
チェンバロで振り返るチェコ・オーストリアの旅|Reflecting on a Czech-Austrian Journey through the Harpsichord

「一問一答で広がる人間の可能性」作成秘話|A Behind-the-Scenes Look at 'Enhancing Humanity One Conversation at a Time'

拙著『ChatGPT:一問一答で広がる人間の可能性』第5章 1. ChatGPTが持たない「感情」について


Let That Sync In: Convos on Water💧| Episode 41: Hiro


今を生きる: 先延ばしのない冒険。|Living in the Present: An Adventure without Procrastination

愛と成長: 植物と暮らす。| Love and Growth: Living with Plants


休職から天職|From vacation to vocation


情熱のハーモニー|Harmonizing Passions

人と仲良くする前に、自分と仲良くすること。 Befriending yourself before you befriend others.

Coaching as an Approach to Create a New Version of Your World (Part 2)

自己探求の旅|The journey of self-discovery

Coaching as an Approach to Create a New Version of Your World (Part. 1)


好きと嫌い|Like and dislike

自分への礼儀作法 | Courtesy to myself.

強みの磨き方 | How to improve your strengths

アルゴリズムを叩き壊せ。| Smash the algorithm.

すべてが実った瞬間|The moment when everything came to fruition