2020, Summer Break with COVID-19 in Japan as a University Student In this month's photos, university students who are in Japa…


Mental-health, Pandemic, and Cross-Cultural University Life. Join us for our Podcast that speaks the unspoken parts of international university life, with real …

私の戦争体験 ー自爆テロ、トラウマと向き合うー

・・・ドンッ!! アパートの自室で、大きな衝撃音が響いた。それが、緊急事態だということだけは分かった。窓から外を見てみると、私の住むマンションだけでなく、すべて…



Positive patients in Tokyo by municipality (22-Aug, 2020)

On August 22, Tokyo recorded 233 positive patients and 18,216 cases in total. There are 3,412 cases in total since 14 days ago. Click HERE to see the other mu…

Positive patients in Tokyo by municipality (21-Aug, 2020)

On August 21, Tokyo recorded 249 positive patients and 17,983 cases in total. There are 3,581 cases in total since 14 days ago. Click HERE to see the other mu…

Positive patients in Tokyo by municipality (20-Aug, 2020)

On August 20, Tokyo recorded 325 positive patients and 17,734 cases in total. There are 3,774 cases in total since 14 days ago. Click HERE to see the other mu…

Positive patients in Tokyo by municipality (19-Aug, 2020)

On August 19, Tokyo recorded 194 positive patients and 17,230 cases in total. There are 3,872 cases in total since 14 days ago. Click HERE to see the other mu…

Positive patients in Tokyo by municipality (18-Aug, 2020)

On August 18, Tokyo recorded 194 positive patients and 17,230 cases in total. There are 3,872 cases in total since 14 days ago. Click HERE to see the other mu…

Positive patients in Tokyo by municipality (17-Aug, 2020)

On August 17, Tokyo recorded 153 positive patients and 17,036 cases in total. There are 3,986 cases in total since 14 days ago. Click HERE to see the other mu…

Positive patients in Tokyo by municipality (16-Aug, 2020)

On August 16, Tokyo recorded 250 positive patients and 16,883 cases in total. There are 4,076 cases in total since 14 days ago. Click HERE to see the other mu…

Positive patients in Tokyo by municipality (15-Aug, 2020)

On August 15, Tokyo recorded 362 positive patients and 16,633 cases in total. There are 4,109 cases in total since 14 days ago. Click HERE to see the other mu…

Positive patients in Tokyo by municipality (14-Aug, 2020)

On August 14, Tokyo recorded 379 positive patients and 16,271 cases in total. There are 4,188 cases in total since 14 days ago. Click HERE to see the other mu…

Positive patients in Tokyo by municipality (13-Aug, 2020)

On August 13, Tokyo recorded 195 positive patients and 15,892 cases in total. There are 4,248 cases in total since 14 days ago. Click HERE to see the other mu…





今月の写真8/1~31,2020 大学生の夏休み

今月の写真8/1~31,2020 大学生の夏休み

Photos of the Month: August 1-31, 2020, Summer Break with COVID-19 in Japan as a University Student

In this month's photos, university students who are in Japan share their summer break in Japan.




Mental-health, Pandemic, and Cross-Cultural University Life. Join us for our Podcast that speaks the unspoken parts of international university life, with real talks by students about mental-health, J

私の戦争体験 ー自爆テロ、トラウマと向き合うー

私の戦争体験 ー自爆テロ、トラウマと向き合うー

・・・ドンッ!! アパートの自室で、大きな衝撃音が響いた。それが、緊急事態だということだけは分かった。窓から外を見てみると、私の住むマンションだけでなく、すべての建物が電力を失い、一瞬にして街中が暗闇に包み込まれていた。遠くの空がうっすらと赤色に光っていて、その時「自爆テロだ。」私の父がボソッと呟いた。






Positive patients in Tokyo by municipality (22-Aug, 2020)

On August 22, Tokyo recorded 233 positive patients and 18,216 cases in total.

There are 3,412 cases in total since 14 days ago.

Click HERE to see the other municipalities

*A chart of the count of p


Positive patients in Tokyo by municipality (21-Aug, 2020)

On August 21, Tokyo recorded 249 positive patients and 17,983 cases in total.

There are 3,581 cases in total since 14 days ago.

Click HERE to see the other municipalities

*A chart of the count of p


Positive patients in Tokyo by municipality (20-Aug, 2020)

On August 20, Tokyo recorded 325 positive patients and 17,734 cases in total.

There are 3,774 cases in total since 14 days ago.

Click HERE to see the other municipalities

*A chart of the count of p


Positive patients in Tokyo by municipality (19-Aug, 2020)

On August 19, Tokyo recorded 194 positive patients and 17,230 cases in total.

There are 3,872 cases in total since 14 days ago.

Click HERE to see the other municipalities

*A chart of the count of p


Positive patients in Tokyo by municipality (18-Aug, 2020)

On August 18, Tokyo recorded 194 positive patients and 17,230 cases in total.

There are 3,872 cases in total since 14 days ago.

Click HERE to see the other municipalities

*A chart of the count of p


Positive patients in Tokyo by municipality (17-Aug, 2020)

On August 17, Tokyo recorded 153 positive patients and 17,036 cases in total.

There are 3,986 cases in total since 14 days ago.

Click HERE to see the other municipalities

*A chart of the count of p


Positive patients in Tokyo by municipality (16-Aug, 2020)

On August 16, Tokyo recorded 250 positive patients and 16,883 cases in total.

There are 4,076 cases in total since 14 days ago.

Click HERE to see the other municipalities

*A chart of the count of p


Positive patients in Tokyo by municipality (15-Aug, 2020)

On August 15, Tokyo recorded 362 positive patients and 16,633 cases in total.

There are 4,109 cases in total since 14 days ago.

Click HERE to see the other municipalities

*A chart of the count of p


Positive patients in Tokyo by municipality (14-Aug, 2020)

On August 14, Tokyo recorded 379 positive patients and 16,271 cases in total.

There are 4,188 cases in total since 14 days ago.

Click HERE to see the other municipalities

*A chart of the count of p


Positive patients in Tokyo by municipality (13-Aug, 2020)

On August 13, Tokyo recorded 195 positive patients and 15,892 cases in total.

There are 4,248 cases in total since 14 days ago.

Click HERE to see the other municipalities

*A chart of the count of p
