
【The Japan Times】パスポートに"ワクチン接種"の証明記載へ:Japan to begin accepting requests for 'vaccine passports' from July 26

ワクチン接種が国内で進んでいる中で、7月26日からパスポートへワクチン接種の証明を記載する動きを日本政府が見せています ^_^



The vaccination certificates will be official records issued by municipalities showing a person has been fully vaccinated against COVID-19, with information such as name, passport number and date of vaccination also included.


Japan is looking to have its vaccination passports accepted by over 10 nations, including Italy, France and Greece, according to government sources. It hopes the countries will exempt holders from quarantine requirements or reduce quarantine periods.


Inoculations for people under 65 have recently started in some municipalities and by companies for their employees.



