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  • 岩手医科大付属病院で医療事故 19歳の患者死亡 nhk.or.jp
    【AI翻訳】At Iwate Medical University Hospital, a 19-year-old patient died due to a medical accident. Investigations are ongoing regarding the details of the incident and the hospital's response, with stakeholders scheduled to be interviewed.

  • COVID-19治療用多能性幹細胞由来T細胞製剤の作製に初めて成功—特許出願を完了し臨床試験に向けた開発が本格化 京都大学
    【AI翻訳】Kyoto University has successfully developed a T-cell preparation derived from pluripotent stem cells for COVID-19 treatment and has completed the patent application. This is expected to accelerate the development toward clinical trials.

  • 新たな地域医療構想に全自病、「構想区域の設定、二次医療圏にとらわれない柔軟な設定を」 日経メディカル
    【AI翻訳】All-Japan Hospital Association is advocating for a flexible approach to the setting of regional medical plans, avoiding constraints of secondary medical areas, to better meet local healthcare needs.

  • ファイザー、通年見通し上方修正 がん・心臓病治療薬が好調 ロイター (Reuters Japan)
    【AI翻訳】Pfizer has revised its earnings outlook for 2024 upwards, driven by strong sales of cancer and heart disease treatments. As a result, the company's revenue is expected to exceed initial projections.

  • 【日本医師会】健康増進普及間に合わせ、日本准看護師連絡協議会と共催により9月6日に市民公開講座を開催! PR TIMES
    【AI翻訳】The Japan Medical Association announced that a public lecture for citizens will be held on September 6 in collaboration with the Japan Association of Assistant Nurses, aimed at promoting health enhancement.

  • 米サレプタ、23年末比1.5倍 DMD治療薬の適応拡大 Investment Radar 日本経済新聞
    【AI翻訳】US-based Sarepta announced an expansion of indications for its DMD (Duchenne muscular dystrophy) treatment, planning to grow its market by 1.5 times by the end of 2023. This will broaden the range of treatment options available.

  • 暑さで県が緊急会見 医師らが「命を守る行動」を呼びかけ nhk.or.jp
    【AI翻訳】A Japanese prefecture held an emergency press conference, where doctors urged citizens to take "life-protecting actions" to avoid health risks caused by the heat. Adequate hydration and appropriate clothing are recommended.

  • 【感染症アラート・本格的な流行】手足口病、ヘルパンギーナなど6つ(感染症・予防接種ナビ) Yahoo!ニュース
    【AI翻訳】Six infectious diseases, including hand-foot-mouth disease and herpangina, are currently spreading in Japan, necessitating special caution. These illnesses primarily affect young children and are mainly transmitted through direct contact. Preventative measures like handwashing and hygiene management are essential.

  • 熱中症かコロナか、判断難しく 医療現場が猛暑で警戒強化(毎日新聞) Yahoo!ニュース
    【AI翻訳】In the ongoing heatwave, the symptoms of heatstroke and COVID-19 are similar, making diagnosis challenging in medical settings. Healthcare professionals are strengthening their vigilance to distinguish between the two.

  • 「病気が怖いのでお互いに検査を」 マッチングアプリで知り合った20代男性から現金約30万円詐取か 28歳女を逮捕 Yahoo!ニュース
    【AI翻訳】A 28-year-old woman was arrested for allegedly defrauding a man in his 20s she met on a dating app, claiming to be afraid of illness and asking for about 300,000 yen in cash. The police are conducting further investigations.

  • メディカルノート、日本泌尿器科学会と医療情報の発信における連携を開始 PR TIMES
    【AI翻訳】Medical Note announced a collaboration with the Japanese Urological Association to enhance medical information. The aim is to strengthen patient-oriented information provision through cooperation with physicians who possess specialized knowledge.

  • ガン治療で入院中、子どもの漢字再テストが判明…母はどうする?【作者インタビュー】(ダ・ヴィンチWeb) Yahoo!ニュース
    【AI翻訳】A mother undergoing cancer treatment in the hospital learns that her child has to retake a kanji test and contemplates how to respond. Her feelings and the family's situation are discussed in the interview.

  • 九州大学大学院医学研究院とオークランド・ユニサービス社が覚書を締結 九州大学
    【AI翻訳】Kyushu University Graduate School of Medical Sciences has signed a memorandum of understanding with Auckland UniServices. This collaboration is expected to promote advances in medical research and international cooperation.

  • 全国900人の医師に調査 「医師の働き方改革」が医療機器・医薬品のプロモーション活動に及ぼした影響は? PR TIMES
    【AI翻訳】A survey of 900 doctors revealed that the "physician work style reform" has impacted the promotional activities of medical devices and pharmaceuticals. Specifically, the reduction in doctors' workload and diversification of work styles are reported to have changed the opportunities for promotional contacts.

  • 統合失調症患者の代謝パラメータに対する非定型抗精神病薬の影響|CareNet.com CareNet.com
    【AI翻訳】Atypical antipsychotics affect metabolic parameters in schizophrenia patients, particularly leading to weight gain and elevated blood sugar levels. Monitoring these side effects is crucial for patient health management.

  • ES細胞から作製「キラーT細胞」でコロナ治療 特許出願、免疫不全患者に治験計画 産経ニュース
    【AI翻訳】A patent has been filed for the treatment of COVID-19 using killer T cells derived from ES cells. A clinical trial plan targeting immunocompromised patients is underway, raising expectations for future developments.

  • 「治療」終え 接骨院再開 液状化被害 内灘「二ツ谷」 あすから 床を修繕 院長ら意気込む 中日新聞
    【AI翻訳】According to Chunichi Shimbun, a chiropractic clinic in Nakanoshi suffered damage from liquefaction but will resume operations tomorrow after repair work is completed. The clinic director is also enthusiastic about the recovery efforts.

  • 【可児市】8/2新規オープン! 施術スタッフは全員理学療法士。院長の経歴も素晴らしい高評価の整体院(sora) - エキスパート Yahoo!ニュース
    【AI翻訳】The newly opened chiropractic clinic "sora" in Kani City has all staff members who are physical therapists, and the director has a highly rated background. They aim to provide professional skills and support the health of the local community.
