Loveletter to the Eternal Effeminite Apollon 永遠の少女のアポロンへのラブレター

Alles Vergängliche
Ist nur ein Gleichnis
Das Unzulängliche,
Hier wirds Ereignis;
Das Unbeschreibliche,
Hier ist es getan;
Das Ewig-Weibliche
Zieht uns hinan.
Everything transient
Is but a symbol;
The insufficient
Here finds fulfilment;
The indescribable
Here becomes deed;
The eternal-feminine
Draws us on high.
--wikipedia, Goethe









森鴎外訳, ゲーテ

Goethe, ゲーテ, Faust, Part Two (1832): 『ファウスト』第2部(1832年):

Eternal song, Woman! Thou art my riddle!
Thy mysterious veil, thy lithe forms.
Thy trembling thigh of the earth! Beauty!
I am thy singer! I am thy solver!
I call out to You! All things feminine!
Thou art questionable queries without an answer,
Fret not! I am come to be thy solution, puzzler!
Dance to my tone, Woman! I am the Fiddler!
Thy flowing unbeknownst tress of black cosmos, Woman!
Thy fuming and burning fiery lips of my beating heart, Woman!
All the things beautiful and feminine in this World, I LOVE YOU!
Wait not for long, I am neither the King nor the Questing Knight.
Woman, though thou art the empty grail of Passion! Thirst,
No More! I am the Snake and the Bandit.
Biting upon they flesh and blood with Love. Like thorns cuddle
The efflorescence of red, bloody rose, the cross-sign.
Of my salvation, for I find my absolution in Love,
Love immolating! I shall discard all this husk of fetid meat
And bleached bones. Spirit be shattered unto Infinity also!
I crave not for Life! I crave for the Love-death of Millions!
As Millions of Nightly Red Roses bloom! The Sleep-Opium of Daemoon.
The Death-Opium of Angels! Screech and moan, my dear God!
Trumpet resounds for the sleep-death of God! Rose, to Poppies turn (burn)!
Let the petals of the dead body of gods adorn the cosmic night.
Thy Knotted Coils of the black Hair are thus woven into Eternal Time’s Braids, through
My Word and mine alone! For I am the singer. And thou art the song!
The birth of the poetry when science and art die contently through sacrifice.
Knowledge and wisdom be my martyrs and witness, nay
Be my satyrs and larynx, vibrate with blissful soprano, most sensual!
Sexual! heaving and falling in the voluptuous night-bossom of Earth
So fertile and provident, giving like the rivers, and the notes shall be like albino fishes flow!
Then let me be the Bird that flew down once, and plucked from my feet on the ground
Of all the conquering white worms called fishes and their Time’s royal Mantle of Decay, (what flows does it no more!)
let only
Black mud remain, but as I have washed my talons in the clear stream of thy
Transparent heart; heart, of which sorrow I am the ferocious predator that lashes and cuts!
So I am ready and reasonable now from drinking in too much that bled from thine heart of hearts!
Earthly Destiny of Katabatic Undergoing is undone here, I fly to thine high-hanging eyes in the heaven!
Woman! Thine Twin Orbs of the Twofold Mysteries of Life and Death,
those Orbs of Body and Soul! As they moan and suffocate happily in our nightly Union,
and when Night becomes Day.
Wouldst not thou face be broken and shattered into the innumerable glistening dust particles
And filling the Nighty Sky with the Gloaming Dimness of coming Eternal Twilight.
Wishest thou not the Bird that has come inside and taken up thy Form in amorous coition,
To nestle then for eternity upon the highest-hanging beads of Human’s Eternal Mystery.
The Mystery of Birth and Death, Woman---You!
Woman, I LOVE YOU!
Apollon, my wife.

Alles Vergängliche
Ist nur ein Gleichnis
Das Unzulängliche,
Hier wirds Ereignis;
Das Unbeschreibliche,
Hier ist es getan;
Das Ewig-Weibliche
Zieht uns hinan

