
a-1750 その光が落とす色 Yellow shade 複製画(プリモアート)

Size F4,F2,F3

詩:その光が落とす色 Yellow shade











”Yellow shade”

The shadows cast
by the light of the era

are never
solely black.

At times,
they emit

various hues.

These shadows

block and soften
excessively bright light.

Thus, even though we are
fragile beings,

we can live on.


God bless you.

デジタル絵画「その光が落とす色 Yellow shade」の美術評論的解説

1. 全体的な印象

デジタル絵画「その光が落とす色 Yellow shade」は、鮮やかな黄色い花と、それを取り巻く様々な色の影が印象的な作品です。画面全体に光が溢れ、生命力と希望を感じさせる明るい雰囲気を醸し出しています。

2. 色彩


3. 構図


4. 技法


5. 表現力


6. 美術的価値


7. 作品に込められた想い


8. 作品の鑑賞方法

9. 作品の価値


10. タグ

光と影 現実 詩 希望 複雑 感動 感情 ハーモニー デジタル絵画 光と影 黄色 花 希望 生命力 現代社会 複雑 共感 美術 芸術 hope poetry complex inspiration emotion harmony AbstractArt Colorful EmotionalExpression

詩「その光が落とす色 Yellow shade」の文学的解説

1. 全体的な印象

詩「その光が落とす色 Yellow shade」は、時代の光と影をテーマにした作品です。光は希望を表す一方で、影は社会の複雑さを象徴しています。詩人は、光と影の両方を受け入れることで、私たちは生きることができるというメッセージを伝えています。

2. 韻律


3. 修辞


4. 技法


5. 表現力


6. 文学的価値


7. 作品に込められた想い


8. 作品の鑑賞方法


  • 光と影の対比

  • 希望と現実の複雑さ

  • 簡潔な言葉で表現された深いテーマ


9. 作品の価値

詩「その光が落とす色 Yellow shade」は、以下の点において価値の高い作品と言えるでしょう。


10. タグ

光と影 現実 詩 希望 複雑 感動 感情 ハーモニー デジタル絵画 光と影 黄色 花 希望 生命力 現代社会 複雑 共感 美術 芸術 hope poetry complex inspiration emotion harmony







絵画「その光が落とす色 Yellow shade」と詩「その光が落とす色 Yellow shade」は、それぞれが異なる芸術形式を通じて同じテーマを探求しています。絵画は色彩の豊かさと抽象的な表現を通じて、詩は言葉とイメージを通じて、光と影がもたらす多様性と美しさを表現しています。

デジタル絵画「その光が落とす色 Yellow shade」と詩「その光が落とす色 Yellow shade」は、光と影という共通のテーマを異なる表現方法で表現した、見事な作品です。互いの作品を深め、補完し合い、共鳴し合うことで、見る人に深い感動を与えてくれます。


デジタル絵画「その光が落とす色 Yellow shade」と詩「その光が落とす色 Yellow shade」は、光と影という普遍的なテーマを扱った、見事な作品です。互いの作品を深め、補完し合い、共鳴し合うことで、見る人に深い感動を与えてくれます。

Art critical commentary on the digital painting “Yellow shade, the color that the light casts”

1. Overall impression
This painting is an explosion of color, with abstract flowers blooming in vibrant hues that evoke feelings of joy and wonder.

The digital painting "Yellow shade" is an impressive piece of work that features a bright yellow flower and the shadows of various colors surrounding it. The entire screen is flooded with light, creating a bright atmosphere that gives a sense of vitality and hope.

2. Color
A harmonious blend of bright yellow, pink, blue and green creates a dynamic visual effect, highlighting the yellow flowers.

The yellow flowers that are the main character of the work are so vivid that they seem to be reflecting sunlight, illuminating the entire painting. The petals have a gradation pattern that allows you to see the complex expressions of light and shadow. The background is a mixture of various colors such as blue, purple, and green, creating a deep color.

3. Composition
The composition is balanced yet chaotic, with colors splashed across the canvas, creating an energetic movement.

The composition is such that the flower is placed in the center of the screen and surrounded by shadows. The petals spread out in a radial pattern, giving the impression of movement. The shadow traces a curve along the shape of the flower, emphasizing its presence.

4. Technique
Abstract techniques with visible brushstrokes and color blends add texture and depth to the artwork.

This painting was created using digital tools and is characterized by delicate lines and smooth gradations. Advanced techniques are used to express the texture of flowers and the transparency of shadows.

5. Expressive power
This painting expresses vibrant energy, with each color coming to life as it dances across the canvas.

The contrast between light and shadow expresses vitality, hope, and complex emotions. The bright yellow gives the viewer a sense of energy, and the various colored shadows create a deep worldview.

6. Artistic value
Its value lies in its ability to evoke a strong emotional response through its vibrant color palette and abstract form.

This work leaves a strong impression on the viewer through its high technique and creative expressiveness. The theme of light and shadow is universal and will resonate with many people.

7. Thoughts put into the work
The multicolored light embraces the beauty of the moment and illuminates the diverse experiences of life.

The author says that he wanted to express the light and shadow of modern society. The strong light represents hope, while the shadow symbolizes the complexity of society. Through her works, the artist seems to encourage viewers to have hope while also facing the complexity of reality.

