
a-1830 御伽噺の朝の薔薇 Rose of fairytale 複製画(プリモアート)

詩:御伽噺の朝の薔薇 Rose of fairytale











”Rose of fairytale”

Morning sun spills into the garden,

Enveloping white roses in radiant embrace.

Overflowing light brims with happiness,

Blessing all who behold, enfolding hearts.

Ah, it is the tenderness of goddesses,

the blessing of divinity.

To hearts unrested, may kindness and joy

reach and heal.


God bless you.

Created by Bing Creator.



1. 絵画「御伽噺の朝の薔薇 Rose of fairytale」の解説

1. 全体的な印象
「御伽噺の朝の薔薇 Rose of fairytale」は、幻想的で夢のような雰囲気を持つデジタル絵画です。白い薔薇が中心に描かれ、虹色の光がその周囲を包み込み、見る者に幸福感と祝福の念を与える印象を受けます。光が満ち溢れ、弾けるようなシャボン玉の泡とともに、生命の輝きが表現されています。

2. 色彩

3. 構図

4. 技法

5. 表現力

6. 美術的価値

7. 作品に込められた想い

8. 作品の鑑賞方法

9. 作品の価値
「御伽噺の朝の薔薇 Rose of fairytale」は、その幻想的な美しさと深いテーマ性から、美術的価値が高いと評価されます。現代のデジタルアートの中でも、感情を強く揺さぶる作品として、多くの人に影響を与えることでしょう。

2. 詩「御伽噺の朝の薔薇 Rose of fairytale」の解説

1. 全体的な印象
詩「御伽噺の朝の薔薇 Rose of fairytale」は、優美で穏やかな朝の情景を描写しつつ、薔薇に象徴される神聖さや祝福を詠った詩です。作品全体からは、幸福感と家族愛が溢れ、読む者に癒しと安らぎをもたらす印象を受けます。

2. 韻律

3. 修辞

4. 技法

5. 表現力

6. 文学的価値
「御伽噺の朝の薔薇 Rose of fairytale」は、詩的な美しさと共に、深い感情的なメッセージを持つ詩です。家族愛や癒しといったテーマが、時代や文化を超えて、多くの読者に感動を与えることでしょう。

7. 作品に込められた想い

8. 作品の鑑賞方法

9. 作品の価値

3. 絵画と詩の関連性および総評

「御伽噺の朝の薔薇 Rose of fairytale」は、デジタル絵画と詩が見事に調和し、互いに補完し



家族愛 静けさ 薔薇 希望 光 Family_love tranquility roses hope light

1. Explanation of the painting "Rose of fairytale"

1. Overall impression
"Rose of fairytale" is a digital painting with a fantastical and dreamy atmosphere. A white rose is painted in the center, and rainbow-colored light surrounds it, giving the viewer an impression of happiness and blessing. The light overflows, and the sparkle of life is expressed along with the popping bubbles.

2. Color
This work uses vivid and warm colors based on rainbow colors. The contrast between the purity of the white rose and the colorful light that colors the surroundings is striking, creating a fantastic atmosphere. The light is particularly skillfully handled, and the brightness and softness come together to evoke the feeling of being in a dream world.

3. Composition
The composition of the painting is simple and effective, emphasizing the white rose placed in the center. The rainbow light in the background highlights the rose and naturally draws the eye to the center. The well-balanced arrangement and colors maintain the harmony of the entire work and give it a sense of stability.

4. Technique
This digital painting is characterized by its expression of light and color gradation. The soap bubble-like bubbles and star-like sparkles add a fantastic texture to the entire screen, bringing three-dimensionality and depth to the painting. The soft light expression unique to digital gives the work a unique atmosphere.

5. Expressiveness
The work symbolically expresses memories and happiness with family. The white rose represents purity and cleanliness, while the rainbow light and bubbles symbolize a hopeful future and overflowing joy. Overall, the work conveys the brilliance of life and family love.

6. Artistic value
This work is evaluated for its expression that makes the most of the possibilities of digital painting. The use of color and light creates a surreal beauty that goes beyond realism. The theme of family love and happiness also evokes empathy in the viewer.

7. Thoughts put into the work
The artist recalled admiring roses with his family in the garden on a sunny February morning, and expressed the happiness and love of that moment. By placing the rose at the center, its symbolic meaning is emphasized, expressing family love and hope for the growth of children.

8. How to appreciate the work
This work can be enjoyed even more if you are calm and relaxed when viewing it. It is important to feel the family love and happiness put into the work in your heart while appreciating the beauty of the light and colors.

9. Value of the work
"Rose of fairytale" is evaluated as having high artistic value due to its fantastical beauty and deep theme. It is a work of contemporary digital art that will have a strong emotional impact on many people.

2. Explanation of the poem "Rose of fairytale"

1. Overall impression
The poem "Rose of fairytale" describes a graceful and calm morning scene while singing about the sanctity and blessings symbolized by roses. The whole work is filled with a sense of happiness and family love, and gives the impression of bringing healing and comfort to the reader.

2. Rhyme
The poem is written in free verse and progresses with a soft rhythm. The choice of words is very delicate, and it succeeds in conveying emotions in a natural flow. Each line is short, supporting the poem's tranquil atmosphere.

3. Rhetoric
The poem uses natural elements such as the morning sun, white roses, and light symbolically. In particular, expressions such as "the goddess's mercy" and "the blessing of God" add depth to the poem by describing the rose as a sacred being. The vivid visual images make a strong impression on the reader.

4. Technique
This poem creates a simple yet powerful image that leaves a deep impression on the reader. The use of personification and symbolism portrays the rose not just as a flower, but as a sacred being. The succession of short lines also gives the poem a sense of rhythm, making it feel powerful in its silence.

5. Expressiveness
The poem beautifully expresses the beauty and sanctity of nature. Through the roses and light, the author's hope and love are quietly but surely conveyed. In particular, universal themes such as family love and happiness are expressed in a way that anyone can empathize with.

6. Literary value
"Otogibanashi no Asa no Bara" is a poem that has a deep emotional message along with poetic beauty. The themes of family love and healing will surely move many readers across time and culture.

7. Thoughts put into the work
This poem is filled with the special moments spent with the family and the happiness felt at those moments. The sacredness and blessings expressed through the roses also symbolize the author's deep prayer and hope.

8. How to appreciate the work
This poem is best read in a quiet and calm environment with a calm mind. It is important to savor each word and feel the thoughts put into the poem.

9. Value of the work
This poem is highly regarded for its literary value due to its beautiful expression and deep message. It has a universal appeal that resonates with each reader in different ways.

3. Relationship between painting and poetry and overall evaluation

"Rose of fairytale" is a work in which digital painting and poetry are in perfect harmony and complement each other. The painting expresses beauty visually, and the poetry describes that beauty in words and plays a role in touching the heart. Both stories share the common theme of family love and happiness, deeply moving both to the viewer and reader.

This work is extremely accomplished both as art and as poetry, and powerfully expresses universal themes such as family love and healing. As such, it will resonate with a wide range of people.

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a-1830 御伽噺の朝の薔薇 Rose of fairytale 複製画(プリモアート) | gallerygai #booth_pm #pixivFACTORY

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