
Slack全社展開プロジェクトの舞台裏: freee社内コミュニケーションツールの一元化への挑戦とそのみちのり



【LMX-variability】Beyond personal Leader–Member Exchange (LMX) quality: Theeffects of perceived LMX variability on employee reactions

【心理的 (心理学的) 安全性が組織に及ぼす効果】Psychological safety: The history, renaissance, and future of an interpersonal construct.


【労働者の提言・意見活動を促進するための介入レビュー】Interventions promoting employee “speaking-up” within healthcare workplaces: A systematic narrative review of the international literature

【原典workplace-mobbing】The content and development of mobbing at work

職場いじめ・目撃者:Does bystander behavior make a difference? How passive and active bystanders in the group moderate the effects of bullying exposure

微妙なプレゼンティーイズムのメタ分析:Going to Work Ill: A Meta-analysis of the Correlates of Presenteeism and a Dual-path Model

Witnessing Bullying at WorkInactivity and the Risk of Becoming the Next Target

【対立マネージメントに関する総評コメント】Individual and organizational factors promoting successful responses to workplace conflict

【組織風土が急性心筋梗塞標準化死亡リスクに及ぼす影響】Influencing organisational cultureto improve hospital performancein care of patients with acutemyocardial infarction: a mixedmethods intervention study

【職場いじめ・加害者に焦点付け】The making and breaking of workplace bullying perpetration: A systematicreview on the antecedents, moderators, mediators, outcomes ofperpetration and suggestions for organizations

Sustainable employment depends on quality relationships between supervisorsand their employees on the autism spectrum

【Internship】Looking for English Speaking Moderator for Cultural Exchange Programs!

The more you hate someone you work with, the more you have to talk to him/her.

AI and Work Culture


People who have a habit of saying "It was 〇〇 in my previous workplace" have a habit of living in the past.



workplace from Metaとは

Back in Time, Time-Machine!



Workplace by Facebookを日本の伝統的大企業に導入する


(根拠に乏しいので中止)constructive controversy fo management education: developing committed, open-minded researchers

【チームの対立のダイナミクスに関するレビュー】Optimizing team conflict dynamics for high performance teamwork

【プロセスの対立は長期に影響を及ぼし、マネージメントで直後の影響を緩和できる】conflict transformation:a longitudinal investigation of the relationships between different types of intragroup conflict and the moderating role of conflict resolution

【Civilityの介入:CREW】Civility,respect,engatement in the workforce (CREW)

【CREWによるインシビリティへの介入を通じた組織改善】The impact of civility interventions on employee social behavior, distress, and attitudes

息抜き用【上司のワーカホリズムが仕事の負荷と関係性の対立による情緒的消耗を介して部下の退職意図に影響を及ぼす】The crossover effects of supervisos' workaholism on subordinates' turnover intention: the mediating role of two types of job demands and emotional exhaustion

【心理学的detachmentは職場の人間関係の対立によるウェルビーイングの抑制効果を緩和する】Workplace conflict and employee well-being: the moderating role of detachment from work during off-job time

editing:conflict stress and reduced wellbeing at work: the buffering effect of third-party help

【対立マネージメントの初期レビュー】Conflict and Its Management

【チームの葛藤 (課題・対人関係)の区別とチームの凝集性及びアウトカムへの影響】A Longitudinal Studyof Team Conflict, Conflict Management, Cohesion,and Team Effectiveness

【カウンセリングがアブセンティーイズムに及ぼす影響】Effectiveness of Workplace Interventions for Improving Absenteeism, Productivity, and WorkAbility of Employees: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

【意味ないので中断】Teacher Wellbeing: The Importance of Teacher–Student Relationships

中断:The Directional Nature ofOrganizational Relationships andTheir Effect on IndividualPerformance and Turnover

Coworker exchange, leader-menber exchange, and work attitudes

The Strengths and Abilities of Autistic People in the Workplace

Autistic adults’ views and experiences ofrequesting and receiving workplaceadjustments in the UK

A systematic review of interventions to support adults with ADHD at work—Implications from the paucity of context-specific research for theory and practice

Stress and work-related mental illnessamong working adults with ADHD: a qualitativestudy

What are the tools to create a “Digital Workplace” platform


How to access The Pirate Bay torrent? Update 2021



The Article of the Day! 熟女こそ、オフィスに必要?!

#WorkLog #ReceptionHall
