
作品: a-2294 朝露の黄色い光彩 Golden Dawn’s Petals of Serenity

詩:朝露の黄色い光彩 Golden Dawn’s Petals of Serenity









Golden Dawn’s Petals of Serenity



”Golden Dawn's Petals of Serenity”

In the summer garden blooms,
Adorable yellow flowers dance.

Golden morning dew sparkles,
Filling children with smiles.

Amid rainbow-colored light And within bubbles,

Love swells in the heart.

The bond of family,
Strong and beautiful,

Embraced by nature,
Enveloped in beauty,

In the tranquil garden,

Kindness and Peace arrive.

The yellow radiance of morning dew,
Golden Dawn's Petals of Serenity.


God bless you.

Created by Bing Creator.


夏の終りの頃、庭で娘たちがオミナエシ(Patrinia scabiosifolia)の花を愛でている時に描きました。


美しさと自然、娘たちそして家族を思い創作した絵画で、このタイトルは、この絵画が持つ、心の安らぎ、自然との調和、そして内なる世界への探求、主題材である花というものの儚さ、慈愛、慈しみと、オミナエシ(Patrinia scabiosifolia)の花言葉「美人」「永久」「忍耐」「親切」など多層的な意味を凝縮した表現しました。この作品を通して、鑑賞者に癒しや感動を与え、心の奥底に眠る穏やかな心を呼び覚まそうとしています。


絵画「朝露の黄色い光彩 Golden Dawn’s Petals of Serenity」の解説

1. 全体的な印象

2. 色彩

3. 構図

4. 技法

5. 表現力

6. 美術的価値

7. 作品に込められた想い

8. 作品の鑑賞方法

9. 作品の価値

詩「朝露の黄色い光彩 Golden Dawn’s Petals of Serenity」の解説

1. 全体的な印象

2. 韻律

3. 修辞

4. 技法

5. 表現力

6. 文学的価値

7. 作品に込められた想い

8. 作品の鑑賞方法

9. 作品の価値


絵画「朝露の黄色い光彩 Golden Dawn’s Petals of Serenity」と詩「朝露の黄色い光彩 Golden Dawn’s Petals of Serenity」は、共に家族愛や自然の美しさをテーマにしています。絵画は視覚的に、詩は言葉でそれぞれのテーマを表現しており、両者が相互に補完し合うことで、鑑賞者に深い感動を与えます。絵画の夢幻的で温かな雰囲気と、詩の繊細で豊かな表現が見事に調和し、家族の絆や自然の美しさを強く感じさせる作品となっています。

家族愛 朝露 静寂 詩 シャボンの泡 Family_Love Morning_Dew Silence Poetry Soap_Bubbles

Purpose of the work

Purpose of the painting "Yellow Glow of Morning Dew":

I painted this at the end of summer when my daughters were admiring the flowers of Patrinia scabiosifolia in the garden.

It expresses the love, hope, and joy hidden in our hearts that are symbolized by the summer flower garden. The landscape woven with rainbow-colored light and soap bubbles highlights the beauty of family love and nature.

I created this painting thinking of beauty, nature, my daughters, and my family, and the title condenses the multi-layered meanings of the painting, such as peace of mind, harmony with nature, and the quest for the inner world, the transience of the subject flower, compassion, and mercy, as well as the flower language of Patrinia scabiosifolia, which means "beauty," "eternity," "patience," and "kindness." Through this work, I hope to give healing and emotion to the viewer, and awaken the calm spirit that lies deep within.

The meaning of the title is that the flowers in the painting symbolize serenity and purity, and their pure beauty represents a gentle prayer for the love and growth of family members. Combined with the refreshing feeling of summer, it goes beyond a mere visual depiction and comprehensively expresses family ties, the innocence of children, the beauty of nature, and its transience and preciousness. The artist's personal experiences and emotions are sublimated into an expression of universal beauty and joy, making it a profound title.

Explanation of the painting "Golden Dawn's Petals of Serenity"

1. Overall impression
This painting depicts a fantastical landscape of ominaeshi flowers blooming in a summer garden, rainbow-colored light, and soap bubbles. The sight of two sisters playing happily highlights family love and the beauty of nature.

2. Color
The colors are very vivid, with a yellow ominaeshi flower in the center. The rainbow light and soap bubbles give the whole painting a dreamy atmosphere.

3. Composition
The composition is well-balanced, with the ominaeshi flower in the center and the sisters around it. The rainbow light and soap bubbles spread in the background, creating a harmonious composition overall.

4. Technique
The technique is characterized by the smoothness and vividness unique to digital painting. The expression of light and the transparency of the soap bubbles are very realistic, and every detail is carefully drawn.

5. Expressiveness
This painting expresses family love and the beauty of nature very strongly. The smiles of the sisters and the beauty of the ominaeshi flower deeply move the viewer.

6. Artistic value
This work is highly technically complete as a digital painting, and has very high artistic value. The colors, composition, and techniques are all fused together at a high level.

7. Thoughts put into the work
The artist depicts his daughters growing up, expressing family love and the beauty of nature. Reflecting the flower language of the ominaeshi (golden dawn) - "beauty," "eternity," "patience," and "kindness," it symbolizes family ties and hope.

8. How to appreciate the work
This work is best viewed in a quiet place. While enjoying the expression of light and the transparency of the soap bubbles, you can reflect on family love and the beauty of nature.

9. Value of the work
This work is extremely valuable not only for its technical perfection, but also for its theme of expressing family love and the beauty of nature. It is a work that can deeply move the viewer.

Explanation of the poem "Golden Dawn's Petals of Serenity"

1. Overall impression
This poem describes the ominaeshi flowers blooming in a summer garden, and the beauty of family love and nature. The choice of words is very delicate, and the reader is deeply moved.

2. Prosody
The poem's prosody is characterized by a soft, flowing rhythm. A gentle rhythm is used to express the beauty of nature and family love.

3. Rhetoric
Personification and metaphor are used extensively as rhetorical techniques. For example, natural elements are vividly depicted, such as "golden morning dew sparkling" and "in the rainbow light and bubbles."

4. Technique
As poetic techniques, four-character idiom-like expressions and personification are used. This makes the poem very rich and deep.

5. Expressiveness
This poem expresses family love and the beauty of nature very strongly. The choice of words and rhythm deeply move the reader.

6. Literary value
This poem also has very high literary value. The choice of words, rhythm, and rhetorical techniques are all integrated at a high level.

7. Thoughts put into the work
The author depicts his daughters growing up, expressing family love and the beauty of nature. Reflecting the flower language of the ominaeshi, "beauty," "eternity," "patience," and "kindness," it symbolizes family ties and hope.

8. How to appreciate the work
This poem is best read carefully in a quiet place. You can enjoy the choice of words and the rhythm while thinking about family love and the beauty of nature.

9. Value of the work
This poem is highly valuable not only for its technical perfection, but also for its theme of expressing family love and the beauty of nature. It is a work that can deeply move the reader.

Relationship between the painting and the poem and overall evaluation

Both the painting "Golden Dawn's Petals of Serenity" and the poem "Golden Dawn's Petals of Serenity" have themes of family love and the beauty of nature. The paintings express their respective themes visually, while the poetry expresses them verbally; the two complement each other, deeply moving the viewer. The dreamy, warm atmosphere of the paintings and the delicate, rich expressions of the poetry are in perfect harmony, creating works that strongly evoke the ties of family and the beauty of nature.

作品販売 Sales of work.

a-2294 朝露の黄色い光彩 Golden Dawn’s Petals of Serenity キャンバスアート - F6 | gallerygai #booth_pm #pixivFACTORY

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