
Confronting serious situations

Hello, everyone. How are you today? This is Teacher Asuka.
Today, I'm going to consider how to confront when you encounter something bad.

Luminarie at Meriken Park at Kobe

As you know, many astounding events, such as the Great Earthquake in the Noto Peninsula, located in northern Japan, as well as a serious incident at Haneda International Airport, have been reported at the start of the new year. Additionally, on 17th January 2024, it was the 29th Memorial Day since the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake occurred. For the requiem of that terrible disaster, Kobe Luminarie, which is an illumination event and a winter tradition, has been held from 19th January to 28th January in the central area of Kobe.

Luminarie at Meriken Park, Kobe

I also experienced that disaster and some of my childhood friends passed away. Although my house was damaged, it didn't fall down, and my family were fortunately safe. Even now, I remember the terrible disaster.

Moreover, although I had suffered from severe disease almost 10 years ago, fortunately, I completely recovered from my illness and remain healthy now.
The aforementioned two things taught me important points. One is that everyone has a kind of possibility of suffering something bad. The other is that we should be aware how you face or react when you encounter something bad.
As for myself, I can always thank everything around me because I believe 'living itself is everything.' Recognizing your weakness, always thinking positive and doing your best every day as much as possible will cause you gradually a better tomorrow.
We are all in the same boat in a way in this today’s world. I mean, we live in this world together, and we are not sure what is going to happen at the moment even now.
Therefore, I would strongly request that we need to care about those who are under severe circumstances as well as people with special needs without any doubt. It is time that we might need to rebuild and change our current system for the better.
Thank you for staying with me as always.
See you next time!
Teacher Asuka
