
【2024/9/6】英語学習者のためのニューヨークタイムズ英文解析(解説動画付き)Friday Briefing: A judge weighs a monumental Trump decision トランプ大統領の重大な決断を重く見る判事

Good morning. We’re covering a judge’s upcoming decision on Donald Trump’s sentencing and France’s new prime minister.

Plus, New Zealand’s new Maori queen.




The presidential election is less than 70 days away.

This is what we’re watching.

Justice Juan Merchan outside his office. Ahmed Gaber for The New York Times

A judge weighs a monumental Trump decision


It’s been more than three months since a Manhattan jury convicted Donald Trump on 34 felony counts of falsifying records to cover up a sex scandal.

But after a Supreme Court ruling in July granted the former president some immunities, he has yet to be sentenced.

Justice Juan Merchan, who presided over the trial, already delayed Trump’s sentencing once, shortly after the ruling.

He now faces a decision that could alter American politics for years to come:

whether to sentence Trump as planned on Sept. 18 or wait until after Election Day on Nov. 5, as Trump requested.

If Justice Merchan postpones the sentencing, the American people will vote without knowing whether Trump will spend time behind bars.

If not, Trump will undoubtedly accuse him of trying to tip the election toward his opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris.

Here’s what else to know:

  • A federal judge said she would not let Trump’s campaign affect the schedule of the criminal case in which he stands accused of plotting to overturn the 2020 election.

  • 連邦判事は、トランプ大統領が2020年の選挙を覆そうと企てたとして告訴を受けている刑事裁判の日程に、トランプ大統領の選挙運動が影響を与えることはないと述べた。

  • Trump called for the creation of an efficiency commission to audit the government.

  • トランプ大統領は、政府を監査する効率化委員会設立要求した。

  • He said Elon Musk would lead it.

  • 彼はイーロン・マスクがそれを率いるだろうと言った。

  • Later, he claimed that Israel “would no longer exist” if Harris won.

  • その後、ハリスが勝利すればイスラエルは「もはや存在しない」主張した。

  • From Opinion: The historian Allan Lichtman has a near-perfect track record of predicting who will win presidential elections.

  • オピニオンより:歴史学者アラン・リヒトマンは、大統領選挙で誰が勝利するかを予測することにおいて、完璧に近い実績を持っている。

  • Watch the video.

  • ビデオを見る。

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Prime Minister Michel Barnier in Paris yesterday. Sarah Meyssonnier

France named a new prime minister


President Emmanuel Macron appointed Michel Barnier, a veteran right-wing politician, as prime minister yesterday.

Macron is aiming to break the political deadlock that left France without an active government for more than 50 days.

Barnier, 73, is a member of The Republicans, the country’s main conservative party, who has served in several ministerial roles.

An adept negotiator, he led the E.U.’s Brexit talks and organized the 1992 Winter Olympics in Albertville.

France has been in political limbo since inconclusive snap parliamentary elections in July.

Left, center and right political groups came out of the elections with large shares of the vote, but no absolute majority.

Few parties are inclined to work together.

What’s next: The appointment of Barnier has already angered the New Popular Front, the alliance of left-wing parties, which won the most seats in the election.

It has vowed to reject Barnier’s government.

The left has called for a large demonstration against Macron in Paris tomorrow.

A group of trans women in South Jakarta. Ulet Ifansasti for The New York Times

Pope Francis is warmly welcomed by Indonesia’s transgender community


For many trans women on the fringes of Indonesia’s society, the Catholic Church is a safe haven, and Pope Francis, with his messages of tolerance and openness toward the L.G.B.T.Q. community, is a hero.

Many were excited by his four-day visit, eager to catch a glimpse as he held a Mass in Jakarta yesterday.

“When we got Francis as the pope, I realized that God was really listening,” said Mami Yuli, the leader of the community and a devout Catholic.

“This is not the pope but God himself visiting us.”

Shelters destroyed by an Israeli strike near Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in central Gaza yesterday. Mohammed Saber/EPA, via Shutterstock



  • Gaza: Hours after the first phase of a polio vaccination campaign wrapped up, Israel struck the courtyard of a hospital in central Gaza.

  • ガザ:ポリオ予防接種キャンペーンの第一段階が終了した数時間後、イスラエルはガザ中心部病院の中庭攻撃した

  • U.S.: Hunter Biden pleaded guilty to nine federal tax charges, exposing him to the possibility of significant jail time.

  • アメリカ:ハンター・バイデンは9つの連邦税法上の罪を認めかなりの懲役が課される可能性が出てきた。

  • Ukraine: President Volodymyr Zelensky released a slate of nine candidates for top cabinet positions, pushing ahead with his sweeping overhaul of the government.

  • ウクライナ:ヴォロディミル・ゼレンスキー大統領は9人の閣僚候補者名簿を発表。政府の完全なる全面的見直し推し進める。

  • Storms: Typhoon Yagi is moving toward southern China.

  • 暴風雨:台風8号(ヤギ)が中国南部に向かっている

  • It’s expected to be the heaviest storm to hit the Hainan Province in a decade.

  • 海南省を襲った暴風としては過去10年で最も激しい暴風になると予想されている。

  • Russia: The Justice Department indicted an American commentator for Russian television as part of an effort to crack down on Russia’s attempts to influence American politics.

  • ロシア:司法省は、アメリカの政治に影響を与えようとするロシアの試みを取り締まる努力の一環として、ロシアのテレビ番組に出演していたアメリカ人コメンテーターを起訴した。

  • Kenya: Rebecca Cheptegei, a Ugandan Olympic runner, died yesterday after she was set on fire on Sunday by a man she was in a relationship with.

