

PBS News Weekend Aug. 12, 2023




■ セサミストリートで英語を楽しむ

大人の私も好きです ^^



■ 動画サイトへのリンク


[00:00] Introduction

[01:55] News Wrap

Federal teams arrive to help search efforts after deadly Maui fires: In our news wrap Saturday, the death toll in the Maui wildfires rose to 80 and is expected to grow as damaged buildings are searched, heavy rains forced over 80,000 people to evacuate in southwestern China, 6 people died when a migrant boat capsized in the English Channel, and a child died while riding one of the buses Texas has been using to send migrants to other states.
《ハワイ山火事、マウイ島、Hawaii; Maui; Ohana; family》

[03:16] That tent, it's constantly sorting clothes and all kinds of necessities. And seems like we're -- we're all sticking together as Maui Ohana. [* Ohana is the Hawaiian word for “family"]

[05:41]★今日のおすすめ★ Child care advocates seek solutions as pandemic-era federal funding winds down

The federal government has been using COVID relief funds to support child care programs across the country. That funding is set to expire at the end of September. Susan Gale Perry, CEO of Child Care Aware of America, joins Ali Rogin to discuss how states are bracing for the looming crisis.
《child care program; 育児プログラム; 育児、保育所、託児所; federal COVID relief funds; $50 billion; expire at the end of September; Susan Gale Perry; Child Care Aware of America》

[11:51]★今日のおすすめ★ New documentary explores mesmerizing, dangerous world of freediving

The extreme sport of freediving is growing in popularity and interest. A new Netflix documentary called “The Deepest Breath” goes inside the high-risk sport, following freedivers Alessia Zecchini and Stephen Keenan. Director Laura McGann joins John Yang to discuss the film.
《freediving; extreme sport; Netflix documentary called “The Deepest Breath”; ドキュメンタリー映画、freedivers Alessia Zecchini and Stephen Keenan; Director Laura McGann、映画監督、lung squeeze; 》

[17:01] And she wasn't allowed to compete really until she was 18, because she kind of turned up and was blowing everybody out of the water. [* to blow someone out of the water = to totally defeat someone; to thoroughly overwhelm someone ]

[19:56] An artist’s Brief But Spectacular take on letting the colors speak for you

Kennady Bob is a Los Angeles-based artist who expresses herself through both large-scale paintings and small sketches. After experiencing great loss early in her life, she found that she could process the feelings she struggled to put into words through art. She shares her Brief But Spectacular take on letting the colors say it for you.
《Kennady Bob; artist; let the colors say it for you》

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News




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