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  • 帯状疱疹ワクチンで認知症リスク低下の可能性 米研究 CNN.co.jp
    【AI翻訳】A study in the United States suggests that the shingles vaccine may reduce the risk of dementia. Researchers found that those vaccinated had a lower risk of developing dementia, indicating that vaccination might contribute to maintaining brain health.

  • 「金沢市公務員獣医師体験実習」の募集について/金沢市公式ホームページ いいね金沢 金沢市
    【AI翻訳】Kanazawa City is currently recruiting for an internship program for public veterinary officials. The target audience is veterinary students, and the internship period will be from March to April 2024. Applications are accepted online, providing an opportunity to learn about the work and roles of public veterinary officials.

  • 旧優生保護法 不妊手術の強制めぐる裁判 初の和解成立 nhk.or.jp
    【AI翻訳】A settlement has been reached in the first lawsuit concerning the forced sterilizations under the former Eugenic Protection Law. As part of the settlement, the victims will receive an apology and compensation from the government, drawing attention to future responses.

  • はじめしゃちょー、ワクチン推奨動画を非公開に「誤解や、事実と異なる噂、ご意見が」(日刊スポーツ) Yahoo!ニュース
    【AI翻訳】YouTuber Hajime Syacho made his vaccination recommendation video private. The reason is that viewers raised misunderstandings, rumors that were not true, and various opinions.

  • 熱中症による救急搬送は今夏初の1万人超え 引き続き酷暑に警戒 ウェザーニュース
    【AI翻訳】This summer, the number of emergency transports due to heatstroke in Japan has exceeded 10,000 for the first time. The extreme heat continues, and caution is being urged.

  • オートバイがブロック塀に衝突 男性医師(66)が死亡 鹿児島市 TBS NEWS DIG Powered by JNN
    【AI翻訳】In Kagoshima City, a 66-year-old male doctor died after colliding with a block wall while riding a motorcycle. The cause of the accident is currently unknown, but the police are investigating the details.

  • PFASめぐり相談外来で対応にあたる医師らが都に血液検査要請 nhk.or.jp
    【AI翻訳】Doctors handling consultations about PFAS have requested the Tokyo Metropolitan Government to conduct blood tests. They emphasize the need to investigate the effects of PFAS and protect the health of local residents.

  • 鹿児島市の米盛病院 救命救急センターに指定 1日から運用 nhk.or.jp
    【AI翻訳】Kagoshima City's Kime Hospital has been designated as an emergency medical center, commencing operations from the 1st. This enhancement is expected to strengthen the regional emergency medical system and ensure swift response for patients.

  • はじめしゃちょー、コロナワクチン推奨動画を非公開に 河野大臣との対談で脅迫…法的措置も検討(スポニチアネックス) Yahoo!ニュース
    【AI翻訳】Hajime Syacho has made his video promoting the COVID-19 vaccine private. This action came after he received threats following a discussion with Minister Kono, and he is considering legal measures.

  • 県医師会の診療情報ネットに行橋市など3自治体参加へ協定締結 nhk.or.jp
    【AI翻訳】The prefectural medical association announced the signing of an agreement regarding the medical information network with three municipalities, including Yukuhashi City, aiming to strengthen regional medical collaboration. This is expected to promote the sharing of patient information and facilitate efficient medical services.

  • コロナ感染拡大注意報発令中…県が医師や消防関係者に入院患者数や検査数の報告求む 県感染症対策連携協議会=静岡 Yahoo!ニュース
    【AI翻訳】Shizuoka Prefecture has issued a warning regarding the spread of COVID-19, requesting doctors and firefighters to report the number of hospitalized patients and test results. The Prefectural Infectious Disease Control Council is strengthening its response.

  • 歯周炎はアブレーション治療後の心房細動再発リスクを高める 日経メディカル
    【AI翻訳】Periodontal disease may increase the risk of atrial fibrillation (AF) recurrence. In patients undergoing ablation therapy, the presence of periodontal disease has been shown to impact AF recurrence. Therefore, managing periodontal disease is crucial.

  • 感染症ガイドライン、大筋了承=政府専門家会議 時事通信ニュース
    【AI翻訳】The infection control guidelines were largely approved by the government's expert meeting, clarifying specific response measures and standards. Strengthened measures against infectious diseases, including COVID-19, are being sought.

  • 【看護師の職場調査】8割以上の看護師が年収は平均以下の500万円未満と回答。「スタッフ同士がとても仲が悪く、年収はギリギリ生活出来る程度」という声も。 PR TIMES
    【AI翻訳】A survey of nurses revealed that over 80% reported an annual income of less than 5 million yen. There are also voices stating that the relationships among staff are very poor, and they are living on the edge financially.

  • 8月10日は「手(ハンド)の日」です 渋川市
    【AI翻訳】August 10 is "Hand Day," and in Shibukawa City, an event will take place to re-recognize the importance of hands. Participants can learn about the significance of communication and health through activities that utilize their hands.

  • 救急出場が過去最多更新 軽症は半数超 | さがみはら中央区 タウンニュース
    【AI翻訳】The emergency calls in Sagamihara City have reached a record high, with more than half being for minor injuries. This indicates a growing reliance on medical services among citizens, highlighting the importance of appropriate emergency service usage.

  • 県医師会長 新型コロナ感染者増加で対策呼びかけ nhk.or.jp
    【AI翻訳】The president of the prefectural medical association has called upon residents to take measures in response to the increase in COVID-19 infections. He emphasizes the importance of wearing masks and thoroughly implementing infection prevention measures.

  • 父親殺害の元医師 懲役13年の判決確定へ ALS嘱託殺人でも審理 nhk.or.jp
    【AI翻訳】A former doctor has received a confirmed sentence of 13 years in prison for murdering his father, and hearings are also set to take place regarding a case of assisted suicide involving an ALS patient.

  • アストラゼネカ、肺がん治療における化学放射線療法後の選択肢拡大に向けた、タグリッソおよびイミフィンジの新たな承認申請を実施 日経バイオテク
    【AI翻訳】AstraZeneca has submitted new approval applications for Tagrisso and Imfinzi to expand treatment options for lung cancer. This represents a significant advancement for patients following chemoradiotherapy.

  • エーザイの認知症治療薬、継続投与で効果 研究結果発表 日本経済新聞
    【AI翻訳】Eisai's dementia treatment drug has shown effectiveness through continuous administration, according to a newly released study. There is potential for symptom improvement in patients, raising hopes for future treatments.
