
Hight of Summer Poetry-Classic Chinese Poetry by Japanese

Hello everyone ! I'm Koneido I'm Japanese poet who compose classic Chinese poetry .
I think different between eastern and western .
Confucius said " Each human nature is similar ,
but Human habit be different as growing . 
I understand Confucianism as one of "empiricism".  
So, part of Japanese conservative not recognize 
child rights. because Child didn't experience
some matter for become adult. therefore,
Child hasn't rights. But, I opposite this opinion.
So, I think child human rights of learning way to use
based on experience, if you not experience to child ,
child may not learning the way.
Then I not agree the all of Confucianism .
But, I opposite western "universalism"
argument of  Europe and US is very hasty.
Put a blame on this matter, there are people 
who not following the current.
defense to social weak people is matter of great urgency.
But,  don't forget dialog with conservative or people who has 
traditional view of value. If you forget the dialog,
harmony of world be face crisis.
western and eastern , tradition and innovation , 
right and left , liberalism and communism , and 
global north  and global south……
world just in the great divide.
I don't know way to resolve the divide.
But, if you feel friendship with world people thru Kanji culture,
I'm very glad.

「炎暑有患」(Worry in heat)

(Spring is gone and not cool. Hot summer came and sun is shining.
I bought close for sale the dish towel.  close is resource and I worry to
earth enviroment and people live.)

「放言诗」(irresponsible remark) 

(You don't depend your young time to examination.
I don't know relation of cause and effect of hardship and success of life .
Flower is red , mountain is blue ,boy spirit is high. Boy, don't afraid to people
opinion. You don't say child is "treasure of nation". child wisdom higher than 
the heaven. You should watch creation of earth. principle of saints king not 
changed since ancient time.)

「秋扇歌」(song of fan in fall )

(the king not love me still. Tonight you love me first time
I have illness you don't came, I have health you just come
Now you want love me but  it is waste. summer is gone and
I cry fro winter will coming.)

「雨后偶成」(After rain)

(Blue flower after rain like jewel. blooming flower and growing grass is same 
every year. Today heat like melting steel. The bee under eye is issue of earth environment.)

「蝃蝀赋」("Fu" style poetry of rainbow )


(There is Mr. Xi Cun .He didn't serve to office since young hood.
He continue study out of academia.
Some day Mr. Xi Cun pick up one book. That is porno book.
Mr. Xi Cun surprised and abandon it. Go back home and rubbde his chest.
He said "I read dirty book based on my desire. I very ashamed!"
He worry it and become sick . His friend Mr.Hu Zai coming to house of
Mr. Xi Cun for worry him. This day strong rain, but Mr. HuZai  not worry 
rain and worry to his friend. Mr. Hu Zai ask the reason to Mr.Xi Cun .
but, he didn't  respond . Mr. Hu Zai said " your body and hair is legacy
of your parents, so you don't hurt it . Texts of  Confucianism are legacy 
of saints king , so you don't forget it. I know you understand it .
I not you , so I can't know the reason. I not bird , so I can't hear 
all of your suit .If you close the reason you be suffering yourself.
you hurt the heart  and  burn your body , it may not stop.
Please you open the reason of sick and disclose the regrets to to me "
Mr.Xi Cun said "Yes" . He said  "eating and drinking and sexual matter 
has great desire. therefore, people should tidy sexual moral
based on song of "二南er nan "(classic Chinese ethical poetry)
People should avoid confusion of sexual moral base on song of
" 郑卫Zheng Wei"(classic Chinese in-moral poetry).
"汉广Han Guang"(ethical poetry)is paragon , and 
 "狡童Jiao Tong"( in-moral poetry) is admonition.
people shouldn't talk about lewd matter.
I read dirty book basde on my desire , I very ashamed!"
Mr. HuZai heard it ,  laughing and said" You should know 
principle of yin and yang. Heaven and earth join essence  
themselves and create the matter. Male and Female 
put  power of yin and yang themselves together and 
bare the child. Human has the heart. it's very valuable. 
I heard " Human heart is dangerous and ethical heart is
be apt close." Human should remove the desire and
following heaven principle. But, I think human heart has 
heaven principle as well as has human desire.
Then people of world always worry some matter.
But rather than human has dignity and it can't invade.
Mr. Xi Cun sigh , and not talk. rain was stop and  
Rainbow on the heaven. they didn't point it.

(*Rainbow appear by rain and sun. In the ancient China,There is poetry that compose the rainbow appear by rain=female & sun=male.  The poetry said "Rainbow appear in the east , ethical person not point it" Because It make feel sexual image.)


(One evening heavy shower is came.
Heat in my quiet life is stop. My life is so not bad.
I talk about politic worry.)


(Good saying not adopted. eloquence person be famous and 
world is confuse. The virtue appear since ancient one by one ,
and people injured it one by one. teachings of Confucius and Mencius  
wasn't heard. War age king was not adopted it. the first Emperor of  
Qin dynasty doing book burning. Remonstration of Qu Yuan and Jia Yi 
not heard. mad king not adopted it , Then they agony. )
