I think I grew the most when I laughed and cried. Society is a bit in turmoil right now, but the day will come when it will be fine.
When I discover a risk, I report it immediately. The risk often becomes apparent three to six months later.
The seeds of human potential are born in a comfortable place. It depends on the person, but a proper sense of tension is necessary.
The perception that salespeople are hard and office workers are not is incorrect. You should advise your supervisor to adjust your workload.
If the boss makes his subordinates properly aware of the division of roles and their value, he can prevent divisions caused by friction.
Operational efficiency can improve the quality of operations, improve human relations, and prevent bankruptcy in the black.
Even the toughest bosses can be weak from time to time. That's when I come in. Helping each other on an equal footing energizes us all.
No.2:最近…流れに従うのもありかと。 ビジネスの仕組み構築の更なる重要性を感じます。 日本市場はカテゴライズが優先され過ぎる。 世の中は、提供者・社が沢山います。 どのような趣旨で、End userに何を届けるのか →これが大事ですね。 単なる「つぶやき」にて失礼(苦笑)