
My experiences in NZ #36

Hello there. TGIF, everyone.
In my last post, I wrote about my daily dietary habits in NZ.

I’d love to continue from where I ended last time. I mentioned breakfast and hamburgershops, so I’ll write about lunch and dinner today.

Regarding lunch, as I went to the language school, I bought a Japanese lunch box, which some Japanese women who had already graduated from that school went to sell every day. Students from other countries ate some cookies or fruits for lunch. However, I couldn’t understand why these were lunches.

The next, regarding dinner, I heard it depended on the family, though. In the case of my homestay, they ate mashed potatoes as staple food almost every single day, and some main dishes, for instance, sausage or I can’t recall.

Once a week, I guess it was Wednesday, my host mother’s ex-husband, I mean my host sisters’ father, came over to have dinner with them. In the evening, he called and asked how many girls there were and what they wanted for dinner. My host mother went out that night, and her ex brought dinner, sometimes Chinese, Pizza, Subway or Burger King, etc.

After dinner, the girls ate ice cream every day. However, it was out of this world for me. The way they eat ice cream is to heap it into a large bowl for udon or soba noodles, put some cookies on it, heat them in the microwave, and pour chocolate or golden syrup on it. Golden syrup is famous in NZ, tastes like caramel, and is very sweet.

Talking about ice cream, they have a flavor, “Hokey pokey,” in NZ. It is vanilla flavor ice cream and caramel chip inside it. I loved it, and it was one of my memories of eating habits, the same as soft-served ice cream from McDonald’s in NZ.

I mentioned above, “It depends on the family,” my schoolmate, who was home staying in an English and Italian couple’s place, ate quite heavy meals for dinner daily; she told me since her host mother was Italian and loved cooking.

That’s all for today, and to be next time. Have a wonderful weekend, everyone, and see you around.
