
今月の写真8/1~31,2020 大学生の夏休み

Photos of the Month: August 1-31, 2020, Summer Break with COVID-19 in Japan as a University Student

In this month's photos, university students who are in Japan share their summer break in Japan.



“Blue Train”
by Hoshi Nguyen, Shot on Kodak film roll, Nagano

I just enjoy the feeling whenever a train passes by.
I always stand there alone, and somehow look forward to an interesting thing on the other side when the train has passed, a friend, a person I love, or a little cat. Fate moments pass by as fast as a train runs through in front of me.

撮影者:ホシ グエン、コダックフィルムロールで撮影、長野




by Hoshi Nguyen, My house in Tokyo, with my Japanese dear friend.

I love giving people I like some polaroids as presents. Maybe because we can always bring back some memories when we look at those polaroids, and they just fit inside our wallet or pocket. Just hope that my friends will be happy as always, and smile a lot like in this picture.

撮影者:ホシ グエン、私の家で、大好きな日本人の友人と。




“Remove Makeup Was My Routine”
by Namie Yazaki

I bought this makeup remover just before the pandemic hit, and it’s hardly decreased for months. I haven’t got a chance to go out much during the summer break and the remover still stands here without any change. Taking a glance at it, I really miss my friends with whom I hung out.

撮影者:矢崎 奈美恵




“Feeling Small”
by Hoshi Nguyen, Nagano with a friend.

Sometimes we feel all too small in this big world, probably because there are so many paths we can choose, so many things we have to finish.
And when we want to take a break, back to nature, we realize we are just tiny little dust.

撮影者:ホシ グエン、友人と長野へ。




“Season Changes”
by Hoshi Nguyen

Wandering alone and I saw some signs of Autumn. I found someone forgot their umbrella, and just felt like maybe we were always living too fast to realize many things around us. This year has been challenging, but it also gave me chances to think carefully about myself and what I'm going to do.

撮影者:ホシ グエン




“My Travel Buddy During the Summer”
by Ami Miyashita

It’s been difficult to go on a trip in Japan due to the coronavirus. However, I feel like I’ve visited many places and experienced the exotic and dreamy atmosphere during this summer by just clicking the button. The monitor is not that big, but the world on the screen is so vast and immeasurable.





“Peach Season”
by Namie Yazaki

My dad visits my place every summer to deliver peaches made in my hometown. It's been a long rainy season this year and my sense of the season has been a little dulled, but the peaches have arrived and it's made me feel a little more like summer. By the time I finish these peaches, summer will have come to an end. The scent of peaches is the only thing dancing in the room, and I wonder how long it will last.





by Hoshi Nguyen, Nagano countryside, Shot on Fujifilm

My friend is an old soul girl, but she has never realized how classical and unique she is. She was entirely in harmony with the summer scene, piano, and the sublime glow of morning sun; that's how nice the picture turned out to be.

撮影者:ホシ グエン、長野の田園風景、富士フイルムで撮影




“When It’s Over”
by Kyogo Luke Ikemoto

How many people started playing a guitar during quarantine? I’m one of them. I’ve been enjoying myself by learning and playing my favorite songs on my new instrument. At the same time, however, I am worried about whether I can have time to get absorbed in my hobbies after the pandemic is over. When it’s over, will my hobby be over?





“Good Memories”
by Hoshi Nguyen, Nagano countryside

I always fall in love with sad beauty; if something is too bright, or the weather is too sunny, then I will just feel like it is too good to be true. So in the dark and with friends, these tiny little pretty fireworks are enough to give me hope and happiness.
Hoping for more good days.

撮影者:ホシ グエン、長野県で。

