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【年金事情】厚生年金・国民年金の仕組みとは?10万円以上もらえる人は意外に多い?(LIMO) Yahoo!ニュース
【AI翻訳】Japan's pension system consists of employees' pension insurance and national pension, with different contributions based on employment. The amount received depends on years of service and income, with many people potentially receiving over 100,000 yen.

加給年金に「不公平」の声で制度廃止?2025年の年金改正に向けて議論されている内容をおさらい(LIMO) Yahoo!ニュース
【AI翻訳】There are rising voices claiming the "unfairness" of the additional pension system, leading to discussions on its abolition in preparation for the pension reform scheduled for 2025. The additional pension is seen as advantageous to certain groups, prompting a call for a review to ensure a fairer pension system.

ウチの不正を疑うのか!? 税務調査で激怒した68歳社長、追徴税額450万円も…後日、調査官に感謝したワケ【税理士の助言】 Yahoo!ニュース
【AI翻訳】The 68-year-old president initially became furious when suspected of wrongdoing during a tax audit, facing an additional tax of 4.5 million yen. However, he later expressed gratitude to the auditor as the investigation improved financial transparency and led to better management.

年金15万円・81歳の母だったが、55歳長男が「私の老後は絶望的です」と悲観する「親の老人ホーム請求額」に驚愕 Yahoo!ニュース
【AI翻訳】An 81-year-old mother receives a pension of 150,000 yen, but her 55-year-old son is shocked by the costs of her nursing home and expresses anxiety about his own old age. This situation has heightened his pessimism about future living conditions.

年金だけで生活する高齢者世帯は41.7%。私は大丈夫?年金生活に向けた対策4選(LIMO) Yahoo!ニュース
【AI翻訳】41.7% of elderly households live solely on pensions, highlighting the need for future pension planning. Suggested measures include asset formation, preparing for medical and nursing care, reviewing living expenses, and engaging in hobbies.

次の年金支給日は8月15日「厚生年金」を手取りで「月額20万円」受給できる人は約15パーセント(LIMO) Yahoo!ニュース
【AI翻訳】The next pension payment date is August 15, and about 15% of recipients in Japan can receive a net monthly amount of 200,000 yen from "Welfare Pension." Various analyses on the current state of the pension system are being conducted.

親の財産が「ほぼ自宅だけ」だと、意外とモメがち…子どもたちで「実家」をどう分ければいいのか【税理士が指南】(現代ビジネス) Yahoo!ニュース
【AI翻訳】When a parent's estate consists mainly of the family home, the distribution among children often becomes complicated. Tax advisors recommend clarifying how to divide the home and handling matters with knowledge of legal and tax implications in a planned manner.

予測ズレまくる「財政検証」の不可解…年金は減る一方「20年前は夫婦で49.1万円⇒最新試算21.4万円」 日刊ゲンダイDIGITAL
【AI翻訳】The article discusses Japan's pension system, highlighting significant discrepancies in fiscal verification predictions. The amount received by couples has decreased from 491,000 yen twenty years ago to the latest figure of 214,000 yen. Concerns about the future of pensions are rising.

年金15万円・81歳の母だったが、55歳長男が「私の老後は絶望的です」と悲観する「親の老人ホーム請求額」に驚愕 幻冬舎ゴールドオンライン
【AI翻訳】An 81-year-old mother receiving a pension of 150,000 yen has her 55-year-old son expressing despair over the staggering costs of nursing homes, which makes him feel pessimistic about his own future.

【厚生年金】男性ひとり月16万円は意外に多い?2024年の厚生年金と国民年金の最新額を徹底解説 LIMO(リーモ)
【AI翻訳】In 2024, the revised welfare pension and national pension indicate that 160,000 yen per month for a single male is surprisingly high, with detailed explanations of the background and its implications. The effects of changes in the pension system on living standards are also addressed.
