
a-1763 想い出の朝 Nostalgic morning 複製画(プリモアート)

詩:想い出の朝 Nostalgic morning













”Nostalgic morning”

Invited by the gentle morning light,
You peer outside the window,

I turn my body towards you,
Just waking up,
And I watch your silhouette,

Before long,
The sound of preparing breakfast,
Fills the air,

I rise,
Beside you,

Grinding coffee,

On this cold winter morning,

The two of us,

Time passes by.


God bless you.

デジタル絵画「想い出の朝 Nostalgic morning」の解説

1. 全体的な印象

デジタル絵画「想い出の朝 Nostalgic morning」は、淡いパステルカラーと柔らかいタッチで描かれた、温かみのある作品です。画面全体に広がる紫と白のパンジーの花は、春の訪れを感じさせ、見る人に優しい気持ちにさせてくれます。

2. 色彩


3. 構図


4. 技法


5. 表現力


6. 美術的価値

デジタル絵画「想い出の朝 Nostalgic morning」は、色彩、構図、技法、表現力など、すべての要素において優れた作品です。また、作品に込められた想いも伝わってきます。この作品は、見る人に温かい気持ちと希望を与えてくれる、貴重な作品と言えるでしょう。

7. 作品に込められた想い


8. 作品の鑑賞方法


9. 作品の価値

デジタル絵画「想い出の朝 Nostalgic morning」は、美術的価値の高い作品です。この作品は、見る人に温かい気持ちと希望を与えてくれる、貴重な作品と言えるでしょう。

詩「想い出の朝 Nostalgic morning」の解説

1. 全体的な印象

詩「想い出の朝 Nostalgic morning」は、早春の朝、家族と過ごすひとときを詠んだ、静かな詩です。淡い言葉遣いとシンプルな表現によって、読者の心に温かい情景を描き出しています。

2. 韻律


3. 修辞


  • 比喩:

    • 「淡い朝の光に誘われて」

    • 「君の後ろ姿を目で追う」

    • 「寒い冬の朝」

  • 擬人化:

    • 「朝食の支度をしている音」


4. 技法


5. 表現力


6. 文学的価値

詩「想い出の朝 Nostalgic morning」は、文学的価値の高い作品です。詩は、淡い言葉遣いとシンプルな表現によって、読者の心に温かい情景を描き出しています。また、詩に込められた家族への愛情は、読者の心に深く響きます。


7. 作品に込められた想い


8. 作品の鑑賞方法


9. 作品の価値

詩「想い出の朝 Nostalgic morning」は、文学的価値の高い作品です。この詩は、読者の心に温かい情景を描き出し、家族への愛情を訴える、貴重な作品と言えるでしょう。


デジタル絵画「想い出の朝 Nostalgic morning」と詩「想い出の朝 Nostalgic morning」は、それぞれ異なる表現形式でありながら、共通するテーマと雰囲気を持っています。






デジタル絵画「想い出の朝 Nostalgic morning」と詩「想い出の朝 Nostalgic morning」は、家族との温かい時間をテーマとした、美しい作品です。絵画と詩は、互いに補完し合い、より深い感動を与えてくれる作品と言えるでしょう。


詩、フリーバース、愛、デジタルアート、デジタルペインティング、水彩画、パンジー、花、春、家族、思い出、ノスタルジア、希望、暖かさ、愛 poetry free_verse love digital_art digital_painting water_color_painting pansies flowers spring family memories nostalgia hope warmth love

Explanation of the digital painting “Nostalgic morning”

1. Overall impression

The digital painting "Nostalgic morning" is a warm piece of work painted with pale pastel colors and a soft touch. The purple and white pansy flowers that spread across the screen give a sense of the arrival of spring and give the viewer a gentle feeling.

2. Color

Colors used in the work include purple, white, green, and yellow. These colors are complementary to each other and add vibrancy and vibrancy to the screen. In particular, the purple and white pansy flowers serve as the main colors of the work and influence the overall impression of the painting.

3. Composition

The composition is simple, with a pansy flower in the center surrounded by green leaves. This composition emphasizes the presence of the pansy flowers and naturally draws the viewer's attention.

