
a-1769 遊蝶花 pansys 複製画(プリモアート)

詩:遊蝶花 Pansy's












On a snowy night,
The dreams I see

Are those of old,
From days gone by.

Scenes of mountains and rivers,
Seen in my youth.

Warm family gatherings,
Simple, everyday moments.

Nothing extraordinary,
Just the ordinary.

Such things I dream about.


God bless you.

絵画「遊蝶花 Pansy's」の解説

1. 全体的な印象

絵画「遊蝶花 Pansy's」は、色彩豊かなデジタル絵画です。中央には紫色のパンジーの花が大きく描かれており、その周りに朝の光が虹色に輝いています。背景は明るい色で、春の訪れを感じさせます。全体的な印象としては、明るく華やかで、希望に満ち溢れた作品です。

2. 色彩


3. 構図


4. 技法


5. 表現力


6. 美術的価値


7. 作品に込められた想い

作者は、この作品を通して、春の日、子供たちと山にピクニックに行った時に咲いていたパンジーの花を愛でていた時の光景を思い出しています。また、詩「遊蝶花 Pansy's」は、子供たちがパンジーの花を見る優しい眼差し、家族との幸せな時、それを齎した、家族と過ごす春の日に感謝を込めて謳っています。

8. 作品の鑑賞方法


9. 作品の価値


詩「遊蝶花 Pansy's」の解説

1. 全体的な印象

詩「遊蝶花 Pansy's」は、五七五調の短歌です。雪の降る夜に見た夢は、懐かしい幼い頃の夢であると語り始めます。その夢の中で見たのは、山や川、そして家族との暖か団欒です。特別な出来事ではなく、日常の些細なことですが、それが作者にとってかけがえのない思い出であり、幸せな時間であったことが伝わってきます。

2. 韻律


3. 修辞


4. 技法


5. 表現力


6. 文学的価値


7. 作品に込められた想い


8. 作品の鑑賞方法


9. 作品の価値



絵画「遊蝶花 Pansy's」と詩「遊蝶花 Pansy's」は、どちらも作者の幼い頃の思い出と家族への愛情を表現した作品です。絵画は、色彩豊かな花々によって、春の訪れと生命の喜びを表現しています。一方、詩は、五七五調の短歌形式によって、作者の気持ちをストレートに伝えています。




絵画「遊蝶花 Pansy's」と詩「遊蝶花 Pansy's」は、色彩豊かな花々と五七五調の短歌によって、作者の幼い頃の思い出と家族への愛情を美しく表現した作品です。絵画と詩は、互いに関連し合い、相乗効果を生み出すことで、作者の思いをより深く表現することに成功しています。この作品は、見る人や読む人に、温かい気持ちと幸せな気持ちを与えてくれるでしょう。

デジタル絵画 花 パンジー 色彩 アート 詩 日本語 思い出話 幸せな時間 メッセージ Digital Art Flower Pansy Color Art Poetry Japanese Reminiscence Happy Time Message

Commentary on the painting "Pansy's"

1. Overall impression

The painting "Pansy's" is a colorful digital painting. A large purple pansy flower is depicted in the center, and the morning light shines in rainbow colors around it. The background is brightly colored, making you feel the arrival of spring. The overall impression is that the work is bright, gorgeous, and full of hope.

2. Color

The most impressive thing about this work is the richness of the colors. The purple pansy flowers are a vibrant and eye-catching color. The light production that spreads around it is also colored in various colors such as red, yellow, pink, and blue. The yellow background also emphasizes the overall brightness.

3. Composition

The composition creates a sense of stability and harmony by placing a pansy flower in the center and surrounding it with other flowers and bubbles in a well-balanced manner. Also, by adding contrast to the flowers and leaves, a sense of depth is created.

4. Technique

This work was created using digital painting software. Digital painting software can express a variety of brushstrokes and effects, making it possible to create delicate expressions like this one.

