experimental aphorism reflecting on my past education 自分が受けた過去の教育を振り返る

from an early age I have learnt the worst specimen of human impotency, hypocrisy, lack of civil and just spirit, and folly of herd-thinking among my peers and from my most esteemed Cathayan teachers. bullying from peers are a matter of course, my last middle school has more civil attendees, but the teachers are always the ones who bully students without knowing mentally, by instilling into them the fear of destitution from out of employment and threats of self-destruction and shame on the family if they disobey the will of the Party and its economic and political expectations for the newer generation.

that kind of education is undoubtably the most venomous poison to youthful mind. It is no wonder the newer generation has no notable artists or writers save for those turn to Japanese anime or those who turn to internet novels for more health-giving wells of inspirations. I am glad that I spent more of my time reading translated English novels and dropped out of the public Chinese middle school. Although I do regret to have imposed financially and mentally upon my parents by sending me to a Canadian English-speaking high school program in Shanghai, with considerable expenses. Yet I must admit if I were to put up with Chinese education any longer I would either turn wayward and an evil man, which means your everyday racist, xenophobic middle class who think themselves demi-Bourgeoisie, or just another college dropout fortune-grabber, and given my history of neural disorder and depressed mental states, my monomania would probably one day drive me to commit either suicide, patricide or even a regicide that would fail spectacularly before the age of 20.
Imagine my amusement when at the tender age of 10 or 11, having to read aloud during Chinese literature class the vociferous exclamation from our old tribal military governor in 20th century, whom I suppose had become a kind of martyr to our nation's fortune-grasping cause:
"I read for the sake of the rising fortune of our people! for we are poor!"
bombastic and superficially resembling a kind of just way of thinking; but please evaluate this exclamation rightly after learning a bit about our history.
the hidden message behind this yelling is that
"I would not read anymore, if we were rich."
this is the reason all the cities, towns and villages in China are full of greedy fortune-grabbers, but most of them, like migrant workers and office workers, should have been blameless as this is the fault of education not evil inherent in their blood (or, let's pretend to be the devil, is there no Evil in the blood? We yellow spectres). and owing partly to the government's propaganda efforts. they blame all their misfortunes on other races or the ways of the world (ie the Party and its policies), but give them some capital worth and they are happy as larks and drown in the old habit of mental opium, taking wives and breeding children to have fun in life. at the end, there is no proper education, for as soon as one gets rich enough in life, they return to the artless and thoughtless brats they are.
To be fair though, many Americans or those who grow in less economically developed countries share this trait. I do understand the underlying causes, but they would imagine the want and suffering from lack of economic and social justice they have experienced entitles them to invent their own brand of egoistical justice against all other human races and ideals. That "only things they feel good and make them feel good are good".
I met a man once, he was born not rich, and was abused by parents, his thought to criminals or people who did wrong, even those with extenuating circumstances or are victims of similar injustice like him but had to comitt evil acts, are that "they should suffer as much as possible, humiliated and tortured, as long as they are alive. let them burn in hellfire (he probably mentioned a great deal of other hateful ways to treat a person but I forgot all of them), but never killed". Do not try to argue against him that in a justice system when you only return a lost tooth or blinded eye for another tooth or eye, there will be bitter enmity and instability fomenting in the social system, and a pair of lost teeth and blinded eyes, instead of justice. He will simply say "either you are very evil and are trying to bend the meaning of what I say which is the most righteous thing in the world (for I suffered, and therefore i am righteous), or that you are very very stupid."
this is very dangerous way of thinking. Nietzsche criticized it in "genealogy of morals", the slave morality of those underprivileged classes and races. this will be the trigger of some cultural or ethical self-destruction of humanity the history of mankind has not yet seen before if this is not curbed or cured through civic, national or transnational intervention in some way. May there be good antidote to this kind of bitter poison. Humanity, I pray to your potential for your sake. Find some way to cure your sons and daughters who feel like murdering their neighbours to vent their anger and achieve imaginary revenges against injustices done to them by other forces.
 yet I freely admit there are real evils in the world, I am not as naive as I was. but even to those whom are truly evil and all forces in the universe judge them fit fot the gallows or guillotines, after having sending them to capital punishments or their equivalent in other countries or administrative units we must seek bitter medicine. my opinion is that the birth of evil is not the fault of those lesser people or lesser races that should be expunged in collective effort. we all know how this line of thinking would turn out and turn into. 
The ideal that evil can be removed through killing the seeds of evil men, and only allowing good men to breed, is an ancient one. It is an instinct. It is not scientific and not the right way to interpret darwinism at social stage. Human is more complex than genetics as it possesses creative culture and above all overcoming willpower. Evil is not born from lesser genes of lesser races or "evil people". It is only a proof we are not masters of our biological and psychological drives due to a physical illness upon the body and mind. Evil is the product that proves the failure of the whole human race and the flaws of natural order in a chaotic universe. Do not be so naive to think an utopian order and sinless good of the kind of lordless yeomen exist before man turning evil. You should watch Kurosawas seven samurai and the monologue of that samurai near the end about failed and failing Bushido values in preserving good culture in ancient and also modern Japan and the unspeakable cultural illness and impotency due to evil inherent in human nature represented by farmers before samurai class came. Power is not what corrupts, but the lack of absolute power is. we must find power in medicine and education to become masters of our own fate, an imcompotent race always at the verge of surrrnding to nihilism and self destruction, and of this dying universe with its limited resources in store for deliverance from evil.