4. Technique

The artist uses digital watercolor techniques to create his works. Digital watercolors can reproduce the same texture and expressiveness as traditional watercolors, and in this work, we succeeded in expressing the delicate expressions of pansy petals and the freshness of leaves.

5. Expressive power

The work is based on memories of family picnics, and has a warm and gentle atmosphere. Pansy flowers symbolize the arrival of spring and new beginnings, giving the entire piece a hopeful feel.

6. Artistic value

The digital painting "Nostalgic Morning" is a work of excellence in all elements, including color, composition, technique, and expressiveness. It also conveys the feelings put into the work. This work can be said to be a valuable piece of work that gives the viewer a warm feeling and hope.

7. Thoughts put into the work

It seems that the author wanted to express the memories of picnics with his family through this work. Pansy flowers are a symbol of the author's memories with her daughters, and a warm sense of family love can be felt throughout the work.

8. How to view the works

We recommend viewing this work in a quiet place. By taking the time to appreciate the colors, composition, and techniques of the work, you can gain a deeper understanding of the artist's thoughts.

9. Value of the work

The digital painting "Nostalgic morning" is a work of high artistic value. This work can be said to be a valuable piece of work that gives the viewer a warm feeling and hope.

Commentary on the poem “Nostalgic morning”

1. Overall impression

The poem ``Nostalgic morning'' is a quiet poem about spending time with family on an early spring morning. The light language and simple expressions create a warm picture in the hearts of the readers.

2. Prosody

The poem is free verse and has no particular meter. However, the choice of words and rhythm give the poem a pleasant resonance.

3. Rhetoric

The main rhetoric used in the poem is metaphor and personification.

  • Metaphor:

    • "Invited by the pale morning light"

    • "I'll follow your back with my eyes."

    • "Cold winter morning"

    • "The sound of preparing breakfast"

These rhetorics give depth and depth to the poem.

4. Technique

The poem uses a short and simple style. This writing style gives the poem a lightness and freshness. Also, by repeating the same phrase at the beginning and end of the poem, it gives the poem a sense of unity.

5. Expressive power

The poem uses warm and gentle words to describe a moment spent with family on a winter morning. Reading poetry makes the reader feel as if they are inside the scene.

6. Literary value

The poem ``Nostalgic morning'' is a work of high literary value. The poem depicts a warm scene in the reader's heart through light language and simple expressions. In addition, the love for family expressed in the poem resonates deeply with the reader.

This poem is a work that reminds us of the warmth of family and the beauty of everyday life, which are being lost in modern society. Readers will feel warm and relaxed in their hearts by reading this poem.

7. Thoughts put into the work

It seems that the author was writing about warm times with his family through this poem. By repeating the same phrase at the beginning and end of the poem, we can convey how important time with family is to the author.

8. How to view the works

We recommend that you take your time to enjoy this poem in a quiet place. By taking the time to appreciate the wording and expressions of a poem, you can gain a deeper understanding of the author's thoughts.

9. Value of the work

The poem ``Nostalgic morning'' is a work of high literary value. This poem can be said to be a valuable work that depicts a warm scene in the reader's heart and appeals to his love for his family.

General comments on the relationship, correlation, and harmony between painting and poetry

Although the digital painting "Nostalgic morning" and the poem "Nostalgic morning" are different forms of expression, they share a common theme and atmosphere.

The paintings are warm, painted in pale pastel colors and with a soft touch. The purple and white pansy flowers that spread across the screen give a sense of the arrival of spring and give the viewer a gentle feeling.

The poem is a quiet poem about spending time with family on a winter morning. The light language and simple expressions create a warm picture in the hearts of the readers.

Paintings and poems both have a theme of warm time spent with family, and share the same pale tones and gentle atmosphere. In addition, the pansy flowers in the painting can be associated with the phrase "seduced by the pale morning light" in the poem.

In this way, painting and poetry can be said to complement each other and give us deeper emotions.


The digital painting "Nostalgic morning" and the poem "Nostalgic morning" are beautiful works with the theme of warm time with family. Painting and poetry can be said to complement each other and give us a deeper sense of emotion.

This work can be said to be a valuable piece of work that gives a warm feeling and hope to those who view and read it.

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a-1763 想い出の朝 Nostalgic morning 複製画(プリモアート) | gallerygai

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