5. Expressive power

This work uses colorful flowers to express the arrival of spring and the joy of life. Additionally, since pansy flowers are a symbol of purity and innocence, this work can also be said to contain a message of hope and expectations for the future.

6. Artistic value

This work has high artistic value as a colorful digital painting. The theme of this work is the season of spring, and it is a work that will resonate with many people.

7. Thoughts put into the work

Through this work, the author recalls a spring day when he and his children went on a picnic in the mountains, admiring the pansy flowers that were blooming. In addition, the poem ``Pansy's'' expresses gratitude for the gentle eyes of children looking at pansy flowers, the happy times they had with their families, and the spring days they spent with their families that brought them all.

8. How to view the works

This work can be viewed from various perspectives. First, you can enjoy the overall colors and composition. You can also take a close look at the pansy flowers and the effects of the morning sun. Furthermore, it would be a good idea to try to decipher the thoughts put into the works.

9. Value of the work

This work has not only artistic value but also emotional value. The theme of this work is the season of spring, and it resonates with many people. Also, because it depicts happy times with family, it gives you a warm feeling.

Commentary on the poem "Pansy's"

1. Overall impression

The poem ``Pansy's'' is a tanka in the five-seven-five key system. He begins to talk about the dream he had on a snowy night as a nostalgic childhood dream. In that dream, I saw mountains, rivers, and a warm gathering with my family. Although it is not a special event, but a trivial everyday thing, it is an irreplaceable memory for the author, and you can tell that it was a happy time.

2. Prosody

This poem is written in tanka form in the five-seven-five key system, and its regular meter creates a pleasant rhythm.

3. Rhetoric

This poem does not use rhetorical techniques such as metaphor or personification. However, words such as ``nostalgic dreams of those days'' and ``warm family gatherings'' clearly convey the author's feelings.

4. Technique

Although this poem is written in simple words, it conveys the author's feelings directly. In addition, the tanka format in five-seven-five keys leaves a lasting impression and stimulates the reader's imagination.

5. Expressive power

This poem expresses his childhood memories and love for his family through a dream he had on a snowy night. It can also be said to convey the message that happiness can be found in the small things of daily life.

6. Literary value

Although this poem is written in simple words, it is a work that directly conveys the author's feelings, and has literary value. In addition, the tanka format of the five-seven-five keys leaves a lasting impression and stimulates the reader's imagination.

7. Thoughts put into the work

The author expresses his childhood memories and love for his family through this poem. It also conveys the message that happiness can be found in the little things in everyday life.

8. How to view the works

You can first read this work in its entirety to get a feel for the author's feelings. Afterwards, if you find a word or phrase that catches your eye, it might be a good idea to take a closer look. You may also want to imagine what this poem means to the author.

9. Value of the work

This work clearly conveys the author's feelings and has literary value. In addition, the tanka format of the five-seven-five keys leaves a lasting impression and stimulates the reader's imagination.

General comments on the relationship, correlation, and harmony between painting and poetry

The painting ``Pansy's'' and the poem ``Pansy's'' are both works that express the author's childhood memories and love for her family. The painting expresses the arrival of spring and the joy of life through colorful flowers. Poetry, on the other hand, uses the tanka format of five-seven-five keys to directly convey the author's feelings.

Paintings and poems are each expressed in different ways, but by having a common theme, they complement each other and convey a deeper message. The colorful flowers in the painting add vividness to the words of the poem, and the words of the poem add depth to the painting.

In this way, painting and poetry are interconnected and create a synergistic effect, successfully expressing the artist's thoughts more deeply.


The painting ``Pansy's'' and the poem ``Pansy's'' are works that beautifully express the artist's childhood memories and love for her family through colorful flowers and tanka poems in five-seven-five keynotes. Paintings and poems are interconnected and create a synergistic effect, successfully expressing the artist's thoughts more deeply. This work will give warm and happy feelings to the viewers and readers.

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a-1769 遊蝶花 pansys 複製画(プリモアート) | gallerygai

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