of course, speaking of culture we also have had a bit of history in which the Chinese race bethinks themselves now little citizen-emperors under the leadership of a new Caeser, and tried to exile, unjustly jail, bring to public shame and maybe drive into suicide those who do not agree with their policies and ideals make them "feel good". this is very tricky territory i will not go into details. but when you see Chinese boors and paupers and their lack of basic etiquette and respect for other difference races and cultures, you are seeing its fruits.

they worshipped the new ideology from Germany by that Jewish prophet. the ideology that tells them to spit on money, for all evil are begotten by the lucre, but make fortune smile on them by doing what money-grabbers do anyway.

Imagine what I feel when I read Oscar Wilde's "Salome".
I wish I were one of the protagonists in Shakespeare's tragedies that are set in Italy or some other fair countries. Not much too Northern and not in England, preferably. in that kind of tragic death I feel there is some meaning and purpose (for the sake of validating some old and noble dying values of dying mankind). but modern men and their idea of noble deaths and tragedies are so naive, misguided and pathetic (too plebian, nay too much like thoughtless herd animals) that I might throw up if they start to yell and shout about gathering under the flag of liberty to fight for human causes again when their aims are obviously fighting against other races and cultures they do not agree with. (for it does not make them feel good and they do not feel good about them). I do not have a penny to my name, was born of the line of fishermen, peasants, migrant workers and my parents are just middle-class citizens in China, but I am a Prince of my own make. Like that good and noble Polish Poet-Philosopher Prince-Free-as-a-Bird, I am called Prince-Foamhawk, regal by my own right; that is to say, I write things from nobility of heart, human heart and by the right of a writer I profess myself to be royalty (of words!)
I am an heir to all the noble spirit of mankind, Son of Man, and Son of Orc, and my only purpose is to protect and further the gains of the fragile Kingdom of human imagination for the sake of Good Thinking.
And yes, my hometown is a dingy and polluted Chinese fishing village so disgusting that the very thought of being buried there if I die brings me tears and nightmares. I think when I die I will feed my carcass to a vulture like Tibetan monks and Zoroastrians. I thought about dropping my body into the ocean and becoming the rainbow-coloured foam like in that fairy tale of Mermaid Princess but the chemistry of material world does not allow that kind of rapid decomposition, and it would pollute our mother Ocean furthermore with human taint. So maybe when I die I should let myself go along to the wind….into the fantastic land of eastern ghosts, earth-spirits and goblins, where all human thoughts are guiltless, and there will be an ogre-judge for that too transient but eternal Human state of imagination----the ogre-judge of Xanadu…the judge of Xanadu's demise, and in it, what justice there is in the Eternity promised to Orient or Eastern Lotus Wonderland.