  • ケニア:ウガンダのオリンピック・ランナー、レベッカ・チェプテゲイさんが日曜日に交際中の男性に放火され、昨日死亡した。

  • Iraq: A U.N. team is racing against the clock to document the genocide of the Yazidi people by the Islamic State.

  • イラク:国連チームは、イスラム国によるヤジディ教徒の大量虐殺記録するため、時間との戦いに挑んでいる。

  • The Iraqi government has ordered the team to leave.

  • イラク政府国連チームに撤退を命じた。

  • Germany: Police officers in Munich shot and killed a gunman near the Israeli consulate and a museum about the city’s Nazi-era history.

  • ドイツ:ミュンヘンの警察官は、イスラエル領事館ミュンヘンにおけるナチス時代の歴史を紹介する博物館の近くで銃を発砲し、銃犯罪者を射殺した。

  • Nicaragua: The country released 135 political prisoners — including 13 people affiliated with an American evangelical church — in a deal brokered by the U.S.

  • ニカラグア:その国は、アメリカの福音派教会の系列であるところの13人を含む135人の政治犯をアメリカの仲介で釈放した。

  • Indonesia: A fugitive ex-mayor of a small town in the Philippines, who is accused of working with organized crime, was arrested in Indonesia.

  • インドネシア:フィリピンの小さな町の逃亡中の元町長がインドネシアで逮捕された。その元町長は、組織犯罪との共謀で告発されている。

  • U.K.: British prosecutors have dropped the indecent assault case against Harvey Weinstein because there was no longer a realistic prospect of conviction.”

  • 英国:英検察当局は、ハーヴェイ・ワインスタインに対する強制わいせつ事件を 「有罪判決の現実的見込みがなくなった」という理由で取り下げた。

Alex Morgan with her daughter in March. Harry How/Getty Images



  • Women’s soccer: The American soccer star Alex Morgan announced she was retiring from the sport and expecting her second child.

  • 女子サッカー:アメリカのサッカースター、アレックス・モーガンが現役引退第2子の妊娠を発表した。

  • U.S. Open: The tournament heads into the semifinals and finals this weekend.

  • 全米オープン: 大会は今週末、準決勝と決勝に臨む。

  • Follow our coverage here.

  • 当サイトの報道はこちらから。

  • F1: Four races into the 2024 season, it looked as if Max Verstappen was the inevitable champion.

  • F1: 2024年シーズンが開幕して4レースが経過し、まるで、マックス・フェルスタッペンがチャンピオンになるのは必至であると思われた。

  • With eight races left, this season could be a classic.

  • 残り8レース、今季は最高傑作のシーズンになるかもしれない。

Nga Wai Hono i te Po. Dj Mills/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

The Maori of New Zealand have crowned a new queen, Nga Wai Hono i te Po, 27, who becomes the second woman to lead the Indigenous group.

She has not shied away from talking about New Zealand’s colonization and will take on the symbolic but weighty role as its government pushes to roll back the Maori’s rights.



  • Family business: Barron Trump, the youngest child of Donald Trump, enrolled as a freshman at New York University’s Stern School of Business.

  • ファミリービジネス:ドナルド・トランプの末っ子であるバロン・トランプは、ニューヨーク大学のスターン・スクール・オブ・ビジネスに新入生として入学した。

  • Bender on the Baltic: The 16-hour ferry ride between Stockholm and Helsinki, Finland, is a festive summer ritual, known (infamous, some might say) for its party atmosphere.

  • バルト海のベンダー:ストックホルムとフィンランドのヘルシンキを結ぶ16時間のフェリーの旅は、お祭りのような夏の儀式だ。それは、パーティーのような雰囲気で知られる悪名高い、と言う人もいるかもしれない)。

  • She sells seashells: Seashells in art and décor have been largely considered kitschy.

  • 彼女は貝殻を売っている: アートや装飾物における貝殻は、これまでキッチュなものと見なされてきた。

  • But some artists are embracing oysters and mussels as a raw material and muse.

  • しかし、カキやムール貝生の素材やミューズとして受け入れるアーティストもいる。



From left: Firstview; Richard Young/Shutterstock; Firstview

The clothes that changed men’s fashion


Earlier this year, The New York Times Style Magazine gathered a group of fashion designers, editors and a photographer for a hefty task: identifying the 25 most influential men’s wear collections since the end of World War II.

There were some clear favorites (Giorgio Armani and Comme des Garçons) and some upsets (Helmut Lang over Calvin Klein and Jil Sander).

All changed the world of men’s fashion in some way, whether that was by reinventing the shape of the suit or challenging what it means to “dress like a man” in the first place.

Review their list here.

Mark Weinberg for The New York Times



Cook: Can’t decide between brownies or cookies?

With this dessert, you can have both.

Watch: Tim Burton’s “Beetlejuice Beetlejuice,” is a fun but less edgy sequel to the 1988 cult classic, Manohla Dargis writes.
見る:ティム・バートンの「ビートルジュース ビートルジュース」は、1988年のカルト的名作の続編で、楽しいが、エッジは効いていない、とマノーラ・ダルジスは書いている。

Run: Experts and coaches share their best advice for avoiding six common mistakes that new runners make.

Connect: Standing appointments are a simple way to deepen your friendships.

Play: Spelling Bee, the Mini Crossword, Wordle and Sudoku.

Find all our games here.

That’s it for today.

See you Monday. — Gaya
また月曜日に会いましょう。 — ガヤ

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