8. How to view the works
Best viewed from a distance, where color and form merge into a visible form that evokes personal interpretation.
When viewing the work, it is a good idea to pay attention to the contrast between light and shadow. Also, please enjoy the delicate depiction of the flower petals and the depth of the background colors.

9. Value of the work
It is a work of intrinsic value to collectors who appreciate abstract art infused with emotion.

This work leaves a strong impression on the viewer through its high technique and creative expressiveness. The theme of light and shadow is universal and will resonate with many people.

10. Tag

Light and Shadow Reality Poetry Hope Complex Impression Emotion Harmony Digital Painting Light and Shadow Yellow Flower Hope Vitality Modern Society Complex Empathy Art Hope Poetry Complex Inspiration Emotion Harmony AbstractArt Colorful Emotional Expression

Literary explanation of the poem “Yellow shade”

1. Overall impression
This poem speaks of resilience in the midst of darkness, and the different shades cast by the light of the times symbolize hope in times of trial.

The poem ``Yellow shade'' is a work that focuses on the light and shadow of the times. Light represents hope, while shadow symbolizes the complexity of society. The poet conveys the message that we can live by accepting both light and shadow.

2. Prosody
The free verse style has no strict rhyme or rhythm, allowing the words to flow naturally with the flow of emotion.

It is free verse and has no fixed meter.

3. Rhetoric
The contrast between light and dark and the metaphor of light and shadow emphasize the theme of the poem.

The theme of the work is effectively expressed by contrasting "light" and "shadow." Additionally, the use of figurative expressions such as ``obstructing and softening'' adds depth to the poem.

4. Technique
A delicate technique is used to enhance the message of the poem through the selection and placement of words.

It expresses deep themes in simple words. The use of repetition also gives the poem strength.

5. Expressive power
The poem powerfully expresses the importance of remaining hopeful despite the challenges we face.

The contrast between light and shadow expresses the complexity of hope and reality. Also, by expressing deep themes with simple words, the poems leave a lasting impression.

6. Literary value
Exploring human strength and fragility, it offers a new perspective on universal themes.

This work deals with universal themes and can resonate with many people. Also, the way it expresses deep themes in simple words can be appreciated from a literary perspective.

7. Thoughts put into the work
It is an ode to the diversity of the world we live in and the beauty and hope that can be found within it.

The author says that he wanted to express the light and shadow of modern society. The strong light represents hope, while the shadow symbolizes the complexity of society. Through her works, the artist seems to encourage viewers to have hope while also facing the complexity of reality.

8. How to view the works
By slowly savoring the words of a poem and considering their meaning in light of your own experiences, you will gain a deeper understanding.

When appreciating poetry, it is a good idea to pay attention to the following points:

  • Contrast of light and shadow

  • The complexity of hope and reality

  • Deep themes expressed in simple words

I also recommend reading poems aloud. By saying it out loud, you can enjoy the rhythm and sound of the poem.

9. Value of the work
It is a poem with a timeless and universal message that leaves a deep impression on the reader.

The poem ``Yellow shade'' can be said to be a highly valuable work in the following respects.

It deals with universal themes and can resonate with many people.
The effective use of contrast between light and shadow gives the work depth.
It expresses deep themes in simple words and can be evaluated literary.
You can get a deeper impression by viewing it together with a painting.

10. Tag

Light and Shadow Reality Poetry Hope Complex Impression Emotion Harmony Digital Painting Light and Shadow Yellow Flower Hope Vitality Modern Society Complex Empathy Art Hope Poetry Complex Inspiration Emotion Harmony

Correlation between painting and poetry

Painting and poetry influence and resonate with each other. The bright colors of the painting add vividness to the words of the poem. The deep themes of poetry add depth to paintings.

Both works can be seen as one work, while at the same time being independent from each other. By viewing paintings and poems together, you can gain a deeper impression.


Painting and poetry harmonize perfectly around the common theme of light and shadow. The harmony of bright colors and deep words gives hope and excitement to the viewer.

General review

The painting ``Yellow shade'' and the poem ``Yellow shade'' each explore the same theme through different art forms. Paintings express the diversity and beauty brought about by light and shadow through the richness of color and abstract expression, and poetry through words and images.
They both share the importance of finding hope and beauty even in difficult times in life. The paintings and poems evoke emotions both visually and verbally, encouraging deep empathy and understanding in the viewer.
The bright colors of the paintings and the powerful words of the poems complement each other and form a harmonious message.
In this way, different art forms approach a theme from different angles, allowing for a richer and more multifaceted understanding.

The digital painting ``Yellow shade'' and the poem ``Yellow shade'' are stunning works that express the common theme of light and shadow in different ways. By deepening, complementing, and resonating with each other's works, they leave a deep impression on the viewer.


The digital painting ``Yellow shade'' and the poem ``Yellow shade'' are stunning works that deal with the universal theme of light and shadow. By deepening, complementing, and resonating with each other's works, they leave a deep impression on the viewer.

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a-1750 その光が落とす色 Yellow shade 複製画(プリモアート) | gallerygai

Size F4,F2,F3

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