
I bought “alpha”of The Japan Times. I hadn’t read this paper for long time. I think it’s a great exercise to read for English learners.


【要約】Sasaki gets back to business after weeks of speculation about future (The Japan Times Weekend Feb.10-11)




一泊 269ドルのお宿



Clubhouse: the Book of the Day! 6/13

【英語で読むJapan Trend】Today's Phrase:Cash Handout

The Japan Times Alphaを購読し始めた

【The Japan Times】Microsoft to shut LinkedIn China, citing ‘challenging’ climate

【The Japan Times】日本で商用量子コンピューターの実用化が始まる:Japan's first commercial-use quantum computer starts operations

【The Japan Times】海外留学生の受け入れ再開を願う:Japan should reopen its doors to international students

【The Japan Times】日本の喫茶店、世界へ:Japanese-style coffee is rooted in the local kissaten, but its reach is global



【The Japan Times】オリンピックとイノベーションの歴史:How Japan has tapped into the history of innovation at the Olympics

【The Japan Times】小売チェーン@米国においてポケモンカードの取扱いを中断:U.S. supermarket chain halts Pokemon card sales after assault

【The Japan Times】最先端の自販機システム:Japanese vending machines: the cutting edge of merchandising … and on the brink of irrelevance?

【The Japan Times】AIスタートアップが老朽化した水道の破断を予想:AI startup digs up business opportunity in aging water pipes in Japan and elsewhere

【The Japan Times】ガッキーと星野源が結婚へ!:Actress Yui Aragaki and singer-songwriter Gen Hoshino to marry

【The Japan Times】「鬼滅の刃」の映画が米国でも大人気に:'Demon Slayer' sets U.S. record for best foreign language film opening weekend

【The Japan Times】オーストラリア政府、中国企業によるダーウィン港利用の制限へ:Australia reviewing China’s ownership of a Darwin port

【The Japan Times】ミャンマー国内で日系企業で働く人たちは日本政府によるミャンマーへの制裁を望んでいる:Japanese companies' employees in Myanmar favor economic sanctions

【The Japan Times】日本入国前にインド・ネパール・パキスタンに滞在していた場合、入国拒否へ:Japan to ban foreign residents who traveled to India, Nepal and Pakistan

【The Japan Times】日本&欧州が洋上風力発電を加速することを検討:Japan-Europe collaboration eyed to promote offshore wind power



The Japan Timesの記事にコメントを使って頂きました。

【Reuters】Global supply chains buckle as virus variant and disasters strike

The Japan Timesで学ぶ時事と英語 第2回


The Japan Timesで学ぶ時事と英語 第1回


Breaking News: The next prime minister of Japan is Shigeru Ishiba. 2024 Liberal Democratic Party (Japan) presidential election. The New York Times article.

【英語で読む Japan Trend】April 13, 2022:Japanese Popular TV Series Is Going Out to “New Frontier”

【The Japan Times】Zoomはまだまだ伸びる?:Zoom's next act is a big threat to the rest of tech

【WSJ】ワクチン接種をオフィス勤務の条件に:Google, Facebook to Require Vaccinations for On-Campus Workers

【The Japan Times】東京五輪、開幕:At long last, the Tokyo Olympics have begun

【The Japan Times】大谷選手、MLBオールスターへ出場:Shohei Ohtani becomes first player to start MLB All-Star Game as both hitter and pitcher

【The Japan Times】シドニー市、感染者増加に伴いロックダウンへ:Sydney tightens lockdown as Australia's COVID-19 cases rise

【The Japan Times】パスポートに"ワクチン接種"の証明記載へ:Japan to begin accepting requests for 'vaccine passports' from July 26