
a-1735 2023 鎮魂と平和への祈り 2023 Requiem and Prayer for Peace プリモアート(複製画)

Size A4,A2,A3






In the year 2023,
I fervently wish

That it may be
A good year

For everyone
From the depths of my heart.


God bless you.

作品「2023 鎮魂と平和への祈り 2023 Requiem and Prayer for Peace」の解説

1. 全体的な印象


2. 色彩


3. 構図


4. 技法


5. 表現力


6. 美術的価値


7. 作品に込められた想い


8. 作品の鑑賞方法


9. 作品の価値


10. タグ

 戦争 鎮魂 平和 祈り 神社 鳥居 青空 雲 墨 水彩 静寂 神聖 安らぎ 希望 生命力 伝統 西洋 独特 メッセージ 重要 War Remembrance Peace Prayer Shrine ToriiGate BlueSky Clouds Ink Watercolor Serenity Sacred Tranquility Hope Vitality Tradition Western Unique Message Important





Commentary on the work “2023 Requiem and Prayer for Peace”

1. Overall impression

A torii gate stands in the tranquil grounds of a shrine, and the blue sky and clouds spread out behind it. The soft light that surrounds the entire screen creates a sacred atmosphere and gives the viewer a sense of peace.

2. Color

The basic colors of blue and white symbolize purity and peace. The vermilion color of the torii gate gives a sense of vitality and hope.

3. Composition

By placing the torii gate in the center and creating a symmetrical composition, a sense of stability and tranquility is emphasized.

4. Technique

It is painted with delicate brushstrokes that resemble ink and watercolor using digital art techniques. The effects of blur and bokeh are used to create a screen with depth.

5. Expressive power

Through the tranquil scenery of the shrine, we express our repose for the victims of war and our prayers for peace.

6. Artistic value

It is a digital art technique that is characterized by a unique expression method that combines traditional ink painting techniques and Western watercolor painting techniques.

7. Thoughts put into the work

The author created this work with the hope of conveying the misery of war to future generations and appealing to the importance of peace.

8. How to view the works

By looking at the works carefully in a quiet place, you can gain a deeper understanding of the thoughts behind the works.

9. Value of the work

This work has an important message: to not let the memories of war fade and to pass on the hope for peace to the future.

10. Tag

War Remembrance Peace Prayer Shrine Torii Blue sky Clouds Ink Watercolor Silence Sacred Peace Hope Life force Tradition Western unique message Important War Remembrance Peace Prayer Shrine ToriiGate BlueSky Clouds Ink Watercolor Serenity Sacred Tranquility Hope Vitality Tradition Western Unique Message Important

Relationship with poetry

Paintings and poems both express requiem for the victims of war and prayers for peace. The tranquil scene of the painting and the simple words of the poem create a synergistic effect that deeply moves the viewer.

Author's words

"In order to prevent the tragedy of war from ever happening again, it is important to share our wish for peace. I hope that through this work, many people will think about the importance of peace."

作品販売 Sales of work.

a-1735 2023 鎮魂と平和への祈り 2023 Requiem and Prayer for Peace
プリモアート(複製画) Size A4,A2,A3 | gallerygai

Size A4,A2,A3

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