実験的格言 X 広い視野 和訳中 Experimenal Aphorism X Wide Scope

those who that are with a small and limited scope in life always thinks the world outside their sphere of interests are small and drab.
do not suppose art or poetry are a toy of social customs, economic growth, historical trends, and national spirit, when you have only learned to make or count money based on them, and do not suppose the difficult business of finding scientific truths and mathematical laws are always decidedly vain and futile struggles of mankind in the eye of eternity.
instead, let us say an astronomical scientistist and mathematician working in an institute met a poet working for a literary magazine in a London pub, there are not a great deal they can talk with each other about the stars that they could both understand--- numbers do not translate directly to musical rhymes…but they can make a fuss about how stupid economy and things that are generally going on in the world and on their little isle specifically, and then have a vivaciously congenial toast over how beautifully bright the stars in the night sky are at that moment even if they are blocked by the black and noixous fumes and smokes from the factory-mills in the suburbs, and part their ways in a friendly manner, with grace too, in each their own direction, while both singing or humming, goodly or badly that song many children know "twinkle, twinkle little star, over there, high and up, would I not love how mysterious you are?"
