
a-1765感謝 幸福 gratitudeandhappiness 複製画(プリモアート)

詩:感謝 幸福 Gratitude and happiness








”Gratitude and happiness”

Reflecting on the end of today,

Not overestimating oneself,
Nor being arrogant,

Grateful for a day
Lived earnestly,

Savoring the nourishment
And happiness,

As one retires to bed.


God bless you.

デジタル絵画「感謝 幸福 gratitude and happiness」の美術評論

1. 全体的な印象

デジタル絵画「感謝 幸福 gratitude and happiness」は、ピンク色のバラの束を描いた作品です。バラは満開の状態であり、花びらは柔らかく繊細に表現されています。バラは円形に配置されており、中央には大きなバラが描かれています。背景は虹色で、希望と活気と生命感の象徴となっています。

2. 色彩


3. 構図


4. 技法


5. 表現力


6. 美術的価値


7. 作品に込められた想い


8. 作品の鑑賞方法


9. 作品の価値


詩「感謝 幸福 Gratitude and happiness」の文学評論

1. 全体的な印象

詩「感謝 幸福 Gratitude and happiness」は、一日の終わりを振り返り、感謝の気持ちを持つことの大切さを歌った作品です。詩は簡潔で分かりやすい言葉で書かれており、読者に共感を与える力を持っています。

2. 韻律


3. 修辞


4. 技法


5. 表現力


6. 文学的価値


7. 作品に込められた想い


8. 作品の鑑賞方法


9. 作品の価値



デジタル絵画「感謝 幸福 gratitude and happiness」と詩「感謝 幸福 Gratitude and happiness」は、どちらも感謝と幸福のテーマを扱っており、互いに補完し合い、より深いメッセージを伝えています。




デジタル絵画「感謝 幸福 gratitude and happiness」と詩「感謝 幸福 Gratitude and happiness」は、それぞれ優れた作品であり、互いに補完し合い、より深いメッセージを伝えています。この作品は、日々の生活の中で感謝の気持ちを持つことの大切さを思い出させてくれる、貴重な作品です。

感謝 幸福 詩 日本語詩 バラ 感謝 幸福 希望 活気 生命感 愛情 純粋さ 平和 静けさ 喜び デジタル絵画 Gratitude Happiness Poetry Japanese_Poetry Rose Gratitude Happiness Hope Vibrancy Sense_of_Life Love Purity Peace Tranquility Joy Digital_Painting

Art review of the digital painting “Gratitude and Happiness”

1. Overall impression

The digital painting "Gratitude and Happiness" depicts a bunch of pink roses. The rose is in full bloom, and the petals are soft and delicate. The roses are arranged in a circle, with a large rose drawn in the center. The background is rainbow-colored, symbolizing hope, vibrancy, and a sense of life.

2. Color

This piece is dominated by shades of pink, white, and yellow. The color pink is a symbol of love, affection, and gratitude. White is a symbol of purity, peace, and tranquility. Yellow is a symbol of joy, happiness, and a sense of vibrancy and life. These colors give the whole piece a warm, happy atmosphere.

3. Composition

This work has a well-balanced composition with a bunch of roses in the center. Roses are arranged in a circle, which is a symbol of harmony and unity. The rainbow colors in the background appear to envelop the roses, giving a sense of unity to the entire work.

4. Technique

This work was created using digital painting software. The artist uses brushstrokes and textures to capture the delicate beauty of the rose. The rainbow colors in the background are expressed smoothly using gradation.

5. Expressive power

This piece powerfully expresses feelings of gratitude and happiness. A rose in full bloom symbolizes life force and vitality. Shades of pink, white and yellow create a warm, happy atmosphere. The rainbow colors in the background are a symbol of hope and optimism.

6. Artistic value

This work is an outstanding work of art, with beautiful colors, delicate depictions, and powerful expressive power. This work evokes feelings of gratitude and happiness in the viewer and warms the heart.

7. Thoughts put into the work

This work is thought to express the importance of having a feeling of gratitude in daily life. Roses symbolize the beauty and fragility of life, and the message seems to be that by having an attitude of gratitude, you can enjoy the joy of life more deeply.

8. How to view the works

We recommend viewing this work in a quiet place. Pay close attention to the colors, composition, and expressiveness of the work, and experience feelings of gratitude and happiness.

9. Value of the work

This work has not only aesthetic value but also spiritual value. This work evokes feelings of gratitude and happiness in the viewer and warms the heart.

Literary review of the poem "Gratitude and happiness"

1. Overall impression

The poem ``Gratitude and Happiness'' is about the importance of looking back at the end of each day and feeling grateful. Poetry is written in simple, easy-to-understand language, and has the power to make readers empathize with it.

2. Prosody

This poem is free verse. Although it does not rhyme, the rhythmic language makes it a pleasant read.

3. Rhetoric

This poem does not use rhetorical techniques such as similes or metaphors. However, he uses simple and powerful language to effectively express his gratitude.

4. Technique

This poem uses repetition technique. The feeling of gratitude is emphasized by the repetition of the words "thank you" and "gratitude."

5. Expressive power

This poem is a simple and powerful expression of gratitude. The poet conveys the message that we can feel happy by looking back at the end of the day and being grateful for the small things.

6. Literary value

Although this poem is short, it has a deep message. Poets have the power to create empathy in their readers by expressing their feelings of gratitude in simple words.

7. Thoughts put into the work

This work is thought to express the importance of having a feeling of gratitude in daily life. The poet believes that by having an attitude of gratitude, she can feel happiness, and it is likely that she put this feeling into her work.

8. How to view the works

We recommend reading this work slowly in a quiet place. Please take your time to enjoy the content of the poem and ask yourself what you feel grateful for. By applying the messages contained in the poems to your own life, you will be able to live a happier life.

9. Value of the work

Although this work is short, it has a deep message. Poets have the power to create empathy in their readers by expressing their feelings of gratitude in simple words. This is a valuable work that reminds us of the importance of having gratitude in our daily lives.

Overview of the relationship, correlation, and harmony between painting and poetry

The digital painting "Gratitude and Happiness" and the poem "Gratitude and Happiness" both deal with the theme of gratitude and happiness, and they complement each other and convey a deeper message.

The painting vividly depicts a rose in full bloom, expressing vitality and vibrancy. On the other hand, poetry conveys the message that we can feel happy by looking back at the end of the day and being grateful for the small things.

By viewing paintings and poems together, you can gain a deeper understanding of the importance of having an attitude of gratitude. The paintings and poems powerfully convey the message that by having an attitude of gratitude, we can experience the joy of life more deeply.


The digital painting "Gratitude and Happiness" and the poem "Gratitude and Happiness" are each excellent works, complementing each other and conveying a deeper message. This is a valuable work that reminds us of the importance of having gratitude in our daily lives.

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a-1765感謝 幸福 gratitudeandhappiness 複製画(プリモアート) | gallerygai

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