回想 ; アヘン喰いみたいな人生 recollection ; opium-eating life

I could now feel strongly how awfully sinister sleeping and sleepiness as man's Creations are.
In the past when I was awake there was nothing particularly I would like to do, thus everyday after school,
I would spend a couple meaningless hours on watching anime or reading a book, and then would go to sleep.
All my Volition and Imagination begun from the sleeping crib (a bed), and ended itself into the sleeping crib (a bed).
Like all Chinese men, I led the life of an opium-eater.
Exactly like how Zarathustra said about sleep and the love of it.
Even though nowadays, I have things I truly want to do, and want to do it while staying awake.
My medication and neural disorder itself, in addition to inculcated bad sleep habits since I quit school due to my condition, I could only do things I want to half-measures most of the times 
I ardently wish to, and desire for, getting up on my feet again after recuperating from my youth which was poisoned by opium of the mind (nihilism, boredom, materialism, social climbing mindset, and the growing despondence to everything)
even to a patient whose sole occupation involves only resting and recovering, there is left to me so little time to live his life being awake.
I shudder to imagine what people who have day-jobs would have led their own lives…
is it inevitable that the truth is close to that English novel I once read,
about people in 19th century America--until the coming of Friday, regardless of being adults or children, would do the daily quote of their labouring or studying in the most insolent fashion, and then would only rest their weary feet upon the bed and their feet would grow rooted to it---this, their whole life?

During middle school, before the symptoms of my neural disorder begun to show, I used to read on my novels lazily on my bed, from Monday to Friday.

そのせいで視力が凄く低下しました。しかしこれは私のpetite résistance (小さいな抵抗)でもあります。
Owing to this my eyesight deteriorated significantly. Although I must declare this is also to be my petite résistance.
Oddly, in the past I was adamantine on working as a researcher in the field of science or mathematics, and as I was forced to leave that kind of degree program at university due to my illness and financial difficulties,  I started learning by myself English, Chinese and Japanese literature, and started my imitation of poetry. essays and short stories.


In retrospect, at elementary school, frankly I was delighted more than reading Chinese translated modern Indian poems in an anthology our class teacher bought for each one of us, and the homework assignment to rewrite a paragraph in the short story from the Chinese literature textbook, than solving mathematical equations and making sense of formulae.
