

拝啓 ますますご清栄のこととお慶び申し上げます。

会社名   株式会社LulianAgency(ルリアンエージェンシー)

設立    2024年9月

所在地   福岡県福岡市博多区博多駅南3-10

資本金   5,000,000円

代表者   代表取締役社長 平田峻一朗

事業内容  営業代行・営業コンサルティング

ちなみに社名にあるルリアンの意味は、フランス語でル・リアン(Le Lien「縁」「絆」「つながり」を意味する言葉です。フランス語だと一見読みにくいかなと思いローマ字に変えて作ったどこにもないオリジナルの表記です。これまでもこれからも人とのご縁を大事に絆を深めていける会社にしたいです。理念やビジョンなど詳細は後ほど別の記事でお伝えできればと思います。





Dear Sir/Madam, I hope you are well and prosperous. I know it's a little different than usual, but I have something to announce to you all. Today, Friday, September 6th, is a lucky day, so I'd like to announce that after working as a sole proprietor for about three years, I have registered as a corporation as of today. I don't have a website, business cards, logo, or anything else yet, so I'll write the details here first.

Company name: LulianAgency Co., Ltd.

Established: September 2024

Location: 3 Hakataekiminami, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture

Capital: 5,000,000 yen

Representative: Representative Director Hirata Shunichiro

Business content: Sales agency and sales consulting, recruitment support and consulting, human resource introduction business, SNS management agency, advertising agency business

By the way, the meaning of the company name Le Lien is Le Lien in French, which means "bond", "connection" or "connection". We thought it might be difficult to read in French at first glance, so we changed it to the Roman alphabet and created an original way of writing that is unique. We want to be a company that values ​​relationships with people and deepens those bonds in the future. We hope to share more details about our philosophy and vision in a separate article later.

In the future, we will also be making it possible to make job requests on this note. To make a request, enter the necessary information in the job request article and send it. Please feel free to contact us. I don't have any employees yet, and I'm a sole proprietor, so I'm always looking for people to collaborate with and partners. We look forward to hearing from you about this as well.

This time, I used Money Forward to set up the company, and did it all by myself. At first, I was thinking of asking someone to do it for me, but I thought it might be a good learning experience, so I gave it a try, and now I've found it to be very convenient and easy. If there are people out there who are thinking about setting up a company, I think I can give you some advice or give you some advice. I'll be writing an article about that too, so look forward to it.

Although I am still inexperienced, I will do my best to serve you all. I would appreciate your continued support and patronage. This letter is my small greeting.

Sincerely yours.
