
Picking the card [No.1]; What perspective should the person who is in front of the three cards have at present?

 *This note is just English version for Japanese one ( https://note.com/kikokikokiko/n/n853b5ff8f1dd) as just my fun.

 Something like fate has brought oracle cards here, so I tried shuffling it.

Feeling innocence somehow...

 It's good to be innocent. To begin with, oracle cards are...

 In Wikipedia Japanese version, "ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/オラクルカード", I checked that oracle cards were something like the below.
 Oracle cards are often used as something to give "messages to yourself in the present," and are often used for self-caring, "to remind you of things you have forgotten," or "to keep you from worrying too much on your own".

 The cards are used for fortune-telling sometimes, but I wondered if it could be used as the essence of objectivity or inspiration, then unexpectedly came up with like a test.
 Perhaps, the reason why I came up with like that might be that I have been thinking lately about the potential of objectivity when I wanted to be facing other directions different from ones I was facing in terms of "considering".

 Now, here is the animal oracle card, where 68 kinds of lovely creatures (cards), are supposed to give me messages.

 First, pick three cards from all cards, then pick a card up in the three cards. Second, record the creatures on the card by hand. (*The original card is very nice and majestic.)

Hmm (same as the top image)... Time to shuffle cards: about 1 minute.

The message's theme is as follows; 

 What perspective should the person who is in front of the three cards have at present?

[Note about the three cards]
 If you are reading this note, you can pick the card from the three cards.
 There is a guide book in the oracle cards. The book has messages from each creatures. So about the rest cards that I do not pick also, I write down the words that impress me from the messages in the book, and also what my mind gets based on the messages, etc., like a book report.

Did you pick the cards in your mind?
It is time to turn over the cards…


Reverse position *The card came out upside down, so I read the message for that.

35 Koala Spirit
“Spirit has a plan.”

(コレット・バロン=リード 2020, p. 140)

 In the No.35 card, the message shows something like the below.
 There is no safety zone, everything is temporary, and the external situation is always changing. You seem too cautious and slow to act. Try to work on yourself, you will gradually regain your energy and be able to go out with excitement. Be kind to yourself.

=>I felt that if taking action, things would improve. The card said, "Spirit has a plan." I imagined a koala drawing a blueprint for me to turn my feelings around, and my facial expression softened.
 I picked this one. I felt the message from a koala was a little bit harsh. I am compelled to act anything cautiously and slowly because considering the social situation in the recent unnormal daily life etc.. (I tried to be kind to myself. However I act slowly in many cases to begin with :D ) Nevertheless, thanks to the fact that the situation is constantly changing and nothing stays the same, so we can believe that the current social situation will change to get better. I read this card and looked back my life while wondering if being too cautious. So I made a phone call to one organization that might be able to change my present situation. It took some courage. My work did not really progress in the conversation, but I was surrounded by good people, including the person who talking with me via calling, and I felt better for having called. I will try to keep this attitude for a while longer.


Upright position

57 Squirrel Spirit
“Believe in yourself.”

(コレット・バロン=リード 2020, p. 201)

In the No.57 card, the message shows something like the below.
You have accumulated wisdom and experience, and you have everything you need. You will continue to be blessed in abundance. The acorn will grow into a great tree. Your wishes will continue to come true, so stay relaxed. You are diligent and you have wisdom and power. Believe in yourself that you are full of potential.

=>A picture that a squirrel was gathering acorns, and the behavior would give birth to a big tree eventually came to my mind. I might have seen actual squirrels that were also absorbed in eating while eating. I felt that the hard work of the person who picked this card in the mind would be appreciated, and more importantly, that the person would have something that the person could admit to oneself. In this card, it was written that you had everything you need, so I felt something like that.


Upright position

27 Fox Spirit
“Think on your feet.”

(コレット・バロン=リード 2020, p. 116)

In the No.27 card, the message shows something like the below.
Make a decision right now. The Spirit of the Fox will help you to make quick decisions. You have good judgment and intelligence, so the situation will improve. Now, don't hesitate to turn your head and think flexibly. Think of different ways to get the situation right, and be clear about what you want to create. You are a wise person.

=>I felt like it is a good time for the person who picked this card in the mind to make a decision. It occurred to me that a baby, for example, cannot suddenly "get on a bus," so must be taught and learn various things before then, and then be able to get on a bus - gradually gaining experience and becoming able to do something. I felt that when it was a nice time for us to decide something is when we had enough judgment and intelligence to take the next step, therefore, I felt that you are someone who has worked diligently so far to fully incorporate these into yourself.

-- Postscript --
 I set the topic as "what perspective should the person who is in front of the three cards have at present?" but I didn't write that it would be good to have a particular perspective. Instead, I just wrote what I felt in a kind of vague way. That gave me more freedom and a sense of clarity when I wrote it. 
 In psychology, there is a saying that if you treat yourself well, others will also treat you well, based on the fact that others treat you as you treat yourself. And, for example, I have learned that people who are strict to themselves should treat themselves as treating others - that is, it is good that they should treat themselves with the same care and respect that they give to others. Also, when considering the possibility that other people would pick the card that I picked and changed some words for myself, I felt that I might be conscious that I treat myself as I treat others. It was a new discovery and I was excited to see what it could do for me.

Works cited *There is also an English version for the below, but I referenced the Japanese versions as below.
コレット・バロン=リード、ジーナ・デラグロッタグリア、長井 千寿
. 2020. 『スピリットアニマルオラクル (日本語版説明書付) 2020年改定版 (オラクルカードシリーズ)』. 株式会社JMA・アソシエイツ(ライトワークス)

