
男女脳で全く違う、やる気を引き出す褒め方-Compliments that motivate men and women are completely different-


Everyone, good evening. This time, we will introduce some excerpts from ``Men and Women's Brain Strategy'' on how to manage praise that motivates people. By the way, in a previous article, I introduced the differences between male and female brains that can be distinguished based on the subject of a conversation. If you like, please take a look at those articles as well.


”First of all, the key points in the case of the male brain are the characteristics of ``self-evaluation'' and ``bragging.'' I want my ability to produce results to be appreciated, and I want my pride to be satisfied - these are the points that the male brain wants to be praised for. If you directly and pinpointly praise someone for their ability to accomplish a big job, the compliment will really hit home.”


One of the points to praise people with female brains is their "expanded thinking." If you praise her for what she's doing now, she'll probably remember the hardships she's had in the past with her expansive thinking. So, she goes ahead and praises her past efforts as well. In other words, the secret to complimenting women is to "praise the process and work hard on the process." The key is to praise not only today's achievements, but also to go back to the past leading up to today and praise them from there.


What did you all think? The male and female brains are so different in what they want to be praised and recognized for. Evaluating and praising subordinates and juniors is an important role for leaders and managers. Try praising the other person by highlighting each point. I hope this article is of some use to you. See you soon. thank you very much.







